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Is this plant hermaphrodite?


New member

I am wondering if this plant is hermaphrodite?


What should i do with it?

The plant grew from the feminizied Big Bang seeds.

There are three plants total and the other two don't have that 'balls' :)

Is it ok to cut the only stem on which those balls appear? Will they grow on other stems, or should i throw the plant away. I'm also wondering if i'm not too late and they're all pollinated?

Thank you verry much for your help!

Best regards,


Its herm....i'd pull it...at least you got two good ones. And they don't seem to be open so if they did pollinate its probably not too much.

You'll probably end up with a few seeds but it won't come close to ruining your harvest.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th

Big time.


you can try and pick off the males, but it usually pisses them off and the come back thicker.

Hermi can be stress induced - or lighting - - look for a malfunction


Active member
hermie can be present from fem seeds without any environmental issues. feminised isnt a fair description of the dutch passion oasis which are mostly male parts


New member
Too bad:\ I'm thinking of keepking the plant, because it looks better then other two.
If i put the plant on the window it's probably possible that it'll pollinate other two plants which are in small cabinet?


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ICMag Donor

Even if it looks better than the other two, it really is worse...I promise! ;-) Hermies are the DEVIL! They can ruin our fun really quickly and it can even screw with future runs if it opens up an pollinates your room. (you can clean after and still have pollen linger for months!) I would DEF not use a hermie to make seed stock either...EVER! Bad new bears. This can lead to the progeny being hermie-prone which you don't want.

A little story for you: One time I was gifted some beans and told they were a strain called Poison...The guy promised me that I wouldn't be wasting my time and that they were special and from Hawaii. From the minute the beans germ'd they smelled like a pine tree...No joke! Even in veg if you rubbed your hands on the stalk it would smell like an x-mas tree (not cannabis smelling at all). This impressed me since I've seen a wide variety of strains and none were really this distinct smelling in veg. When they flowered the smell continued and they were even packing on some good weight but at about week 4 they hermied....all 6 female plants that initially showed preflowers...so i gave them the benefit of the doubt and told myself they weren't mature enough when I put them into bloom...Ran them for a second run and at 4 weeks, like clockwork, they hermied again...such a special smelling and looking strain. I threw them away without feeling bad at all. Would've loved to breed with it but just too afraid after all the reading and examples I've seen of hermies and destroying fun! lol So, that's my 2 cents...Sorry for the ramble.


EDIT: I probably wasn't much help there...As people said above, its probably from stress. Check for light leaks, high temps, etc...IDK what your setup is or how many runs you have under your belt...I have heard about it happening but have yet to see a feminized seed herm like that. Since the 2 others didn't do it I would keep them for the future and ditch the one that seems to be confused with its sexuality!


hi pomarxa

as aksala said before, I'd try to pull ALL of the nanners on this plant and have a very close eye on it until its done, because these definetely could ruin your whole crop.. if there are only a few nanners, there is a chance, in my experience, that they don't come back when you have fixed your (possible) problem (light leaks, too high ec, ph, ...). hope this helps




New member
Thanks for all the info!

I removed the sacks yesterday and from what i'm hearing i think i'll keep the plant(at least for a few days) and really keep an eye on it.

The plants were put on 12/12 on 14th april, they're under 150w hps in a small cabinet. I'm guessing that the stress came from the high temperatures and/or maybe light leek.

I really need to get bigger cabinet :)


Its almost impossible to get all of the male flowers off...once the buds start to really form sometimes the male parts are really hard to find....very time consuming and pisses you off when you think you got em all and end up with a truckload of seeds anyway. I would get rid of the plant...its not really worth it in my opinion.


New member
So i removed hermie. Now i feel sad. It was such a beauty :\

Anyways, could some of you guys check the links in my previous post and confirm that the marked things are in fact male flowers or bananas or w/e :)
d3finitely fucking nanners, sorry for your loss, kill the hermies!!!!

high temps will do all sorts of fucked up things. not to sound like a broken record, but please, pick up a book and read read read, it will only help. the wealth of information out there, is awesome and indispensable. if you read, and take your time, your grows will be 10000% smoother, and much more enjoyable, peace and good luck!!!


New member
I feel better now that you folks confirmed :)

About the temps, i forgot to change the intake filter, it was full of dust. The daylight temps are now steady at 81.5. But yeah this is my first time grow, and the plants were under stress ..
Room temperature also adds to high cabinet temps, because it's arround 75 degrees.
The box has seperated cooltube intake and cabinet intake otherwise it would be really hot. But since i care about the noise and stealth i have to bear with slightly higher temps :)

Thanks for your help!

p.s. i've read a few books, spent few weeks here to get the ideas and then i began to grow :) I know a few things, but i lack the experience and i'm really limited with the size and noise.


New member
I too am sorry about that little f***** that turned out to be hermie. Hope other two wont follow and be such wankers too. Have fun and grow on! :)

BTW. removing hermie ASAP when you see those balls growing out is definately the best thing to do ...


New member
Hello again, I'm back with news :)

I put my hermie in another apartment on a window shelf. It's happy now :)
My other two flowers weren't affected, no signs of balls or bananas so i'm happy too.

I have one question though, since this is my first grow i'm not exactly sure if pistils should look like that? They look like they're drying out. But only on one plant, the other 'looks ok'. I'm not sure but i think thats normal, since it's 6,5 weeks in flowering?




Thanks for help!


Active member
The pistils browning is a sign of maturation! That's actually a good thing. I do see some leaf tips turning upward, so you might also have a little heat stress. If you put your hands on/near the canopy and feel significant heat it's time to adjust your lighting, but that said- things look pretty normal to me.


Yes, the balls are seeds, pointing downwards, and hairs are visible too. So, od whatever) It is also smokable, but fuck seeds... I would pull em out.

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