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It's getting god awful here in the states.......


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
so I'm wondering where are you all moving to?

or where would you like to move to?

where can somebody go & not be fucked with, not governed?

no more threats of secretive unlawful imprisonment. nobody implanting microchips in your body. nobody controlling the weather. nobody chlorinating & fluoridating our water. no one to tell you what/where we can eat, drink or smoke. no more secret internment camps. no threats of drone strikes. did I miss something???

sure I did.
an honest, open & approachable government, where?

just curious, where would you go?


Sadly i think that western society has fucked up most of the "free" world . South America seems to be quite progressive lately. I keep an eye on countries like Uruguay. Your are not alone, I think the whole of North America is tired of over regulation. People getting out to vote would help. People are so sick of the system they ignore it. This perpetuates the cycle insanity. Anyway, good luck in your search for a sane refuge and please let us know if you find it! Peace - Dr Freedom


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor


I hear the hash is pretty good there too.
Personal freedom is inverse to community security. Imagine a world where there was no government, and we had a totally free market for all goods and services. How long before some pissed off human decides to build a few nukes (or worse) and lob them at less desirable humans?

Besides, personal responsibility is possible in united states. Research things like, free man on the land, sovereign (not sovereign citizen!), universal commercial code, etc. There are some interesting videos of courtroom antics on this matter!

Frankly, I am not sure any country in the world would be willing/able to improve my quality of life without expecting more from me in return. I will stay here until there is a better offer.

Slip Kid

There's a little spot way up in NE Canada called Labrador.You can do whatever you want and no one cares one bit.It is however, damme cold! I will agree the states are going crazy.I have no idea whats going on anymore.I used to but I was a young man, now at 45 I'll be damned if I know what's happening to us.

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
I'd agree with South America if it were me and I didn't have to consider anyone else.I'm in SE Asia living in my wife's country.If my fortunes were to change,I would be looking at Ecuador or Peru or maybe even Bolivia or something similar.I know someone in Uruguay who just loves it there,so that is a consideration also.

BTW.The reasons you posted are the very reasons I cut out S4L.I have no real desire to return either.Not as long as the majority is content to roll over anyway.

SOF is right as well.Western government has the world pretty twisted up,so it is hard to find a country that isn't "beholden" in one way or another.


I'd move to where you are m8.Well where the sun always is!
Suns a tonic.Effects of an elixer imo !?
TBH anywhere in the states would do me !:)
EVEN the Yukon,[nokuy],bearing sea area looks good esp when you think of the $ gained from Crab Fishing

Recently watched weed country epi 6
EVERYTIME im in awe of the terrific climate/scenary!
[Much space too.]

(Weed country = outdoor grows in N.California."Emmerald triangle")


Labrador is probably a good bet if you don't mind cold, but our insane Canada wide mandatory minimum laws still apply there. On the upside you could heat with your 1000 watters! just get some flip boxes and your set...24 hour heat.

Slip Kid

I knew a guy who escaped America to live on a remote NE Newfoundland coast.He freaked out and was burning books for heat.He was a lazy bastard though, he bought a house on the sea for $600 I swear it.The beach was covered with logs but he'd sit there in the cold smoking cigs and freezing.He said he was the freest man alive excepting the cigs and he never had weed, maybe a bit of hash...

How to achieve freedom in 3 easy steps.

1. Stop caring about whether you live or die.

2. Stop caring about laws/rule, do whatever you want whenever you want.

3. Deal with the cards you're dealt and if the situation gets too fucked up ( Cops ram down your door ), get killed, gain positive karma and start over.


Active member
south east asia

south east asia

on a tropical island walkin the beach, is best ive found 7 yrs now ,yeah south america maybe.
its heavy if you get busted here not so easy to buy out anymore.
smokin burmese hash right now.!A


Well-known member
:snap out of it::angrymod: Snap out of it S4L.

There is no escape or any place to go, it's only gonna get worse, deal with it!:tiphat:

There are 3 problems, and #1 is DEMOCRACY. It's an ideal that many people worldwide look up to and aspire to as a way to solve all their problems.

But democracy requires that we elect a certain number of politicians to represent us - and they do this by creating and passing laws.

.... more and more laws on top of the laws we already have, like a snowball going downhill.

... and soon enough, everything in the USA (or countries headed in that direction) will be regulated.

Problem #2 is CAPITALISM (materialism and greed), everyone is attracted too and wants bright shinny things and will do what it takes to get them!

..... which brings us to problem #3, PEOPLE (population growth) - the world is filling up fast, we all want things, are self-centered and frequently don't treat each other well at all!

So let's face it - we need to be regulated so the majority can thrive and prosper...... and any place in this world that is currently unregulated will be headed in that direction soon enough.

Really, the only thing to do is roll up another fatty and escape to (or from!) the inside of your head.:):joint:

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
Human Settlement on Mars in 2023
Mars One is a not-for-profit organization that will take humanity to Mars in 2023, to establish the foundation of a permanent settlement from which we will prosper, learn, and grow. Before the first crew lands, Mars One will have established a habitable, sustainable settlement designed to receive astronauts every two years. To accomplish this, Mars One has developed a precise, realistic plan based entirely upon existing technologies. It is both economically and logistically feasible, in motion through the integration of existing suppliers and experts in space exploration.
We invite you to participate in this journey, by sharing our vision with your friends, by supporting our effort and, perhaps, by becoming the next Mars astronaut yourself.


Well-known member
I'll be staying here for The Show Of A Lifetime.
It'll be grand.
If I were to go ,It would be Peru for me.


Active member
I'd go anywhere I can take a k9. As long a s a k9 is safe and healthy is good for humans....a.serious lol!!!!

I am still waiting for my massive space ship, so I can be the subversive jerk!!!!

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