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Is this really a virus?? Or if not what?

So I'm seeing this variegation on just a few plants while others in the same flood-drain system are fine and don't show it at all.

I've always seen this symptom identified as mosaic virus of some kind, but am not sure if there could be some other explanation?

Anybody know?



Active member
Unfortunately, that is TMV, from appearances. You have blistering of leaves, and some twisting. Best guess is TMV, although it's always difficult to diagnose it for certain without a test. Other folks will chime in with their opinions. I would treat with aspirin to boost plants natural immune response. 325 MG per gallon as a drench, or can be applied as foliar spray, or both. For foliar, just add a tablet of aspirin to a spray bottle of RO water and spray leaf surfaces, underside and top side.

Red Fang

Active member
I have something similar going on, only the blisters are way worse, the leaves curl up on the sides along the whole length of the leaf, and look like cracked stain glass. There are only 2 like this, they were like this some time and I think they got better for a while and now look funky again. Meanwhile, the vast majority of the plants look fine except a few yellowing a little. I don't believe in posting pics or specifying exact numbers so please don't ask. I hope the thread starter gets his answer and in the process I may get mine as well. thanks

Red Fang

Active member
not necessarily. Listen to my description. Is is natural for a virus to be, well, virulent right? Meaning spreading fast? I maybe have 2-3 other plants scattered about in the growroom with minor sypmtoms, in addition to the 2 severely afflicted ones. Most show no symptoms whatsoever after weeks. So can it still be a virus? Since exposure has been for so long, if they do all have it I have no choice to progress to completion from late veg/early flowering (many are preflowering despite 20 hours lights on, (they started when 24 hour lights), some look damn healthy and vigorous but I would like to save the sick ones too if I could since they are seeds not obtainable anymore to my knowledge. So the aspirin is a cure or just a treatment?


Registered User
without really being there, doing it, watching the plants... always tough to say through words on a page. but pics do help. ;-)

i've had batches of seeds, where most grew just fine, but one or two would have issues like the pics above. all on the same sched, same tables, same etc. i kinda eliminated pH as the issue, so always chalked it up to those plants needing more micro, or whatever ratio of nutes they weren't getting.

when i see mottling like that with a little bit of horizontal twist or odd new leaf growth... it's usually a micro issue. i'd bump the cm+ and/or micro bottle & change the feeds... seemed to help... but ended up killing off the problem plants like that.

different plants need different things... some show it more than others. if they are all the same cuts... and you had similar issues... then maybe i'd think to consider something like a virus. but with a bunch of different strains (if the case)... look to the micros... as in not enough. assuming the pH is in line not screwing w the uptake.

my :2cents:

Red Fang

Active member
yes all on the same schedule or whatever, I grow in soilless mix and have no idea how much dolomite to mix in the soil. On the last transplant, I did not put it in the soil figuring I could get more control putting it in the water. Have not put it in the water yet, the plants need water tomorrow so I will do it and the aspirin regimen then. I have been regularly spraying with organocide and other methods for insects and diseases. I had many more plants once, but the numbers have stabilised in the last few weeks after the first transplant. These are all kinds of different seeds, no clones. I started plants from June into late July, and it is these latest that for the most part have had the strongest survival rate but yet are most affected by this unknown ailment, a kush hybrid of some sort I was gifted.

Red Fang

Active member
Poindexter dude, did you get your problem addressed as well? It sounded like we had the same problem or I wouldn't have posted here. I hope we both find what we are looking for.


Active member
Aspirin is not a cure for a viral infection, but it will boost the plants immune system so it can fight off the attack and dramatically improve your chances of a productive harvest.
Works against most any disease and insects too.
Well so far it's still just on a couple of the plants which were from clones of a specific mother, and that mother isn't even showing the same symptoms. All the others are free of it including plants cloned from a different seed mothers of the same strain, and the couple from the above photos seem to be growing out of it, though it's still early to be sure, so I very much hope it's just a micro issue as MIway suggested.

I've randomly seen this on other plants/strains also which have also grown out of it. So it's either hopefully just some micro issue, or a virus that isn't very aggressive and comes and goes perhaps when plants are weaker, maybe??

Many plants sharing the same feed system haven't shown it at all which makes it not seem viral, unless it's only transmitted through cuttings and not water or leaf contact? I just don't know what to think. I don't remember seeing this before in all my years of growing, which makes me think virus. I just don't know?
So as far as this aspirin treatment how many mg of aspirin per gallon of rez water? Is this entirely safe with no side effects on plants? If there isn't any harm in trying it I may as well. I just haven't heard of it before now. Is it a good thing to always have a bit of aspirin in the rez? Does anyone know how aspirin chemically works to help the plant? Just curious. Thanks!


ICMag Donor
An easy way to tell is to take some of the deformed leaves and squeeze the juice out , smear over a known clean plant and see what happens.

If no signs in a fortnight , its almost certainly not TMV.

Cucumber mosaic will also definately infect canna , readily tranferred by contact in my greenhouse , and something similar that goes for peppers , was relatively easy to stop , unlike TMV which has a nightmare reputation.

Many TMV scares thankfully turn out to be a micronutrient problem and easily sorted.
An easy way to tell is to take some of the deformed leaves and squeeze the juice out , smear over a known clean plant and see what happens.

If no signs in a fortnight , its almost certainly not TMV.

Cucumber mosaic will also definately infect canna , readily tranferred by contact in my greenhouse , and something similar that goes for peppers , was relatively easy to stop , unlike TMV which has a nightmare reputation.

Many TMV scares thankfully turn out to be a micronutrient problem and easily sorted.

Good idea.

Can micronutrient issues look just like the symptom in the above photo's?

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