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Is weed spiritually good for you?


Active member
I'm sitting here reading your wise replies people when i hear my cat is meow-ing, so I get up and search every room, the cat still meowing somewhere... i dont know where she is! so i check my tiny lil laundry room, turns out my silly cat jumped in there an hour ago!



Active member
Infinitesimal [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Clsi0HGSu0&feature=related said:
Bashar![/url]<--click it

He's a Real Multidimensional Being From Another Planet Summoned Through The Body of This Guy!!!end sarcasm.

that was a good 'tube :tiphat:
Smoking pot allows me to be aware of my spiritual nature.
Growing pot has strengthened my relationship with God and opened my eyes to the world.


Active member
I dont know if weed is spiritually good for YOU... I do know that of all the drugs ive done, it is the least "BAD" for MY soul.
I think that weed can be abused and if abused its not probably too good for the soul, but it wont take your soul the way heroin and crack can.
I believe in evil because I have seen shooting parlors/crack houses with infant children crying. I know people who have murdered others human beings in a drug induced psychosis and I guess if i believe in evil I have to believe in its opposite... right??
I guess what iam saying is that for me cannabis is a fairly benign substance... does god approve or disapprove? I dont give a fuck. until he/she/it communicates with me directely I will continue to follow what my soul tells me... As that is my only real link with anything spiritual. does it feel good to my heart/soul?
just rambling but I think that this is a very personal question. for me, weed is probably ok, I almost never feel like it is a negative thing in my life or my soul but i spent ten years being an iv drug user.... so I mayb a little desensitized to drugs in general.
as with anything spiritual its personal...
I love taking my first hit of the day of a nice diesel just as the sun as setting and just going for a ride, letting my thoughts just roll... u know?
how could that be so wrong??


Active member
4. Things are either of God or of Satan...there is no in between. Things in this world are black and white - grey areas do not exist. ALL things good are of God ... ALL things bad are of Satan. There is NO hierarchy of sin. ALL sin is just that - sin. It is all detestable -it is all the same. Murder the same as a white lie. Theft the same as rape. Greed the same as wasting away and doing nothing.

With all due respect to you and your beliefs dankfrank, I just cant seem to get down with this part of christianity.... I mean really??? its just as wrong to lie to my gf about stopping at the bar omw home as it is to rape and kill her whole family?
That doesnt mesh with what my soul tells me, its not the first time ive heard it though (if i remember correctely jesus says its the same sin to think about commiting adultery as it is to actually commit adultery) and it is one of the main reasons I cannot consider myself a christian.

jesus said alot of really beautiful/wise things but this part... makes no sense to me. my two cents (i could be wrong and spend eternity in hellfire,lol) good day bro
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Active member
this thread got a amazing vibe, i found most answers i was looking for, thanks everyone for posting :)


May your race always be in your favor
Spirituality can not be defined by one person for another, although they sure try to. Everyone has to arrive at their own spirituality. The problem I have with any organized religion is the our way is the only way. Each one is right in their opinion, well who says that one belief is more correct or more spiritual than any other. Thats the problem with religion my way or the highway.
In the end we won't really find out if it all true or not until you reach the end of your trip here on Earth.

Om Mani Padme Om says it all.
smoking some types of cannabis takes all negativaty away from my soul and I'm left feeling happy and contented... and fills me with positive, non judgemental attitude that is good for me and good for every other life form


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Spirituality can not be defined by one person for another, although they sure try to. Everyone has to arrive at their own spirituality. The problem I have with any organized religion is the our way is the only way. Each one is right in their opinion, well who says that one belief is more correct or more spiritual than any other. Thats the problem with religion my way or the highway.
In the end we won't really find out if it all true or not until you reach the end of your trip here on Earth.

Om Mani Padme Om says it all.

I agree, the biggest problem with most religions is that they all pretty much say they each are all the only true religion and yet they are all fundementally the same just with relatively minor differences. Or perhaps more correctly they all claim to be talking about the one God of creation and yet each see him slightly differently. How could this be though? If there is in fact one true God and he wanted us to have his written word enough to inspire the various books claiming to be the written word of God (Bible, Book of Mormon, Koran, The Torah) and to have religions that he gave authority to individuals to create them, then why on earth would he have them all different and claiming to be the only one?

The irony of it to me is that the story of Christ teaches that Christ forewarned of this saying "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many". Yet nobody seems to Consider this when talking about the various Churches that have popped up over the years. All claiming to be the one true Church. A study of the origins of these Churches however reveals that each were started by individuals some claiming to be following God's orders some not. A number of Christian Churches came into being simply because of different opinions of what certain scriptures meant. Further if you study how these "scriptures" came into being there it gets even more confusing. Many believe the writings, the scrolls that the books of the bible came from, were the results of God directly inspiring individuals to write his word in some sort of Godly form of dictation. Fact is those scrolls were the work of a particular group of jewish monks who felt the need to gather a collection of stories they felt depicted God's will for men. For example a civilization existed thousands of years before those scrolls were written. In a time of a King of the same general region whose name was Gilgamesh. One of the earliest known writings of man is the epic of Gilgamesh.


