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Is ventilation important??


Active member
Air movement makes the plant stronger... other than that, can I leave a plant for its 6 hour dark cycle in a grow room with no air coming or going?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
You may find that the room gets very humid which could encourage condensation or mould, so watch out for that - especially as the buds get bigger.
Plants also respire during the dark so no new air is not ideal, but you will probably get away with it. Avoiding a big temperature drop will help.


Lost in a SOG

You mostly need air movement to break the leaf boundary layer so they can transpire efficiently and photosynthesise/eat..


Active member
What mostly means? Air at night or Not recommended

Sorry I'm a bit slow this morning

Also apart from CO2 and temperature control any need for ventilation during the day??


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Personally, I recommend 24/7 ventilation and I love low humidity. Air movement decreases the chances of mold spores germinating, HEPA filtered intakes makes cannabis which tastes like cannabis, and not 'burnt stuff.' :D

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
I use passive intakes, 2 each in the flower and veg box, 4" square.


Standard HVAC vent filter material, four weeks before and after.

The takeaway is filter your intake.


Well-known member
Glad to see someone is filtering air.
I use constant in/out ventilation, filtering the passive intake. Inside also constant ventilation to mix the air, nothing more.
Filters get nasty after a full cycle so would definitely recomend filtering the intake.



Autistic Diplomat in Training
Need high volume HEPA filtration? Build a simple plenum box, then use the high-micron furnace filters at around $20 each. You can build one for a 25x25 filter and pull through it with an 8" fan. I haven't run a 12" yet, but it should work. You can feel only medium air-flow through a 25"x25" furnace filter on an 8" fan. :)


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Plants use mechanical energy from wind to produce electricity, we discovered this recently and still don't know exactly why...

...and plants don't get covered from dust so easily, even outdoor.


Well-known member
I don't use ac, but go w/ 3 exchanges a minute. Several years ago I ran into power mildew. A filtered intake has been a blessing for me.

Have not (knock on wood) had anymore random infestation since I added the filtration.

Was left wondering how often spider mites etc ride in on a fly, moth etc.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Plants use mechanical energy from wind to produce electricity, we discovered this recently and still don't know exactly why...
Awesome! I did not know this. :D

...and plants don't get covered from dust so easily, even outdoor.
As someone who can taste and feel fabric softener oils at 15 feet away, (from double fabric softener clothes) I almost completely disagree with this statement. There's a massive difference in quality between most indoor/outdoor cannabis and HEPA filtered cannabis. ;) Granted, there are a few areas where nature has very little bear and mouse dander, dried bird feces, bark and leaf bits and other debris in the air. You should see all the stuff you find in 'clean' rocky mountain air. lol As far as I'm aware, none of it tastes great when burned and it definitely does not contribute to a clean off-white ash. ;)

If you add the word "visibly" to your sentence, I agree 100%. "plants don't get visibly covered from dust so easily, even outdoor."

Use a peroxide wash and clean water rinse on your outdoor or un-filtered indoor sometime. You'll be shocked at how much you cannot see is coming off in the wash and rinse water. I can taste and feel it being burnt, I don't have to see it. :D


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Douglas it was not against any of your statement or of anybody else...it's just an observation. Living plants have some mechanism to get rid of dust more then simple rain, not like a simple rock or a piece of metal. My 2cents are that it has something to do with static electricity or some other forms...and it doesn't mean an HEPA filter is a bad thing at all ;)


I don't use ac, but go w/ 3 exchanges a minute. Several years ago I ran into power mildew. A filtered intake has been a blessing for me.

Have not (knock on wood) had anymore random infestation since I added the filtration.

Was left wondering how often spider mites etc ride in on a fly, moth etc.


Not only are plants using static electricity, but so are the mites.
Notice at end of article it says also SPIDER MITES.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Douglas it was not against any of your statement or of anybody else...it's just an observation. Living plants have some mechanism to get rid of dust more then simple rain, not like a simple rock or a piece of metal. My 2cents are that it has something to do with static electricity or some other forms...and it doesn't mean an HEPA filter is a bad thing at all ;)
My statement is also an observation designed to spark awareness. Those who have grown with and without HEPA will tell you the same thing about quality differences I am. The down side is only a small percent of the population of growers use filtered air.

This means the majority of cannabis users have no idea what it's like to burn clean cannabis. It's like drinking real espresso for the first time. After that first cup, there's no going to places like Starbucks for it. One is amazing, the other (you now know after sampling quality) is pretty gross.

When you combine non-filtration with the airflow rates I use (3x/minute), you're going to get a lot of build up you can't see with the naked eye. Use a 100x scope and start picking out particle bits on your flowers.

The same goes for outdoor. Even if you're spraying your plants down every day, you're going to have dirty rinse water at harvest time. If you're actually washing and rinsing at harvest time.

This is cannabis. :)


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the explanation :tiphat: I'm ok also with normal old outdoor weed...and if I find an insect in it...I'll smoke it too and I'm still ok...but the topic here is about ventilation in a vegetative setup.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
the topic here is about ventilation in a vegetative setup.
Yes, as is my input on the subject. If you're growing indoor, yes you want a lot of ventilation, and you'll want it to be filtered air.

You'll get healthier plants and significantly fewer issues from outside contamination. :D You'll find the quality difference yourself. lol

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Many small cabinet/tent set ups draw intake from the
ambient/surrounding area. Few employ a lung room, lol

If your ambient/surrounding area is dusty,
or has carpet
or has cooking odors
or pet dander/hair
or male pollen
or aerosol/pump spray residue
or a clothes hamper
or a plate of leftover food
or houseplants in dirt
or commercial home pesticides,

Then filter your intake to decrease the potential for air born contamination.

We all have smoked bud of questionable origins, bud is bud.

Filtered ventilation is the sign of a careful, thoughtful grow.


Active member
Is ventilation important? Is that a real question? I thought some things about growing were obvious, no questions asked. If you haven't been using proper ventilation and you got away with it, you were lucky and your time is coming. Sooner or later you will be opening up some moldy buds.


Even in a sealed room air exchanges are important, I exchange the volume of the room 4x\24 hours. Filters in and out, and supplemental CO2 supplied via propane burner.