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Is these good?


Hello everybody, I've made myself a wooden box with these dimensions Height=28cm, Width=18cm and Length=40cm..With 2 cfl lamps of 25w, 6400k and 2 lamps of 25w,2700k.Now I use 2 with 6400k for veg, and later i will add the other 2.The lamps are 25w but they are equal of 100w.So are these demensions and lamps are good to grow a royal bluematic plant?Thanks in advance..

PEACE :tiphat:


You would have some hellish heat in a box that size. You may get away with the width and length, but 28cm high .....no.


You would have some hellish heat in a box that size. You may get away with the width and length, but 28cm high .....no.

Thank you for your answer man but I was thinking to make the plant take a more horizontal way in the box than vertical..I mean it couldn't be possible to let it go horizontal in the box? I thought it's not that hard and i found it possible to do it that way.I'm maybe wrong, am just telling my opinion to find a throughout.. Thanks in advance my friend


Yes, I can understand what are you saying but this wooden box is inside a 40cm(Height) cabinet, that's why I made it 28 cm to hide it with some books if somebody will come to look.My parents don't know that am growing that's why I had to make it stealth.I'll explain for the missunderstanding, the royal bluematic is an automatic strain and it's height is around 60-75cm..Is there a way to do something like lst to keep it low? :D
"My parents don't know that am growing" Get your own house and grow there. Thats not really fair to your parents. Can't do that, then grow outdoors guerrilla style.


"My parents don't know that am growing" Get your own house and grow there. Thats not really fair to your parents. Can't do that, then grow outdoors guerrilla style.

I live in a city so I'can't do that, no free space to grow a plant every unwanted eye will see this believe me..I know it's not that fair but if i must choose between the full of piss and ammonia weed that i'm bying right now or a homegrown plant i prefer the second.. Believe me my parents wouldn't have any problem to grow if the law doesn't suck that much.Appreciate ur help guys..:thank you:

Forgot to say : I can't buy my own house cause I can't find a job.. Before you criticize me, you must listen and to the point, I never said that I will make my house, The Green House, I only want one small plant to smoke..
I think you need to realize 1 small plant, especially grown under this conditions and taking into account its an automatic strain, will yield you close to nothing - yet can get you in a whole lotta trouble. Every PC-Tower offers more space than what you are trying to do.

And as for the thing about unfair to your parents - actually it's really really unfair to them. Please realize your parents aren't stupid and will most likely find your grow at some point. They aren't retarded...


I think you need to realize 1 small plant, especially grown under this conditions and taking into account its an automatic strain, will yield you close to nothing - yet can get you in a whole lotta trouble. Every PC-Tower offers more space than what you are trying to do.

And as for the thing about unfair to your parents - actually it's really really unfair to them. Please realize your parents aren't stupid and will most likely find your grow at some point. They aren't retarded...

Allright then, as I can clearly see u suggest me to give it up and don't that.Is this right?Well give me a solution then on what I can do with my condition.Give it up and keep smoking that full of cancer shit that's fuck*ng up all my body, or stay as I am and see what it will drive me to?Am sure some "clever" guys will tell me to stop smoking weed but this is not a solution and am saying it before someone give me that answer.So am waiting for ur response with some good advices on what I must do.

How are you going to handle fan sounds and smell? Because it WILL smell.

My family is not from Pablo Escobar's villa, am pretty sure they don't even know how is the view of weed.So there is no way to understand the smell..

I am not so much aggresive, but I think that if u were in my place and everyone was clicking to ur thread just to tell u, that what u are doing is not right, what would u do?Appreciate ur help guys but these things u are telling me am pretty sure they won't help..

cravin morehead

Active member
Believe me my parents wouldn't have any problem to grow if the law doesn't suck that much.

Well give me a solution then on what I can do with my condition.Give it up and keep smoking that full of cancer shit that's fuck*ng up all my body, or stay as I am and see what it will drive me to?

tell your parents that. if they wouldn't have any problem with it if it was legal, maybe they'll listen to your problems and understand. tell them how it helps you and tell them you want to grow a small plant. by growing a small plant for yourself, you can stay out of the dangerous street dealing part of it.
thats your only option, IMO.
sorry but your putting your family at risk without them knowing it. so with out their permission, is really childish and messed up



Believe me my parents wouldn't have any problem to grow if the law doesn't suck that much.

Well give me a solution then on what I can do with my condition.Give it up and keep smoking that full of cancer shit that's fuck*ng up all my body, or stay as I am and see what it will drive me to?

tell your parents that. if they wouldn't have any problem with it if it was legal, maybe they'll listen to your problems and understand. tell them how it helps you and tell them you want to grow a small plant. by growing a small plant for yourself, you can stay out of the dangerous street dealing part of it.
thats your only option, IMO.
sorry but your putting your family at risk without them knowing it. so with out their permission, is really childish and messed up


Yes this is true this was my option before one year, i said this and the answer was a NO, cause of law again.Am not a child or whatever u think but trust me if there was another way i would have done it.I always asking before doing something even if it's wrong or right, but this is not simple to ask from my parents.So I don't think there are other options to do with this.I will spend my money to smoke cancer as I said before or I will have to grow, or I have to stop smoking weed that is not an option for me..


