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Italian Government #1 Spy - Vodaphone


Active member
Vodaphone has released information about governments spying on their own citizens. Governments have direct access to these telecom networks and don't even need to ask permission. It's as easy as flipping a switch!

In Europe, Italy is the worst country for spying. In 2013, there were 600,000+ requests for metadata and 140,000+ requests for content. Both figures are many times more than other countries. They claim it is likely due to ongoing investigations into the mafia.

Kudos to Vodaphone for being the First telecom company to report the true extent of government spying on phone/internet networks.

Vodaphone states that the other telcos also have enabled governments to spy on their networks directly, without any authorization by courts necessary.


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Sons of a ..... i'm Italian and i have Vodafone!!!So they can spy also my navigation in internet?


Active member
Well it might also be because Italy uses Vodaphone more than other carriers. I don't have the breakdown on telco penetration in each country.

How you navigate the Internet is contained in metadata. If you use Vodaphone for Internet access, then yes, it's possible for them to access browsing metadata.

However, most requests are usually of a timely nature. Which means an active investigation is already underway and they need to find that person's physical location.

The worst part is they will go and investigate people's contacts too. So a lot of innocent ppl end up in the data.

But remember this, the data is always interpreted by a REAL PERSON. So it's very labor intensive to search, and they usually only do it for important investigations, like mafiosa, terrorism, etc. However the volume of data that Italy is collecting is far more than other countries collect, and I doubt they can even sort thru it all except for the most wanted criminals.

You Italians need to get on top of the government surveillance and rein in those spies! How fascist of Italy!


Dov'è la novità? Tutti spiano tutti nel 2014,se non vuoi essere spiato....prendi e te ne vai nel bel mezzo del canada o nel borneo o nella jungla amazzonica,senza cellulare,senza nulla,ma forse anche cosi i satelliti spia ti vedono o sbaglio? Alla fine facciano quello che gli pare,se non fai male a nessuno no problem.
Spiare...mmmhhh mi ricorda qualcosa di recente.


Active member
Based on data from 2010, Telecom Italia holds the largest share of the market with 36.9% of the market, followed by Vodafone Italia with 28.4%, WIND with 23.6% and 3 Italia (a subsidiary of Hutchison Whampoa LTD) with 11%

So Vodaphone is only #2 in Italy. Let's see if Telecom Italia will release the #s of requests from gov't spies.
Thanks for the information, I fear I do not even protect you .. why? Have never peddled are not a criminal and I have always paid taxes and fines if they did bother me .. will have a delinquent in school in Italy. ., and I can not understand why it is legal to sell seeds and grow it for personal use no .. I'm valleys understand more ....:chin:


Andinismo Hierbatero
worry not Skip, Italia may be spying tons and keeping tons of info, but it will be Italian public office workers going through the info, reducing any risk due to not giving a fuck or just plain old inefficiency.

and homero is still the most beautiful italian on icmag, if I had a daughter, I'd give her hand for marriage to homero.


Bombadil, true words about our country, but how it hurts! Well, it's nice for us, italians growers on the web; but this is another hole in our system...
Fascism never leaved Italy!


Andinismo Hierbatero
Bombadil, true words about our country, but how it hurts! Well, it's nice for us, italians growers on the web; but this is another hole in our system...
Fascism never leaved Italy!

it always hurts to see how screwed up one's society is, but it is better to see the truth than to fool oneself thinking it's all good.

same happens in South America; for us it hurts to see the reality of how corrupt and lazy people generally are, but that's the way it is, sadly.

I grew up amongst many Italians, all we did was play Calcio and eat like little pigs :D how happy we were.



New member
that's what i thought after the story i'm about to tell you, and I live in Italy!
Not many years ago I was carring several pounds a week in my car and still had an old cellphone, no internet, no 3g, just phone calls and normal messages.
By the time I bought a new cellphone android I got caught just few months later, luckly I had just a couple of gr with me so they couldn't do much and with the help of my legal I managed not to get a shakedown at my home.
Since then, I just started growing on my own and never bring with me nothing.
that's so sad but it's the truth.
The nice thing is that until they don't catch you with something in your hands, they can't do sh*t .
But the Idea of being spied isn't that much of comfort.
Italy is a bit of a mess for laws and yet worst for the people who should make respect those laws.
Give a man or a woman a suit to wear , and they feel like gods on earth.
At least here were I live


Stai Zitto Tano...

Stai Zitto Tano...

Nooo non mi riuppare questo thread che sennò mi bannano di nuovo :biggrin:
Homerooo a distanza di tempo mi son rifatto una grassa grossa risata