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ISO Old Homegrower Stories


New member
Hey Fellow Oldheads,
You may have picked up on the fact that during this process of legalization the US and elsewhere is going through, states are prohibiting citizens from home growing. Without the right to grow your own, all legal weed may well end up being corporate business model bud, profit driven and factory farmed. Not that prohibition era growers may care much, but it's a big deal in a "people vs money" way.

I'm producing a podcast focussing on amplifying the voice of home growers. One segment I'm calling "A Hero's Journey," a short one-voice interview relating the story of a home grower, how they started, what they like and don't, what their special connection may be.
If you'd like to be a part, please visit the project's page at thecitizengrower.com and express interest on the Contact page


The Revolution

Active member
I could really get behind this. This is my worst fear as they "legalize" they take away anyones right to grow the plant for their damn selves. The only law I would b happy with is one containing the patients rights to grow his/her own medicine. Its ludacris.


Active member
If they legalize and dont allow for home growing they might as well keep it illegal. I mean many of us have been chugging right a long for decades regardless of legal status so who really cares, fuck'em.


Well until recently it's been illegal for anyone to grow and as Fire said many people have been growing despite the prohibition. Even though as a med user it is legal for me to grow right now we are always at the mercy of the men in suits and things could always change at any minute. If you love growing enough you will continue doing it in spite of the risks.


Active member
I personally think that "no grow" policy, supported by our "advocates ;/" like MPP, has ALWAYS been a total bullshit, government controlling, moneyed interest thing. And will fail shortly after the cops try to bust a few mom and pops just growing for themselves and are busted anyway. Then the prosecutors and judges and media will complain about what a huge waste of resource that stupid law is while there are things like mass murderers and a few other things that need real attention. But that's our government. SSDD. And what ever any government, nor anyone else says, me and MOST people will still grow there own.

It's all a huge bullshit idea. And just another example that the government is crazy.

That is my input for this podcast idea. And I'm afraid I think you might find, MOST stoners have also found it is way easier, and better for their lives overall, just to be the silent majority and do whatever they want anyway, without all the senseless bitching and getting upset. Anonymity is a good thing in this issue. Complaining also basically doing exactly the same thing the government is doing, but taking the opposite position. Our political system (FAIL) already does that. At some point you realize it's just not worth it. The politicians are always going to legislate crazy-ass shit. When they fix this unenforceable futile policy/law, it'll just be something else they legislate, and some other futility.

But, that's just MY old curmudgeon, experienced, OPINION. :biggrin:


Fuck em.... ive been growin cannabis longer than its been legal if they tell me i cant i will do it again....and raise my prices.
Id quite frankly rather be illeagle and not have to worry about corporations ruining everything.
Its the wave of the future.....
Shotty weed plants grown by the thousands in huge mismanaged warehouses by people who could care less about the plant and only care about how many grams they have to sell of their poorly grown chemically drenched trash. Oh an dont forget to make sure to eliminate anyone who is actually good at it because theyve been convicted for cultivation....lmfao you cant grow because you got caught growing....lmfao
Go legalization!


When will all of us silly stoners realize pot isnt being legalized for us! Its being legalized so corporations can get their piece of the pie an so government can tax it. Its all about the money not rights.
Id personallt rather watch my dealers family do well than watch some corporate douchbag buy another jet or helicopter or use the cash to pay off crooked politicians and city employees while the regular people who work for them starve on slave wages.


Senior Member
I grew in the South where it is highly illegal. I'm prepared. :)

"Legalization" is anything but. Grow your own forever and always.


Small farms for profit like mine will be a thing of the past. Been growing on a small mid sized scale for many years. Think it will be one of my last years growing in Oregon. Big industrial plots are coming on scene and nobody wants my smoke anymore. Been harder and harder to get rid of. I am a hell of a farmer just not much of a salesman. Last year I sold to a processor/distributor and realized if I don't seriously step up my game on a commercial scale it wont be worth it. Every household is allowed four plants for recreational use here in Oregon now, so there is no reason someone with a greenthumb cant produce it for himself. Grow more than 4 and you have to pay taxes. I pay taxes on all the weed now produced in my garden.


Been growing since the early 70's, before the Nixon "war on drugs"! I will never, repete never give up growing. Never bought much, but got rid of a bit. This "legislation" is purely a ploy for
"Pharma" and "Government "! When reclassified to a schedule 2, It will be MORE restrictive and steeper penalty's for those who go agsinst the system. You MUST purchase for the regulated source! Governments argument is," if we(the government) are giving you access to this LEGALLY, then if you go against us, WE WILL BUST YOUR ASS! Think im kidding? Go look at " Interstate Commerce Laws" ! Does not matter if you found the seed on your property, grew it there, consumed it there. If you get caught with it, this is the federal crime you will be charged with! Once this is a "Viable Medicine" and companies like "GW Pharma" has a patent on the cannabinoids, you are FUCKED! PLEASE READ THE NEW PROPOSED FEDERAL LAWS proposed pertaining to this. Right now the pubic sentiment has turned the governments veiw of how to regulate the masses(us!). This is there new concept. Do you really think the government is going to give up the revenue that "crime" brings to them? Hell no! Iwhos going to fill all the prisons? Buy all the new LEO toys? US THATS WHO! Dont be fooled by a wolf in sheeps clothing! Not the first time the government has deceived us(USA)!


Active member
Urban dictionary.
I=In S=Search O=Of

For all us idiots over 30.

God, I wish I wasn't stupid.

Brot's are yummo. So, you like being used as a commodity by our gubment. Is that what you are saying here? :biggrin:

You too can be a star. Sign up now!


if it smells like fish
and I thought it was about old school iso extraction stories....yeehaw....I have grown everywhere I have lived regardless of laws..