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ISTOP docs signing for pain


Active member
ive been going to istop now at cambie and 41st for 4 years to deal with my pain. med man and i both refererd a ton of people to see them for treatment. turns out one of the people asked for a sig and a authorization to produce and they did. a small appointment fee and membership to istop is all that is needed. they are a non profit society helping the community with revolutionary pain treatment. and im sure if you decided to go for monthly visits that they will oblige you to use natural medicine as a form of your therapy, as most of us do anyway.

i was very surprised as ive never considered them for a application before, d


Ive had the Istop treatment done before and I also have to agree with you and suggest others to try it, well worth it! But not all that perform Istop are Dr.'s

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
Thnx D I will be making a app. next time Im out ur way, sounds like a treatment could really help my legs......


Know any category B patients who've had success? I could look into it if it's promising.

Regretfully all the doctors around here fear the colleges of physicians and surgeons and say that signing for medical marijuana is frowned upon or that the college teaches them that it gives you cancer. This has been my major roadblock.

Stupid fucking doctors... they'll give me an unlimited amount of pain killers without batting an eye lash, but they nearly have a heart attack when I try talking to them about medical marijuana.


Active member
yes, one of their main clientel is for fm. ive been refering those afflicted for years, whether they've gone or not i dont know, d

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
so they are non profit is that for training doctors or is their treatment on the house also?

I guess if it's to see a doctor it's covered under msp


Active member
its not accupuncture, its intramuscular stimulation. imvho it puts accu to shame. the treatments are in house, and they train and have classes there as well. dr gunn has some of the highest homours from the quenn and our government for being our top citizen for pioneering this treatment. d

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