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It's getting god awful here in the states.......


Professor Organic Psychology
I have been everywhere in search of this peace.

The places where the law is not in charge organized crime is in charge.

The root of the problem is human behavior, not location.


Game Bred
I like it here...
Good food,good herb,good liquor and fun shit to do.
Id like less government nannying but for the most part I wouldnt change anything else.
Of course government nannying puts money in my pockets from time to time.

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
Maybe if you are in the backwoods it would be ok....no cellphone or computer....grow your own food so that they can't trick you into eating their GMO and franken-food poison.

Me,I prefer to live in a country that might be a little (or actually a lot) backwards, and that hasn't gotten up to speed with all the latest "spy on ya" gadgetry.Where most folks live on the veggies they grow,and know every edible plant and leaf that grows here.

The continual doggone sunshine will drive ya batty tho if you come from a cooler climate.My mood actually goes through the roof when it is overcast and cool...which is rare.

If it rains...well...life is good.:biggrin:


Active member
Its an interesting thread and one im very interested in. Unfortunately the State (in the US, Europe especially) is taking on more paternalistic laws. The idea , as in the US in the 60s,70s of communitarian or hippy communes, would probably be illegal or bulldozed now. Although I dont live on a commune (I used to squat when I was a student ha ha) it is worrying that people who wish to live an alternative life are hounded. This is off topic slightly but it obviously leads to the next question: where is civil society a lot freer? I dont know as I have not travelled extensively. Thailand seemed pretty free to me but not sure. Huligun's post is on the money; there is a trade off between 'State' and 'Criminality' to some extent (unless you are a romantic Anarchist of course and ,who knows, maybe thats possible.
Is that free community still going in Denmark or has it been closed,cant remember the name now? I think drugs were 'legal' there but they had problems with organised crime encroaching. Having said all this I still think you can find a small space, perhaps Alaska, Cambodia, where land is still cheap and make a life of it....


Professor Organic Psychology
Power and control is always there. When it is vacated by any means it creates a vacuum. In Russia you had Czars running the country in a backwards and archaic feudal system. The Czars were overthrown by the communist and life became worse for your average man, it was hopeless. After the fall of Communism you had the mob take over. The mob was always there, but the fall of communism created a vacuum.

The only answer is to find peace within your own skin. Enjoy your life to the best of your ability and do not take on a fight you cannot win. Enjoy the small steps that make life more bearable and ignore those that make you feel you are going backward. One day you will be worm food and none of this mierda will matter any more.


Active member
South America? I'm thining Ecuador though. Nowhere in the northern hemisphere anyway. Times running out for the lower half of the world too.


Gene Mangler
Wherever I'm living, I'll be avoiding the creeping featurism like the plague.

Learned the concept decades ago programming & it has worked miracles in all areas I have applied it too since.

Live simpler & you'll be happier...period! :tiphat:

a .50 for drone control ain't a bad idea either tho...


Kiss My Ring
i fell into the rabbit hole. it was deeper and darker than anticipated and frankly i wasn't prepared.
now that i'm in the light i'm running like a fricking cockroach looking for that place to escape notice...

unless you have means (career, savings) you'll never celebrate egress.

sorry, just an opinion.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
i fell into the rabbit hole. it was deeper and darker than anticipated and frankly i wasn't prepared.
now that i'm in the light i'm running like a fricking cockroach looking for that place to escape notice...

unless you have means (career, savings) you'll never celebrate egress.

sorry, just an opinion.

I have some cash & a desirable piece of commercial property that I own mortgage free, fairly liquid I imagine I could make tracks if I found the right destination.

I figured you'd have a plan B squirreled away somewhere rider, I know you're not crazy about the way things are run here, any fantasy destinations that intrigue you?


Kiss My Ring
sorry stoner.
the way usa has become the school bully i don't imagine there is any place left that isn't already fucked up. perhaps if the dollar collapses as the world currency and we no longer maintain the status quo you could find refuge...as long as the usa wasn't the cause of their problems.
i had visions of remaining and throwing wrenches. i know that isn't the smartest plan and more likely the most detrimental to personal health and welfare, but goddamn they pissed me off.
i'm sure they will discover i'm not alone.

i would consider some south american countries doable...venezuela,uraguay, paraguay, but i would want to shed the american bit.

in your case bro, evaluate healthcare options...older don't always mean better.


ICMag Donor
Find and buy a copy of How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne. Worth every penny of premium you'll probably have to give for it.



I guess if all us icmag people pool our money we could afford to purchase our own island ..I hear that Johnny depp has one for sale... no shit. Come on icmag send me the startup money!!!!

lost in a sea

there is no "freedom" outside, you may find it within.. i say run towards your problems and smash them to pieces and have some honour, some spine.. time we stop backing down and hiding.. that needs to be the new definition of a human, not what they want..

these people abusing us are going to pay..