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ISO Hash Question ?


Since the alcohol gets the trim wet anyway can i use my fresh cut trim or do i still need it to dry out first ?

Also i know it will take longer to evaporate but can i use 70% iso instead of the 91%

Thanks in advance fellas


Isopropanol is an aggressive solvent when extracting cannabis oils, quick washes at very low temperatures will give you the best Iso extracts.
I would try and find 99%, 70% is not suitable for extracting. If you use fresh plant material make sure its frozen. Get your equipment and Iso as cold as possible before extracting.


Thanks mid

I will wait till i get the 91 or 99%

I can get the 91% at the store up the road but i will have to order the 99%


Active member
As long as it's for topicals... go for it. 99% is definitely the least amount of water to remove when you're done.

Personally... I won't ingest anything processed with Iso. BLEAH!

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Ok i got some 91%

Do yall think it would be ok to use my 160 bubble bag instead of a coffee filter ?

160 is not fine enough. I would use a wire pasta strainer for the first quick drain and then a coffee filter to take out the fines.


I feel nothing and it feels great
if someone were to use a bubble bag for filtering

what micron size would be the best?

i think my coffee filters are rated like 5micron or something


pit wisper/ rare strain collector
hey grey when you strain throug a fine strainer then to a coffee filter,the goodness doesnt get cought in the coffee filter? can the liquid crystals make it throught it? im allways worried when i look at the filter and theres some stuff in there that could pass as extract.......just dont wanna be straing all the good stuff out......
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
hey grey when you strain throug a fine strainer then to a coffee filter,the goodness doesnt get cought in the coffee filter? can the liquid crystals make it throught it? im allways worried when i look at the filter and theres some stuff in there that could pass as extract.......just dont wanna be straing all the good stuff out......

The resin isn't in crystaline form, it is fully dissolved in the solvent and passes readily through it. Only solids are left behind on the filter surface.

You can salvage the oil that the filter soaks up, by rewashing it in fresh solvent. We usually save ours and do them all at once, to make topicals.


pit wisper/ rare strain collector
thank you again buddie, your know how is priceless......

i allways thought i was straining all the good stuff in the coffee filter.......


Active member
What is wrong is ingesting Iso hash?

Iso is NOT good for the body and the difference between iso and ethanol, health wise, is worth the extra bucks a gallon. Can you get 190 Everclear?

Even purged iso-oil makes my throat raw after a few days. Also, for someone as sensitive to taste/smell like I am... it always has an 'iso/hash' taste to it. I used to think that was just what hash tasted like... until I pressed my own the first time. LOL

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Blue Socks

My iso is the consistency and color of beach sand. I don't have oil until I put flame to it and it melts down. I don't notice any alcohol taste to it, just a hashy taste. No doubt bubble or sifted will taste better but if you don't have bags or a large amount to sift what other way is there to make hash? I only use a few small buds at a time but I usually get a nice return washed in maybe 1/4 cup of iso. Like I said I let it air out for 48 hours and when I go to collect it it's not wet or oily it's dry and powdery. I usually sprinkle it on bowls of herb and it turns to oil and melts when it's lit. But your'e saying it's bad for me? How bad like life threatening or just slightly? I can't really find anything on here that says why it's bad just people saying it is so if anyone knows a reason why we shouldn't ever use iso to make small amounts of hash I'd really appreciate hearing that. Thanks


Active member
Ethanol works just as well. No need to change anything you're doing but the alcohol you're using.

For occasional use... iso probably doesn't bother the body tooo much. Someone like myself that medicates 24/7... iso is not such a great idea.

Take a whiff of hot ethanol fumes sometime and it's kinda harsh. Take a whiff of hot iso fumes and your nasal membranes will become weak and be prone to bleeding for a week or so. Iso is not labeled 'food-safe' (for good reason) and ethanol is... as far as labeling issues go.

Sam the Skunkman has tested more oil and hash than we'll all ever probably see... none of it processed with iso has ever come out negative for iso. None.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Blue Socks

What does that mean "winterize"? I always store my hash in the freezer, I figured if there was any leftover iso in it it would freeze out but maybe not? Is that winterizing?

Hydro dude, now I get what you're saying. So I should just use everclear to wash the buds and skip the iso and use the same process. Makes sense now, I don't know why I couldn't get that before. I'll have to go see about getting a bottle of EC, hopefully it won't set me back $50 or something. One good thing about 99% iso i can get three bottles for 5.00 and it lasts me months. Still though sounds much healthier to use the grain liquor instead of iso so I'll give it a shot regardless of the cost. Thanks for the advice


Active member
I live where things are not cheap. Half gallon of Everclear 190 is about $30 here.

Yes... you're going to pay more. Your body and liver will thank you. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

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