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It's a Sad Day for Stoners Everywhere.



I like my candy lol..

Oh....I have a MAJOR sweeth tooth. A pint (hell who am I kidding...it could be a quart!) of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream doesn't stand a chance around me. LOL! That's why I have to avoid it. Seriously, I tell Seamaiden that if she's gonna have ice cream, she needs to hide it from me. **grin**

I know my weakness. LOL!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I've read on Yahoo that Twinkie production will continue for now. I tried an inferior local off brand today and they sucked. I haven't had an actual Twinkie in 15-16 yrs easy, maybe 20 years, that stuff just isn't on my radar.......



Genetic Resource Management
Sounds like the judge in the case loves twinkies too; he's ordered arbitration/mediation to try to save the jobs of the 18,000 bakery workers...


The reason Twinkies last so long is they are not food. Insects and mold won't even touch them. Do you know what that white "creme" is in the middle? It's lard. What's lard? Pig fat!
So when you eat anything with white creme in it, you are eating pig fat with sugar.

Where I come from people eat lard sandwiches,highest rate of heart disease in Europe,yuk,


Sounds like the judge in the case loves twinkies too; he's ordered arbitration/mediation to try to save the jobs of the 18,000 bakery workers...
This whole going out of business thing may just be a big ruse by hostess to settle the strike without having to give the workers anything.

Workers strike, hostess says, well, now we're going out of business, I hope you're happy.
Workers believe it, and start to panic at the prospect of having no job at all, and after a week of thinking they are screwed, hostess then says they maybe able to work something out, and stay open, but everyone will have to take pay cuts.
So now instead of having any of their demands met, they return to work for less money, and are just happy to have a job at all.

Sounds like a good way to crush a strike without giving in to anything to me.

Blue Socks

^The reasons why America is plagued with obesity, diabetes and illness.

If that isn't enough reason not to eat that shit I don't know what is.

Well I'm not saying making it a part of your daily diet, but once in a while for a treat is perfectly fine. I don't eat Little Debbie everyday, hell I can't even remember the last time I had any kind of snack cake, but when the mood strikes me, usually after copious amounts of cannabis lol, I'll have an oatmeal cream pie and that shit always tastes good. But of course in excess, eating those are not a good or healthy part of a normal diet. If someone is eating Hostess or Little Debbie everyday then I feel real sorry for them cause they are definitely going to have some health problems from that


Active member
No more wonder bread?


No more Hydrogenated brain/body cloggers?


Company inventory being bought out and re-made by other companies.... bleah! Whatever.

What most people aren't aware is that a large number of these products have addictive chemicals in them. Never knew this until I went to quit eating all processed foods. Took nearly a year to wean ourselves off of hydrogenated and synthetic stuff in regular foods, let alone the straight up junk.

Good riddance, says I. If you're upset, it's only because your education is lacking some seriously relevant information... you can fix that. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Well I'm not saying making it a part of your daily diet, but once in a while for a treat is perfectly fine. I don't eat Little Debbie everyday, hell I can't even remember the last time I had any kind of snack cake, but when the mood strikes me, usually after copious amounts of cannabis lol, I'll have an oatmeal cream pie and that shit always tastes good. But of course in excess, eating those are not a good or healthy part of a normal diet. If someone is eating Hostess or Little Debbie everyday then I feel real sorry for them cause they are definitely going to have some health problems from that

Agreed. That being said though, I've started looking at what consumers put down on their conveyors at the grocery store check out line. You can tell a lot about a person by the foodstuff(s) that they buy. It's quite disturbing what many Americans are eating for meals today.

Blue Socks

Agreed. That being said though, I've started looking at what consumers put down on their conveyors at the grocery store check out line. You can tell a lot about a person by the foodstuff(s) that they buy. It's quite disturbing what many Americans are eating for meals today.

Agreed. It's so sad to see morbidly obese people with carts filled with cases of diet soda, salty chips, and sugary junk foods. I see it all the time and like you said you just stand there shaking your head thinking "how can you be doing that to yourself?"

Personally I think some of them are majorly depressed and for them eating is their way to cope with it. But the eating is what's making them look that way and be depressed so it's a vicious cycle.

All things in moderation is pretty much the key to it


actually marrow is one of the most nutritious parts.

Good riddance, says I. If you're upset, it's only because your education is lacking some seriously relevant information... you can fix that. :D

i have a college education, and i exercise and for the most part eat whole and organically grown foods.

but im young, and my metabolism is fast because i maintain myself. therefore, i am able to enjoy these foods without much reprocussion.

so rather than anonymously click and find your post unhelpful i will say this. that statement is pure ignorance, anyone who has comments on health and obeseity in relation to these foods lacks the willpower to control the portions they eat, or is referring to others with the same issue. education is practically free amd limitless in its potential these days. anything in excess will cause problems.

we lost a classic snack foods company started by americans and operated by americans. 18,000 lost their jobs. im sorry but there is a lot of ignorance in this thread disguised as "good ridance to shit food".


Lover of Life