What's new

It's Febuary 2012.


Active member
On cable or a major network, there is at least one prime time Gardening show.

The US has deployed and used the Predator drone on certain cartel strongholds in Mexico

AA, NA, and numerous self help groups report a dramatic decrease in attendance. Many addicts claim that if the world is still around on 12-22-12 they will get back on the horse.

Seemingly every day there will be some 2012 themed tv show on.

Retail stores will market and package 2012 as if it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

It's fun to play the prediction game.

What else would you add to the list?

Should be fun a year from now, when this thread is bumped, to see how close we were.


To Have More ... Desire Less
maybe I'm bakes............BUT.....I don't get IT.............

Yeah I understand 12/12/12.........but ...............f00k it i'm just lost


Active member
I was just wonder, a year from now, what you think will be happening in the world.

I'm sorry for my lack of clarity.


It's Febuary 2012.

Weather men predict rain with a 60% chance of snow followed by a brief black ice warning.

Rioting breaks out at book shops as angry people try to return their doomsday books.

The entire population of Icmag congratulates themselves and each other on still being alive and all reach the same conclusion that the reason the world did not end was due to the awesomeness of cannabis.

Some where a tree will fall and nobody will hear it..it will make a sound and it will make the sound of a tree falling, many will be shocked.

My dogs will poop.


Every breath you take might be your last... Ive had a pretty good run, if I died today I wouldn't regret a fucking thing... Why worry? Fuck it we are all destined to die, nothing we do will stop that!!! :comfort: So live everyday as your last one, it just might be...
Thinking about 2012 is just a simple process of breaking down the possibility of certain events occuring within that timeframe...

For example, the fall of the dollar (completely, possible adoption of a new currency or global currency) - what would this mean? at first, robberies skyrocket, riots, possible militia coming out of the cracks, martial law, restore of 'order', and possibly a more evil government/dictatorship.

Or, a major natural disaster. Could give 'em a prime excuse to ship us to FEMA camps or to install a dictatorship as the toll of the disaster is so large (millions killed)..

Or, no false flag terrorist attacks, no disasters, we cleanly somehow maintain on the dollar and we just continue down a wave of more corruption from law enforcement, more restrictions on freedoms, etc.

There's a CHANCE things can look better, but at some point it ALL has to fall. It's time for a major change in social history and not just locally - globally. The revolutions and protests in other countries are just a sign of what's to come IMHO.


Active member
I don't intend this to be another "2012" thread.
But regardless of belief, many will try to make mad $ off of this 2012 thing.
I want to test the wisdom of the masses.
If enough people respond, one year from now, we will look back and see that we got many predictions right spot on.


February 2012
Watson is hosting the Teen tournament on Jeopardy.

CARE giver

Sour Bubble Connoisseur
Just thought I'd let everyone know the truth.

First of all 2012 isn't then end of the world. But alot of people/creatures will die.

Sun rays will hit the earth. The New World Order will save 500k people. And some others may live. I will be one of them :).

And I have no predictions.


Active member
one year from now...

I predict American will be surprizingly slimer, for some reason.


More states will have labor conflicts, like what is happening in Wisconsin and Ohio.

The middle East , it could go many ways.

Watson like super computers will be showing up more and more in the Media/pop culture/

The DEA will find at least 3 more plant/spice/house hold items to scare the crap out of parents in order to increase their budget.


Active member
Fuck 2012 doomsday prophecies. Tired of that unfounded fear based bs.

I guess we will see next year huh ? haha suckaaaasssssss. I'm livin' it up in 2011, you should too !



just more fear, civil unrest,riots and finger pointing on who,s to blame
whilst we are all killing each other off.

But of that day and hour knoweth no [man], no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.




Well to get back to this year, heres something that might blow your guys minds.

Take the age that you will be this year and add it to the last two digits of the year you were born. It will equal 111. And this is the same for EVERYONE on the planet.

Pretty trippy, kinda strange how everyones calculations end up being 111, not sure what it means, buts its cool.


Kiss My Ring
electric cars are the rave, but still cost to operate as opposed to hydrogen power.
obama is crushed in reelection bid.
NWO(disguised as NATO) reveals computer chip credit/debit accounts for global use.
Monsanto rations seed distributions, condemning millions to starvation.
Pope gets arrested on child molestation charges, denied bail.
Cannabis prohibition questioned...panel assembled to answer why.
Germany now owns the NYSE.
Banks are taking first-born children as down payments.
3rd dimension reduced to 2.


It's Febuary 2012.

Weather men predict rain with a 60% chance of snow followed by a brief black ice warning.

Rioting breaks out at book shops as angry people try to return their doomsday books.

The entire population of Icmag congratulates themselves and each other on still being alive and all reach the same conclusion that the reason the world did not end was due to the awesomeness of cannabis.

Some where a tree will fall and nobody will hear it..it will make a sound and it will make the sound of a tree falling, many will be shocked.

My dogs will poop.

HOLY CRAP!!! I honestly think that's the best reply I have ever read on these boards.