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Is this the american brexit?!?!?!

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Active member
No political analysis, just kinda wondering is this the same as brexit.. are americans finally sick of the establishment? Is America going to be.... well


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I think the Republican base has already revolted
And the Democratic base almost pulled off the same thing
My hope is this debacle the last 16 years have been will force a centrist movement..


Active member
Really more of the same last 8 yrs.... just feels like a worldwide wave of discontent... idk? Not happy with either hillary or trump... but actions speak louder than words..hmmm


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ICMag Donor
In a word yes. Rural and some suburban people told the cities to get f****d.

Brexit did not end England and this will not crash the US. Might even do it some good. I voted Trump but really he is unknown. I can not predict an outcome with him, but Hillary was unacceptable to me.


i was just comparing the two maps on google.
One was the us election state by state red or blue.
The other was the legal cannabis states.
My conclusion is that Wisconsin should smoke more pot.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I would like to take this moment to issue a somber and sincere apology..
To ALL Brits...I laughed at you after brexit...not an evil laugh..a empathetic laugh ..the kinda conspiratorial "I feel ya" and "give me a call if you need anything" laugh..

And I'm sorry...
Feel absolutely free to have a "you bastards and blokes are fukn nuts" laugh at our expense now!

I'm actually not that torn up about it...neither me nor my sister have kids...the line stops here...ha..I'm kinda excited by chaos...fuck it...maybe it will bring the left out of their daze...get them to forget gun control and focus on the number one domestic issue...keeping deities out of politics!


The Tri Guy
Hmmm, no matter what the media tells you out there, giving full control of our laws to a bunch of etonians is not britain sticking two fingers up to the establishment. Just the opposite.
Voting trump in is not ending globalisation or the new world order!
In fact if that was your aim, then Hillary would have been your choice not Trump.

I think trump was the best choice for america, and whoever won was bad for the rest of the world.

Wendull C.

Active member
The left plain pissed Americans off over the last eight years. They have been telling whitey that he and his family don't matter anymore, while telling him he has "white privilege".
Now they can deal with the consequences.


Well-known member
The working people of the country were abandoned by each party a long time ago.
Wondering where one would find something even resembling the left here.
Police unions ?


Well-known member
People went nuts when Bush was elected, and the world didn't end. People went nuts when Obama was elected, and the world didn't end.

Trump isn't King, he can't rule by decree. Love him or hate him, he's the Prez. That's the way it is. I would say the same if Hillary won.

The fact is, life will go on just like it has the last 16 years. It is what it is. Roll with it. For the majority of us, little will change.

And that is all I have to say on the matter.


Active member
It has been a long time coming , As long as the elite , and lobbyists are still running things , not much is going to change . They have been sticking it to the middle class for over 50 years . And prior to that we were basically slaves to do their bidding I could go on and on for days but instead I will give one example Drug prices ,now I could give a long dissertation on this but I will just one example , America is the only modern country in the world that does not regulate drug prices . I am sure you have herd that Medicare is going broke and it is bankrupting America . Well this is at least 50% of the Medicare problem . When drug companies are charging $500 for 20 cents worth of medicine ,, what does that mean? It means our tax dollars are going to the greedy drug companies ,, it means this is a matter of life and death for a person that cannot afford the life saving medication ,, It means that children are going hungry because the parents have to pay the drug companies to keep someone alive and do not have enough money to eat . So basically we our being screwed and keep voting to continue to be screwed . not much choice in the matter
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