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Is there such thing as "To much Light?


haha its funny how robotic some people's thought process is. I really dont give a shit that some of you guys will never understand you are taking the simplest model and the model's observations dont apply to real life, but i'll throw my time down the drain and tell you once more.

surface area of a sphere = Pi * 4 R^2

light intensity proportional to inverse of area. therefore proportional to inverse of distance squared.

OH SHIT - our lamp with reflector doesn't produce a sphere of light, its more like a CONE!
Ignore above! You guys grasping it yet?


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
You guys grasping it yet?

fuck dude - long as the plants are happy - I'm tickled pink. Plant don't care about formulas or spheres or pi.

Who the hell cares about pie, or is it pi?

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm PIE!

When the plant shrivles up or scorches, raise the dammm light.
pretty simple really

ya-all can piddle-dick and argue - seeing as my gargen is happy and content, I think I'll get the putt out and go for coffee and PIE.


Active member

my 400 is burning the shit out of my plants......i hate foxtails!


After Doing another test the lumems at 12 inchs away was bighter with the door shut then with the door open. Having the shut I believe is the way to go.


Active member
^i dont how it would be, im running super light dosage in my coco coir, honestly i dont think im gonna be using coco again i just didnt seem to have too much luck with it, most of it was bad genetics tho..