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is there such a thing as bubbling nutes too much?


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
like i said im bubbling to bring the ph to where it needs to be, im not bubbling for any reason other than that. im not saying that this is some scientifically backed experiment to prove that bubbling your straight nutes is the new rage. if you read thats all i was saying. i just wanted to know if i left it for more than two days it would be bad, or if the fact that i have two airstones in there will harm it. so honestly i dont know what your trying to say, as im tired as shit right now, but thanks for telling me im wasting my time. have a nice day


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
haha yea i didnt know if i was just a dumbass. its all good all the advice the better, i like getting as many opinions/facts on the subject as possible. thank ya

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