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is this to good to be true


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Lol damn ss, you have me cracking up here, going to check out the fans
well i was concerned that they were just do to a money prob with regular work dont have much cash right now and the way i fig at this point what ever i buy cheap if it at-least makes it one or two harvest then it paid for its self and then some cause id have more money to play with. that not the bad thing the worst part is that im about to have to make the big no no and buy a cheap mini split. just dont have a few grand to throw at it right now. got most equipment just a few items moving and upgrading my spot.


New member
Go for it!
Its JUST a fan. Its not going to make or break your whole grow. Its no different than a regular fan, except it has a bracket to mount to the wall. Worst case its a cheap motor and it breaks in a matter of months, BFD.

IMHO save money where you can, invest money where it counts.


Speed of Dark
They look really similar to the mesh enclosure clamp fans I have. I got what I paid for $7 per fan and get over a year out of most of them, quality control is not good. I have had two $29 fans go out in less than 8 months, price and quality do not always go hand in hand.

rocket high

Active member
Ive had my cheap Chinese pedestal fan's for 9 years and they still blow with no problems . If wall vibration isnt a problem for you ....go for it.


I've tried a few different brands of wall mount fans.

I --HATE-- getting clipped Air King prices. Seriously, $65 or whatever for one measly fan!?!?

But ... It takes 2 of any other brand to move the same amount of air around in my experience. So now I just buy Air Kings.
well thanks for the input just gonna be tight budget trying to come up with the rest of things need to so might have to cut some corners somewhere.