Which is told in the form of 12 ancient tablets describing various stories and experiences of Gilgamesh. Being that writtings were in the form of tablets and such they mostly spread around by word of mouth and people retelling the stories to others. On tablet eleven Gilgamesh encounters a man called Utnapishtim who survived a "Great Flood" and was made immortal by God. When Gilgamesh asked how he was immortal, since he seemed no different then Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim told him his tale of the flood.

Tablet eleven

Gilgamesh observes that Utnapishtim seems no different from himself, and asks him how he obtained his immortality. Utnapishtim explains that the gods decided to send a great flood. To save Utnapishtim the god Ea told him to build a boat. He gave him precise dimensions, and it was sealed with pitch and bitumen. His entire family went aboard, together with his craftsmen and "all the animals of the field". A violent storm then arose which caused the terrified gods to retreat to the heavens. Ishtar lamented the wholesale destruction of humanity, and the other gods wept beside her. The storm lasted six days and nights, after which "all the human beings turned to clay". Utnapishtim weeps when he sees the destruction. His boat lodges on a mountain, and he releases a dove, a swallow, and a raven. When the raven fails to return, he opens the ark and frees its inhabitants. Utnapishtim offers a sacrifice to the gods, who smell the sweet savor and gather around. Ishtar vows that just as she will never forget the brilliant necklace that hangs around her neck, she will always remember this time. When Enlil arrives, angry that there are survivors, she condemns him for instigating the flood. Ea also castigates him for sending a disproportionate punishment. Enlil blesses Utnapishtim and his wife, and rewards them with eternal life. This account matches the flood story that concludes the Epic of Atrahasis (see also Gilgamesh flood myth).

This story as you can see is remarkably similar to the story of Noah yet it predates Noah by quite a few years. Interestingly enough geolgically there is no evidence of a "Great Flood" at the time described by Noah but there is evidence of the one described by the time referenced by the Epic of Gilgamesh. It is believed that the Monks who wrote the dead sea scrolls may have heard a variation of the "Great Flood" story and recorded it so differently because the story had been so distorted in the retelling of it over thousands of years and many generations.

Add to that the bible was thousands of years later translated to english first by King Henry the VIII who Commissioned Myles Coverdale who used other translations of the dead sea scrolls rather then translate the original scrolls. Then a short while King James retranslated it and that version (a translation of a translation of a translation of stories retold and handed down over many generations) became the most commonly accepted version because of the power of the Church to proclaim it as the only authorized version and advances in printing that made it more possible for individuals to have and read the bible.

What I'm getting at though is if God did in fact want us to have his written word and one religion then why not just make that happen in a way that undisputable? Like for example his word carved on a mountain side where anyone can go to see it and know that it must have come from God because of it's location? I mean if the God of these ancient writings and religions is the God of creation surely he had the power to give us his written word and authorized religion in ways that are impossible to disput?

The Mormon religion is even more ironic and fantastical in my opinion because there you have a young man who created it (Joseph Smith) because he noticed that the popular religions of the time taught basically the same things and yet all claimed to be the one true religion. Supposedly he then went into a field to meditate and pray for a long period of time (not sure if it was hours or days) during which God and Christ came to him in a vision and instructed him to ignore all the religions because they were all false and then led him through other visitations and visions to create yet another "one true church" That's the ironic part. The fantastical part is the Book of Mormon supposedly is a translation of ancient gold tablets found buried somewhere in the upstate New York region I believe. That were supposedly a rocord of a branch of the one of the tribes of Israel that supposedly were led to South America under God's direction hundreds of years before Christ and that eventually migrated up to North America. Although he was no scholar and grew up on a farm Joseph Smith was able to translate these Gold plates because one of it's authors who appeared to him as an angel and led him to the plates and gave him the ability to translate them even though they were written in what Smith refered to as revised Egyptian. Unfortunately there is no evidence of this because supposedly Smith had to give the gold plates back to the angel after he translated them.


To top it all of it seems remarkable to me that all these Churches claim to be the one true Church of Christianity yet when one reads the story of Christ it would appear that Christ himself had a rather poor opinion of the established Churches and essentially taught that the one true Church is within each and every one of us.


Active member
Christ/Buddha/Krishna/whatever-consciousness is what the major religions SHOULD teach yet they leave it hanging and you won't achieve it by kneeling to your "forgiving" GOD or praying to Jesus or whatever.
It's all in YOU, YOU have to eliminate satan (the dark aspects of YOUR mind/conscience).


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Cannabis was a tool that at the right time under the right circumstances helped me wake up to my spiritual self. I made a few choice post in DJ forum because it just was the right place to go. The sacred geometry and secret flower of life.

More specifically the kali most pheno i had at the time, had a very spiritual high to it and at the was the catalyst that was needed. The kali just seemed to turn my crown chakra to full on. The moments were so intense i could actually feel the onenees of all that is, as my frequency began to raise. Every one lifes paths and experiences will different. Good luck with finding the way down the path of your own.

"Most religious people can't discern the difference between religion and spirituality. Theres spirituality in religion but there's no religion in spirituality"
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I was born with brain that doesn't quite work the way most other's do. Cannabis helped those neurons make those first connections so I could find my true self.


See the world through a puff of smoke
There are varieties which gives you the spiritual feeling, mainly some of the sativa's, although indica varieties are used by Sufi people in countries like Afghanistan, Persia, India, Pakistan for spiritual purposes.

Keep on growing :)

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