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It is called decorum

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Active member
Let's see how much decorum the left has when Trump picks a 2nd supreme court justice. I am already hearing about the end of the world for the left. Oh no, leftist may lose the right to kill children. It's so uncivilized to expect people who conceive a child, to actually raise those children. It's so uncivilized to call a bundle of cells a life.


Well-known member

Lol, France?

For one the woman don't shave. Lol

2. No freedom of speech.
3. No right to bear arms.
4. They are basically the USA's puppet.
5. They speak French. :biggrin:
6. Well they did have to join the EU.
7. They surrendered to the Nazis.

That's just off the top of my head. I do love French toast and French fries though. :biggrin: French kissing is pretty cool too. Lol


Active member
...i have to admit that i haven't wasted much time watching these anti-Trump threads this last week because i have instead been basking in the glory and all the winning America is experiencing under maybe the greatest president in our history.

...it is also delicious watching all the liberal heads in media exploding, lol.

...it's also very frustrating trying to reason with the indoctrinated that are so high on the koolaid that they don't recognize reality, it's just not worth the effort.

...let them all stand around stamping their feet and holding their breath until they realize nobody is listening except other libtards, lol.


peace, bozi


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
Isn't that the country with a legit Nazi colony long after WW2, that worked closely with the Argentinian government?? Oh, yes they are. :laughing:

Do I need to look more into their laws and government corruption? I know I will find more than what I know off the top of my head.

No, it´s the country where thousends of democrats was killed by the military Regime in the 70s and early 80s.:tiphat:


Well-known member
No, it´s the country where thousends of democrats was killed by the military Regime in the 70s and early 80s.:tiphat:

There was also a Nazi colony in Argentina and Chile, plenty of information out there.



ICMag Donor

France? Jeesh I hope to go to Paris at the end of January to see a famous pianist from Russia who plays Chopin like nobody else on earth. I have a daughter who lives in Paris :)

And I DO plan to eat as much as humanly possible. That place looks like it's a different planet when it comes to great food! Woo hoo!

I'll bring a couple of wind of Pax birds home with me. The big question is can I score some weed from the bellman at at really good hotel?

And I would like to rent a car and visit Normandy...........out of respect.

You were saying about France?


I will consider the closed thread a tribute to half our country (the women) out protesting in pussy hats.

The only citizens on this planet more spoiled, pampered, and catered to are western women, especially American women. There is NO group more selfish, ignorant, or completely unreasonable than the American woman, and they should be scorned, instead of catered to in this nation.

Regardless, women are NOT the problem, as it's weak, cowardly men that don't have the integrity to tell them NO or the courage to bend them over and spank their ass like a child when they throw a tantrum like a child.


France? Jeesh I hope to go to Paris at the end of January to see a famous pianist from Russia who plays Chopin like nobody else on earth. I have a daughter who lives in Paris :)

And I DO plan to eat as much as humanly possible. That place looks like it's a different planet when it comes to great food! Woo hoo!

I'll bring a couple of wind of Pax birds home with me. The big question is can I score some weed from the bellman at at really good hotel?

And I would like to rent a car and visit Normandy...........out of respect.

You were saying about France?

fly into amsterdam and stock up on good hash,
its not far by train to paris


ICMag Donor
France? Jeesh I hope to go to Paris at the end of January to see a famous pianist from Russia who plays Chopin like nobody else on earth. I have a daughter who lives in Paris :)

And I would like to rent a car and visit Normandy...........out of respect.

You were saying about France?

Paris is really awesome. I wouldn't risk the weed. Bastogne is pretty cool too if you're into it. A bit of research on the Atlantic Wall will add to what you see on the coast. When driving, remember that often little streets coming in from the right have priority.

moose eater

Only in a blinded-by-nationalism light can the rights asserted to exist in the United States be regarded as un-infringed.

Freedom of speech? You mean behind cyclone fencing or concertina wire, miles from the point at which the 'speech' is directed? Or the gathering of data by unknown numbers of alphabet soup agencies for offenses as minute as writing a controversial opinion piece to the editor? or perhaps the gathering of library reading and subscription materials under Section 215 of the USA (Un)Patriot Act?

Right to bear arms.. Except when ordered by a law enforcement officer, upon contact, to surrender said arms, for 'purposes of securing the safety of the officer," regardless of whether any actual threat was introduced by the bearer of said arms. Not to mention the wiggle room in the decision by the SCOTUS re. bearing arms as an individual right.

Freedom of movement? You mean the 64 questions any time you wish to cross an imaginary line that the Earth was not created with?

I've crossed from Denmark back into Northern Germany, Pre-EU, by boat, when the German Customs had gone home for dinner, leaving the doors to the office, entrance and exit, propped open with a note, announcing that they were at dinner, and to transition on our own. Now THAT was freedom of movement!!

Rights of Assembly? Fees for assembly or parades anyone? And the right of the issuing authority to decline the request.

Maybe we could discuss the U.S. and other govs. being in a position to grant authority to sue them? Pretty cushy arrangement for folks who violate their own treaties and laws selectively, seemingly willy-nilly.

Sorry, but I've never been blinded by flags, birth places, or anthems. Nor leaders touting dime-store 'charisma.' I like to look at what I'm really being served, not what the menu said. There's often a huge difference.

And no one has responded to the reality that many of the mega-corporations that cried loudly about the unfair taxes they paid, were in fact the greatest abusers where off-shore accounts were/are concerned, and often pay ZERO in federal corporate tax. But they cry professional grade crocodile tears when it comes to fleecing the public. They're well honed in this regard.

There's rhetoric, and bullshit; often one and the same. Then there's reality. And it easily defies the bullshit test.

And what would be less humane? A country that imprisons high-risk women who are pregnant until they give birth, due to risks of having sought an abortion, with them chained to gurneys in labor, as has literally been done to pregnant women serving their time for drug crimes (I've met and spoken with their families), or providing safe access to abortion for those who seek them? Which ugly truth shall we subscribe to? Because we are likely to subscribe to one or the other in this argument.

Laws carry enforcement, most of the time.

Yes, I've lived in a foreign country, and traveled in numerous others, and each has their own benefits... and detriments.

Me? I'd prefer NOT to have my tax dollars go to $800 toilet seats on C-17 troop transport planes, in kick-back contracts that lack prosecution because the standards for such quid pro quo bribery literally requires there be concrete evidence of the arrangements, and circumstantial evidence doesn't float in that arena, per the laws written by the very Mo'fo's who most routinely violate them.. from both sides of the aisle..

And in the Country touting 'One person, one vote," I'm GODDAMNED tired of having a British oil company have greater access to my State and Federal representatives than I do.

And how about unprosecuted fraud on/by Wall St.? Anyone? The folks who, regardless of party in power, seem to have their folks in the cabinets with their thumbs on the scales, whether D or R. -Iceland- had bigger nuts than we did in that regard. And many can't even locate Iceland on a map!

Carry on....
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