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Is this QWISO safe to smoke?


New member
So I REALLY fucked this up trying to wing it hahaha I now know a lot more than I did before trying to wing it... but I'm not sure if this is safe to smoke or I should throw it out:


1) I ground up 20g of shake (apparently I do not want to grind it up really fine) and put it in the freezer in a mason jar, along with a bottle of 99% iso

2) After 24 hours of freezing I poured the ISO into the jar with the shake and shook vigorously for 3 minutes (apparently you only want to do this for 20s - and not vigorously at all)

3) I strained this mess through a cheesecloth (apparently you want to pour through a metal strainer to separate the shake from the alc immediately - then you filter that alc separately through a pre-soaked coffee filter)

4) I poured the strained liquid into a large pyrex dish. You could see tons of sediment had gotten into the liquid and had settled on the bottom.

5) I covered this dish with a tea towel to keep out the dust and put it on my balcony at night. The next day in the afternoon I'd checked it and the level of the alc had barely gone down. I took the towel off it to allow more air flow (it was about +30C out) and it started evaporating extremely quickly - you could literally see it going down. After quite a few hours in the hot weather (it was in the shade) all of it appeared to be evaporated off.

6) I watched a lot of video's about making oil (which seems to be pretty similar) and it is always very liquid as they are near the end of burning it off and they pull it into a syringe to be easily used later. Mine, when I picked the dish up, had just a BIT of alcohol still there (you could see the tiniest bit of liquid).

7) I scraped the dish and what I had looked a BIT more oily than what was in the picture. What I had seen in a lot of videos was someone heating up the final product, in a small metal container, on a coffee maker element - to evaporate the extra alc, make it liquid again and be put in a syringe... well I put it in a metal dish and on a coffee element and it seemed to be getting really soft... but then nothing was really happening... it smelt a tiny bit like when you decarb weed.

8) After doing that I was left with the mess you see in the picture and am wondering if it is even safe to smoke!!!! There was a little alc left when I'd picked the dish up (which I thought I'd get rid of on the coffee element) .... and i read afterward that once it is scraped up it is almost impossible to get all the ISO out of it .... so that was probably a mistake....

People say you can tell if there is alc by putting a piece on a spoon and heating it up to look for bubbles ... when I heated this up on a spoon literally nothing happened. What is the finished product even supposed to look like? Lots of people say it is supposed to be dry and crumbly, other people say it is supposed to be liquid and look like oil... what is it!?

If there is still ISO in this and it has not been purged, will that make me sick?

Sorry for the wall of text.


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
Get an inexpensive IR thermometer, follow your own criticisms, and your next run should turn out way better.

It won't make you sick, it's purged, enjoy!!!

Isopropyl alcohol (2-propanol) is designated Class 3 on the FDA USP <467> Residual Solvent lists, it has low toxic potential. The lethal dose is huge, and the exposure limit is high.

"Isopropyl alcohol dissolves a wide range of non-polar compounds. It also evaporates quickly, leaves nearly zero oil traces, compared to ethanol, and is relatively non-toxic, compared to alternative solvents. Thus, it is used widely as a solvent and as a cleaning fluid, especially for dissolving oils."


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New member
Can smoking the ISO make you sick if it is not fully purged?

I put some on a paper clip and lit it to see how it would burn, it sizzles a tiny bit at first. Does that mean anything?

Should the finished product look like oil? What is the easiest way to get it in a syringe after letting it fully purge?

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
Can smoking the ISO make you sick if it is not fully purged?

I put some on a paper clip and lit it to see how it would burn, it sizzles a tiny bit at first. Does that mean anything?

Should the finished product look like oil? What is the easiest way to get it in a syringe after letting it fully purge?

The high particulate fraction might be making your stuff seem different from a lot of what you see on the internet. The photo looks more like hashish than oil. Redissolve it in something and filter it more thoroughly if you're concerned about the particulates.
The result after filtering would probably look & act like relatively normal iso oil.
I made QWISO for many years. Yea that product looks fine to smoke. It should be better then anything that is a black, green, or red oil that you may have seen people put into syringes. Qwiso shouldnt be a runny oily liquid ever. It is either over extracted or underpurged; more then likely both. It should have a yellow/golden/red-orange(sometimes brown for really poor starting material) hue when first scraped. The consistency can range from like a thick tree sap to a hard almost glass like consistency (shatter)

Follow the changes you described, ie much quicker wash and quicker filtering and you will get a golden to even white extract.

The thing you did right was to get everything very cold. Keep that part.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
20 gms of trim .. just bin it and start again, it's not worth any risk

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