Find a buddy and slam his basement full. Plus if you smoke as much as you make it sound. You'd prob have it all smoked before it was even dry.


Invertebrata Inebriata
"To stop smoking weed is not an option for me"- Why, are you addicted? Spend some of this time and effort finding a job (or a better pot connection).

Do you know how long the weed you're planning to grow in this tiny toy box will last you? About a week, if you're lucky. So, 8, 10, 12 weeks of waiting, smoke good for a week, then wait 7, 9 weeks for your next bowl. And I'm being optimistic.

Maybe you're not a little kid, but you sound like one.


"To stop smoking weed is not an option for me"- Why, are you addicted? Spend some of this time and effort finding a job (or a better pot connection).

Do you know how long the weed you're planning to grow in this tiny toy box will last you? About a week, if you're lucky. So, 8, 10, 12 weeks of waiting, smoke good for a week, then wait 7, 9 weeks for your next bowl. And I'm being optimistic.

Maybe you're not a little kid, but you sound like one.

No am not adicted, I can't find a job for some reasons that I don't have to say, there is not a variety of strains man what do u think, that I live in holland?To find that weed and to buy it i need 10-15 euro for a gram, what the hell I should do that?

Good weed I smoke 2-3 times in 3 months all the other times I smoke a weed that sucks.So I decided to stop smoking this shitty thing anymore and I ll just smoke a good weed in one or two spliffs in a day. I find it better than before.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Cool, man. You start this thread to get advice, but you don't want any of the advice any of us has given. So I'm going to try to give you what you want now-

Your idea is a great one.
I'm sure if your parents get busted for your grow, they won't really mind.
There won't be any heat or space issues with your Height=28cm, Width=18cm and Length=40cm box.
It all sounds really great, so get on with it and we're all really proud of you.
Cool, man. You start this thread to get advice, but you don't want any of the advice any of us has given. So I'm going to try to give you what you want now-

Your idea is a great one.
I'm sure if your parents get busted for your grow, they won't really mind.
There won't be any heat or space issues with your Height=28cm, Width=18cm and Length=40cm box.
It all sounds really great, so get on with it and we're all really proud of you.

Thanks for actually writing it. My thoughts exactly. I just can't believe what I'm reading above. "My parents wouldn't have a problem with it if the law wasn't that bad" - "My parents said NO" - "Not smoking weed is not an option".

You should really think about all of this and reconsider. You sound like you have a bad addiction problem because you

  1. know that what you smoke is dangerous to your body/health, yet still decide to keep smoking and
  2. you even asked your parents and when they said no you decided to rather betray them and do it behind their backs and as far as I know the laws regarding cultivation of drugs is a almost life-sentence in Greece. IT'S NO WHERE NEAR OK TO DO THIS TO YOUR PARENTS.
You need to realize that and fucking stop smoking if you don't want to risk health issues and can't grow on your own.

Don't get me wrong when I was a teenager I smoked a ton too and considered myself kind of addicted because I got high all day every day so I took something like a 4-5year break and now I can handle it - I'm older and can do it in a way like getting out for a beer with my friends - like once maybe sometimes twice a week.

If you don't want any of the advice everyone has given you here (growing guerillia style - the only option imo) why do you even ask? If you just wan't to do it anyway go to google and read DIYs and grow reports and do whatever you want...



Look I am not addicted and I can handle it, i was smoking rarely weed since I was 14 and now am 19, I know how "addiction" it is and I spent a whole summer to prove myself am not addicted, so I don't have a problem with "addiction", I don't believe that there is physical addiction only psychological.But all of you are very impulsive and you are starting writing without knowing the conditions.Well I should say that I will take all my responses if something happens and I mean for the law..The law isn't that bad, a plant for personal use will give me max 2 months in jail and 1000euro ticket.But really how you think the police will come to house with a warrant and arrest me without clues?I have a clean register, I was never arrested for something or done something.But as I said am not a p*ssy to let my parents go to jail or something, I will just tell the truth as it is cause I caused this trouble.I don't know exactly what u believe and throught internet we can't talk free and tell u what's going on.I listened all of u, u see how am acting, so I don't think I stopped anyone from talking and say your opinion either if you offend the person who are talking to.

I still talking with you but I don't think that with this ironic shit I will change my mind.

""""Your idea is a great one.
I'm sure if your parents get busted for your grow, they won't really mind.
There won't be any heat or space issues with your Height=28cm, Width=18cm and Length=40cm box.
It all sounds really great, so get on with it and we're all really proud of you. """"

So change the way you are talking to me or stop talking to me at all.If you can really help then help don't say something just to say and judge me.I don't like this, and if I was doing the same thing with you, you wouldn't like it.

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