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Is this Powdery Mildew?


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Is this powdery Mildew? It just popped up the other day. These are outdoor plants and they get a lot of dust and wind. I can't tell if it is just dust or if it is PM. I looked at it under a 60x and it looks pretty flat. Not hairy or stringy like mold. Is mildew the same look?

I am planning to harvest these plants today or tomorrow. They are outdoor grows. Not a great grow since they only got a few hours a day of direct sunlight and it was cold as fuck this year (SoCal desert). Not a great yield either but they look nice and frosty and I don't smoke the pot I grow outside anyway. I give most of it away. :) I am just doing it to learn about outdoor growing.

So, if this is PM (which I suspect it is) can the pot still be smoked? It is mostly on a few leaves and I'll be tossing that anyway. I quick trim my outdoor and grind most of it up for joints to give away.

Is this stuff safe to give away? I will cut off any trace or sign of the mildew (naturally) but is the rest of the plant safe?

Also, I wash up after touching but is this stuff contagious to my indoor plants? I actually smoke those. LOL



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Well-known member
Yes, Yes, and Yes. That is...

It is pm.

Smoking non-affected buds should be ok (maybe let the people know and decide for themselves though).

Very contagious for your indoor plants. Clothes in the washer and take a shower. Maybe even the double dip for whatever you bring in to dry?


Well-known member
Definitely PM.

Clean out and destroy affected leaves, decrease moisture, increase airflow.

Check out SaferGro Mildew Cure as an Organic solution. You should not spray it on plants in Flower, but you can mix a little up and apply to leaves with a fine paintbrush or Q-tip. Best to treat young plants and cuttings preventatively too once you spot it on older plants in the garden. It can spread to your indoor beauties.


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Thanks gang. I cut off the bad leaves.... and more. LOL

I trimmed them super close to the bone and tossed the trim.

It was only on one plant of three but I cut all 3 pretty close anyway. I trim all my outdoor pretty close. The outer leaves seem to get dirty compared to the indoor I am used to.

Everything is done and the trim is bagged and disposed of. I have the plants drying in the garage for now. Maybe I'll make hash or press this harvest.

However, I have 6 other plants out there so I am watching them for any signs. Should be getting hotter and dryer her soon so hopefully, I am done with it.

Thanks again for the tips.


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Well-known member
Thanks gang. I cut off the bad leaves.... and more. LOL

I trimmed them super close to the bone and tossed the trim.

It was only on one plant of three but I cut all 3 pretty close anyway. I trim all my outdoor pretty close. The outer leaves seem to get dirty compared to the indoor I am used to.

Everything is done and the trim is bagged and disposed of. I have the plants drying in the garage for now. Maybe I'll make hash or press this harvest.

However, I have 6 other plants out there so I am watching them for any signs. Should be getting hotter and dryer her soon so hopefully, I am done with it.

Thanks again for the tips.
I thrives in dry and hot weather...


Well-known member
While I realize that the OP has harvested, I do this on all outdoor grows and it does not harm the plant and cleans off all kinds of crap. Do a rough trim, dunk anf hang dry.

View attachment 18820471

Found on the Internet - credit to Spliff.
I would be afraid that after more than one dunking the last bucket contains salts and stuff from the first two that dry out and crystallize on the buds and then you smoke it. If doing this at all a shower would be better I believe.


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In an ideal world, you would only use the rinse water once and then toss it. And it would be distilled water. But in reality, I change the rinse water for each plant. And it comes out of a garden hose. :cool:


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I thrives in dry and hot weather...
No shit? I'll have to read up on it, then. Is it common on outdoor grows in my climate (SoCal desert)?

As for dunking the buds...... REALLY? I can't imagine them ever drying after that. Is there a special drying procedure after dunking them?

One reason I don't smoke my outdoor weed is because of all the dirt and dust. I may try this with one plant just for learning purposes.

Thanks again, gang. Couldn't do it without ya. ;)


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ICMag Donor
I just let them drip dry for an hour or so and then bring them inside to my drying area. The plants have been rained on for months so a bit more water is not going to hurt.

As for PM climate . . . here it starts in mid-late summer when we have hot days, moderate humidity and cool nights - esp when airflow is limited.

edit: Btw . . . hot days here are mid-80s . . .
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Well-known member
You got very lucky, caught them at the perfect time. The smoke will be fine, no worries but you cut it close! I only get mildew right at or just after the autumn solstice outdoors. It's caused by high humidity and lack of UV light. Foggy cloudy weather will cause it to flourish. I've found my afternoon patch isn't affected; the clouds will burn off. But the morning patch gets less direct sunlight so it's more prone to it. I plant my smaller and earlier plants on the morning side, the bigger longer flowering ones on the afternoon side. There's treatments, fungicides and biofungicides. Beneficial funguses that will eat it. I have yet to stumble upon a perfect cure. Luckily it doesn't rear it's ugly head until right before harvest.

An easy mistake to make, and why I eyeballed your pictures closely. Leafhopper nymphs will leave residue when they shed their skin and shit looks very similar to PM. If I see what appears to be PM in late summer it's always leafhoppers. Otherwise the leafhoppers are harmless, at least in my area. They neither stunt the plants nor spread viruses, although it's possible in certain areas. I like the leafhoppers because they attract predators that eliminate the more damaging pests like aphids and spider mites. I would never spray to eradicate them because they're part of my pest control system. Experience is your best friend as a grower.

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