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It passed, VA legal on July 1.......


New member
Legal to posses in public 1 ounce of cannabis.............. Over an once up to 1 pound = $25 fine

Legal to grow up to 4 plant inside or out( with restrictions for outdoor ) .... No mention in bill how much is allowed to kept at home.

So stoked about this! I now lice in a state where I can start growing again without fear of prison time!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yea man and the way things are looking we might get licensing within the next year instead of within the next three years. Really exciting times to be a VA resident.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
I just read all the details concerning the new VA. laws which go into effect on July 1st...

Who the fuck are the people that sit around and makes up all this stupid shit???

2 examples: Go to jail if you bring an ounce of weed into Virginia on vacation..

.......... Taxes, when it goes on sale will be 21%... this is in addition to the current 6% state sales tax..
..........and localities can add on another 3% tax for themselves...


Still Learning
I thought the subject line was about the Veterans Administration (VA).:jump: BUT! wrong again. :tumbleweed: Good for you Virginia..
Good points Bud: Scum money grabbin' politicians.:nanana:


Comfortably numb!
I just read all the details concerning the new VA. laws which go into effect on July 1st...

Who the fuck are the people that sit around and makes up all this stupid shit???

2 examples: Go to jail if you bring an ounce of weed into Virginia on vacation..

.......... Taxes, when it goes on sale will be 21%... this is in addition to the current 6% state sales tax..
..........and localities can add on another 3% tax for themselves...



Well-known member
allowed 4 plants per household, not per person as i first was led to believe. still, that is less than 2 miles from my house. got a buddy owns a home and acreage there (but also lives here in TN), might be looking into renting from him.


Well-known member
today is the day! gonna pick up my lone surviving pot-smoking buddy from high school & cross the state line for our first legally smoked joint. gonna be bitter-sweet, thinking about all of those that didn't make it ...


New member
today is the day! gonna pick up my lone surviving pot-smoking buddy from high school & cross the state line for our first legally smoked joint. gonna be bitter-sweet, thinking about all of those that didn't make it ...

Sacrifice is the result of any war. The end result is what matters! Honor the ones that paid the price by smoking that joint and putting some beans in the "dirt". I am mid 50"s,been toking since 14/15. Hard to believe after 40 years I can finally walk into a "store" (I have med card) and buy hash (or a cart, or edibles... soon flower) with no repercussions. I can grow my own with no repercussions. Fantabulous time to be a Virginia resident!


Well-known member
in spite of it being legal to grow/possess now in VA, i still have questions. there is no way to legally get seeds/clones to grow your 4 allowed plants. even if you dot all of the Is and cross all of the Ts, have your plants tagged as required etc, hidden from public view...if the police check up on you and ask "where did you get your starts from?" WTF can you say that does not incriminate you somehow? or are they just gonna ignore that now that the shit is legal? hmmm...


Don't answer...you don't have to talk to the cops and if they are already in your backyard looking at plants, they aren't there for that...