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It is CHRISTMAS, not anything else

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I am sick of people calling something, by another name, just because it may offend someone else

The something I speak of, is called Christmas. Why do people feel the need to change the name, into Happy Holidays, or another washed out greeting

I remember hearing a news story from a couple years ago, that a few stores had changed the names of their Christmas trees to "miracle trees" or "holiday trees":xmastree:

This is a Christian Holiday, not to be confused with Ramadan or any other holiday that takes place at this time.

If you live in an area that is predominately Christian, then you should expect Christian Holidays will take place. You are welcome to participate, but you cannot ask for changes. If we went to your area, would we expect you to change the name of your special events for us?

so I am calling out anyone who does this.

If you are a CEO, and contemplating something like this. I say : Grow a fkn set and use them!

If you are a politician, start representing your majority!

And if you are a supporter of Christmas, then speak your mind. Obviously do not force it on people that are obviously not Christian, but do not say happy holidays anymore.

Merry Fucking Christmas


I say happy holidays because it spans the time of thanksgiving to new years, and I have no clue nor do I give a shit what someone celebrates, it makes it easier to tell someone happy holidays without thinking, "did I just wish a Jew Merry Christmas?" Feels assumptive to think everyone around me celebrates Christmas, why would that be the case? If I know for sure I say Merry Christmas!

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Among most families today, the true meaning of Christmas has long been forgotten. Or at least ignored. How many kids actually understand it's the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Now all most kids know is Santa, reindeer and presents. People = Shit.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I say happy holidays because it spans the time of thanksgiving to new years, and I have no clue nor do I give a shit what someone celebrates, it makes it easier to tell someone happy holidays without thinking, "did I just wish a Jew Merry Christmas?" Feels assumptive to think everyone around me celebrates Christmas, why would that be the case? If I know for sure I say Merry Christmas!

If I run into an obviously muslim person, I would most likely say Happy Holidays, but for regular "Canadians" I run into, they always get Merry Christmas

I have been wearing a Santa hat everywhere I go, for the last two weeks, there is no getting around what I am here for:xmasnut:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Among most families today, the true meaning of Christmas has long been forgotten. Or at least ignored. How many kids actually understand it's the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Now all most kids know is Santa, reindeer and presents. People=shit.

Christmas for me is not anything about Jesus.

It is about family, it is the one time every year i do get to spend significant time with my entire family.

The presents I could care less, they are nice, but not needed

All I need is my family and a feast, and I am happy

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Christmas for me is not anything about Jesus.

This is what I'm talking about, few celebrate the TRUE, meaning of Christmas. So who cares how we announce it.
No argue, I'm not christian. Nor do I believe in God. Jesus was a carpenter and prophet, mot magician.
I'm just making a point. You know, devil's advocate! :sasmokin:


Active member
Happy Kwanza!!!!!!!!
Talk about stupid holidays, lets all start making up our own stupid subculture holidays, and make them last for like 10 days.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
We call it festivus in our house. It takes away the christian part of it as we are not christians but love giving presents to our grandchildren and each other :)
Its a festivus for the rest of us .... Hope you dont mind :)


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Tax collector.
Evil soldier.
Whore.(oldest profession)


Active member
Christmas was a Pagan winter celebration which was changed to celebrate the birth of Jesus even though he was born sometime in June or July. These things change over time the same way words change meaning over time. Whatever people do at the present time would be considered the correct celebration. I mean we are speaking english and it isn't the original language but no one complains it has lost it's originality.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Among most families today, the true meaning of Christmas has long been forgotten. Or at least ignored. How many kids actually understand it's the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Now all most kids know is Santa, reindeer and presents. People = Shit.
I'm not a religious person so my Christmas is all about Santa, kids, friends & family. I know the day is used to celebrate the Jsis message of peace, love & goodwill to your fellow man. I will always wish one a Merry Christmas.



We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Can't believe I missed that. When you think about what was available back then it does make you kind of thankful.

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Christmas was a Pagan winter celebration which was changed to celebrate the birth of Jesus even though he was born sometime in June or July. These things change over time the same way words change meaning over time. Whatever people do at the present time would be considered the correct celebration. I mean we are speaking english and it isn't the original language but no one complains it has lost it's originality.

The pagan celebration you are referring to is 'Saturnalia', celebrating the winter solstice. DEC. 17-25 was when the celebration was held.
Christmas is derived from this but a different entity, I believe. There was nothing Christian about the Saturnalia. Christians re-named it Christmas, stating it would recognize Dec. 25 as the birth of Jesus. Back then the church was LAW.
Christmas may have derived from Saturnalia, but it's CLEARLY not the same message, or celebration.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You guys don't even remember the true meaning of Christmas anyway!

You've got it all wrong. Santamus is the celebration of when Santa was born to deliver gifts to all the children. Indeed this is a hefty task to be born into, so God saw fit to bless Santa with twelve deerciples.... but only after he passed the bar.

Every year Santa and his deerciples fly into the sky spewing forth tons of free toys and cookies to all the little girls and boys in the world to remind them that if you wait things will come to you, and sometimes stuff's free.

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