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Is this weed safe to smoke? And, I need to pour out my heart to you guys also...



I don't know who Yummybud is to be honest. I remember kindigaum from Overgrow, is he a similar person I see him talked about a lot


Well-known member
Hey maybe.....you don't half talk some bollocks mate.

I had pity for you when I first read your thread, can't believe it's still driveling on.

For whatever reason you can't grow, row it out of your life or shut the fuck up and give up smoking weed. It's that easy pal.


Buy a vape pick out the stems and beans and just rip enough till u get the effect your desiring. Doesn't sound like u can really be picky with what type of nug is availible so if its bad just buy more and use it as best you can. Make some butter or oil and put that shit in some edibles....If your gonna try to water cure u might as well just go the extra step and make hash.
Oh ya and go read your states guidelines and figure out what the maximum misdemeanor weight is and just stay under that. No LEO is wasting their time setting up a sting for a misdemeanor possession rap. Not sure what answer your looking for but if you don't like your nug turn it into something you do like....


Do u guys think it would be sketchy to call up some random lawyers around here and start asking what 'really' happens to people growing? I mean, -vs- what the NORML site tells you


That really doesn't answer a lot of questions though. New stories are often vague, and involve large quantities and rarely report actual outcomes, diverted sentences, etc.


Natalie J. Puffington
Maybe4Sure: "Do u guys think it would be sketchy to call up some random lawyers around here and start asking what 'really' happens to people growing? I mean, -vs- what the NORML site tells you."

That doesn't sound like a bad idea... :coffee:
A criminal defense attorney from your area should have a pretty good idea of what's happening locally; and I believe you would also be covered by 'attorney/client privilege', unless I am mistaken... I would find one off of NORML's website, so you know it's someone friendly to your/our cause... And be sure to tell them your medical conditions, as a few states have a medical 'defense', (like Maryland, or a 'symbolic statute' like Virginia's, (which was actually one of the first states to "go medical", way back in 1979!!)
However, few people know about the statute and many are still being charged and convicted; even the genuinely sick using a medical defense.

Just FYI: In 1979, the Virginia General Assembly passed the following law:
"Virginia Code § 18.2-251.1. Possession or distribution of marijuana for medical purposes permitted.

A. No person shall be prosecuted under § 18.2-250 or § 18.2-250.1 for the possession of marijuana or tetrahydrocannabinol when that possession occurs pursuant to a valid prescription issued by a medical doctor in the course of his professional practice for treatment of cancer or glaucoma.

B. No medical doctor shall be prosecuted under § 18.2-248 or § 18.2-248.1 for dispensing or distributing marijuana or tetrahydrocannabinol for medical purposes when such action occurs in the course of his professional practice for treatment of cancer or glaucoma.

C. No pharmacist shall be prosecuted under §§ 18.2-248 to 18.2-248.1 for dispensing or distributing marijuana or tetrahydrocannabinol to any person who holds a valid prescription of a medical doctor for such substance issued in the course of such doctor’s professional practice for treatment of cancer or glaucoma."

...But, the state still hasn’t implemented a program, unfortunately.
I found it pretty amazing when I found out about this a few years ago...But, it's gonna take someone with a lot of money and balls to really put it to the test.

Anyway, sorry for the tangent!
:off2: :mopper:

Best of luck to you Maybe4Sure!
Have a restful weekend!


Eh yea disgusting isn't it? I believe there are many more states, even southern states with similar bills that haven't been implemented. I'm still pretty sketched though, I was looking at some law firm websites and some even have "submit a question" forms. Damnit to hell though, I wish I still knew were an old friend of mine in SF was now.
um, id challenge that law if it ever came to me getting put on probation for using my meds which i need. I dont really get high, i get medicated, there is a difference. getting high is smoking in excess to achieve a stupified feeling... getting medicated to me is smoking until i feel at ease, that is enough for me.. so yeah if i ever got popped in VA for buds or growing and i had a reccomendation i would definatelyt plead not guilty and bring up the law. if the law is in place people are only being convicted because of their ignorance to the law or they didnt have a reccomendation


Natalie J. Puffington
Ameriskunk: "so yeah if i ever got popped in VA for buds or growing and i had a reccomendation i would definatelyt plead not guilty and bring up the law. if the law is in place people are only being convicted because of their ignorance to the law or they didnt have a recommendation."

