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Is this damage from cold night temperatures?


Active member
Pale yellow tops all over the plants instead of flower development.

Leaves curling, rapid yellowing on two plants

and on the others:

Stems purpling and blistering/bleeding - I'm finding white and brown specs on leaves and leaf petioles but not on stems at all. I'm 99% sure it's not pests because I've inspected every last inch of the plants and the room and can't find any... The specs look like little balls of fluid coming OUT of the plant.

terrible photos, I know:

I've already ruled out the water supply, fertilizer and root rot (visual check). So please - no suggestions about those or pH or anything like that.

The plants were moved from a near perfect veg environment to a not so perfect flower environment. Daytime temps range from 70-75 and nighttime has dipped to as low as 50. The plants reacted quickly - perhaps in a week.


Active member
yes 50 is cold homie. you get cold soggy roots, the deficiences start and stunted growth appears.

try warming them up at night. peace!

Guest 88950

could there be any chemicals off-gassing nearby? not sure the flower environment but you stated not so perfect.

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Get some kinda heating for lights out....daytime temps are great and pretty optimal.

Different strains react slightly with lower temps.

Little oil filled radiators are good for heating and they are cheap to buy and even cheaper to run....just cover any led light on the switch etc, to avoid light leaks.

Seems everything else is dialled in.

As always see what others say.


Active member
The only thing I was wondering is if this bleeding is some kind of bug that I can't find or a disease that I don't know about.

There aren't any chemical issues in the room.

I've also a 400 watter setup in the corner with some healthy plants in the late stages of flowering. Everything is in the same medium, same fertilizer and the plants taking the hit are the ones that just went in recently, like in the last two weeks. I should also one mention, there is one that is still perfect except for just a few of the unknown specs.
my plants got that cold or maybe colder, indoors in winter because i turned all the lights off: their only source of heat. they all died. but that's just me.


If your temps are that cold your soil isn't gonna dry out very fast. With wet soil your not only prone to lots of diseases and other fun stuff, but also nutrient uptake problems. Try closing off the grow area a bit or add some extra lighting or a heater to keep the room warmer. My veg room was getting down below 70 and I was starting to see problems myself.


my girls did not like to be cold either, they did something similar to what ur's are doing.
and now im thinking it might be why they hermed on me, but they turned really pale also,
anyway, i made a box,and i run my light at night to keep temps up, check out the forums about growboxes, there is a ton of info, and it helped me develop a good environment for them and they are doing 110% better, but if you already have some about to be cut, then im assuming you know the usual deal (to much or to little nutes, pH, good air/light, ect. ect., also im leaning twards what fisted sister said, about maybe being soggy, the bleeding,.. is it after you trim down some foliage?,just asking, because mine would bleed after i trimed em down,but they would seal themselves up and keep going, after a few days,


Active member
compost, my plants are in actually in a mix of 75/perlite 25/verm. but yeah I can see this is causing nutrient uptake problems.

thanks kyndone, compost and everyone else.

I bought a portable heater and have been using it for a few days now. Those plants have been in 12/12 for two weeks. I hope they recover. Lesson learned for next Winter.