I've often wondered how many times and how legitimately this law has been tested in VA.
I've only heard/read about a couple cases; both lost and the seriously ill defendants found themselves in jail. :frown:

Anyway, maybe4sure, I would recommend making an e-mail account, just for this, and contact NORML, ASA and MPP to find a lawyer in your area...
I mean, it's not as if you're being watched, you haven't even done anything yet.
Shoot out a few e-mails; find out what actually happens to people in your position, (ie: sick), who get caught holding / growing, in your state.
Best of luck, Maybe4sure.


weed fiend
Grow one plant at a time. Many state laws are based on plant numbers, not size. It's not a guarantee you'll walk if busted but it's better than multiple plants.


Yea, so I talked to a lawyer and he said it depends on if a jury believes it's for personal use or not. He cautioned that a great number are biased to side with law enforcement...he had one guy with over 100 plants off with a year of probation because the jury believed it was personal use, but he's also had another guy sentenced to 10 years (with 5 suspended) with just 1 plant, not due to logic or facts but because of the jury. Hell of an uncertainty.

By the way, don't trust the NORML website...it's waaaaay off for my state.


the shit spoon
You should grow. Multi-bulb, demand stupid high prices in your area. In one year you will have enough money saved up to be FREE. Think about it. FREEDOM.

Financial independence and peace of mind in a beautiful med state.

Happiness everafter.

Maybe I"m just an optimist.


Feeling good is good enough.
First you grow balls, then you grow weed...

I decided long ago that my mental and physical well being were more important than any stupid and unfair government law.

Do it smart, do it quiet!

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You should grow. Multi-bulb, demand stupid high prices in your area. In one year you will have enough money saved up to be FREE. Think about it. FREEDOM.

Financial independence and peace of mind in a beautiful med state.

Happiness everafter.

Maybe I"m just an optimist.

Ain't about the money, bro.


Active member
Not about the money, but its a nice side effect ;)

The pursuit and attainment of happiness is what its all about, like DHF said, "It's about how far ya wanna travel down the rabbit hole in search of nirvana."

Would be nice to live./grow in a mmj state.


I get better 1/8ths then any of these buds you've posted for free for first time patient deals at the clinics. Then i turn it to hash.


not going to go through the 8pgs so i dont know if anyone else suggested it, but why dont you have that guy from florida just send you some weed in the mail?

i know of tons of ways to send nice/small amounts through the mail and no one be the wiser, goes str8 to your mail box since the packaging is small enough, barely no odor from the containers i use. sent a friend in florida about an ounce in different containers but same package (think it amounted to about an oz or so). she got the package in 3 days, was waiting for her in her mailbox.

the weed in the pic - that shit is ok to hold you down until something better comes along if you dont wanna wait, but if thats all you have in your area, you might as well grow your own. believe me, after a couple more purchases/scares/ppl passing by/quality getting worse/dealers getting dumber your gonna get fed up and come around to wanting if not needing to grow your own.

then after a while once you go through a couple times of getting shitty herb that was quality the other times before/ feeling like your being jerked/ dealing with droughts form teh one person/ going through hiatus' that your dealer takes (once again) your going to come right back around to growing your own anyway.

**first you think about growing your own, then you want to grow your own eventually you need to grow your own then you find yourself growing your own. . . word to the wise, go hydro,its not as difficult as ppl say it is; im giving it a try now and its actually quite fun! just KISS. no real need for pens and meters, just get a ph testing kit and your golden.

4x2gl buckets/ a 4xport air pump/4x airstones/ i bag of hydroton/ 250HPS/MH light/ timer/ph tester liquid/ hydro nutes and ICMAG to guide you the rest of the way. . . its something you really should think about


not going to go through the 8pgs so i dont know if anyone else suggested it, but why dont you have that guy from florida just send you some weed in the mail?

Yea I thought about that and wish I actually knew someone who would help me out like that since under 1oz I'd be okay even if worse came to worst, but the dude in question is an old old friend of mine who is notoriously sloppy about things, and isn't very reliable.

I just wish I lived kinda in the country where I had a lot of wilderness behind my house...I might actually consider a micro outdoor grow for next year...but that's still a year away, and I don't live in the country. I live in an urban apartment, which, is a horrible place to grow....the only other way would be for me to go hiking deep into the woods...alone...with my illness...with my anxiety attacks...and no wilderness survival experience. LOL I'd get like 30 feet and be like...wtf am I doing?


I really can't believe this is still being discussed ! I told you this once before , listen this time I need my meds too I live in a really F**KED-up state like you maybe even the same one, ten years for one plant! I do not live in the country, an outside grow would be worse than inside!
I have perhaps thirty plants including , mother , ones in veg & ones in bloom! My production has been low so far, what with mistakes etc. !

But I'm growing my meds. ! I feel it's less of a risk doing a small quite grow, keep it on the down low & don't tell anyone! So do yourself a favor like somebody else said grow a pair then grow some meds. or not! Whatever!!!!!!!!!:plant grow:

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