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Is there anyway to leave some kind of device which tells u your doorway is breached?


the old peice of tape trick, or a hair, or a hair and tape on the door, if its not there or broken when you get back, its been opened.

that was what I was gonna say..

if you wanna go more high tech and spend some $$ you could get a trail cam for hunting...it's just a small digital camera ran off batteries, some of the higher end models have amazing capabilities such as emailing or texting you when the motion sensor gets tripped...you could possibly get it to send a picture to your phone of who is entering...and you could go bust them in the act.

also maybe you could simply rig up a cheep 20$ motion light inside (or maybe outside)...when the motion sensor trips the unit will send power to the light sockets, you can get adapters at homedepot or what ever that will screw into the lightsocket and convert it to a plug in....then you could plug in whatever you want (ac powered)...a loud radio, a video camera...or maybe even a T.V. ...how bout an alarm clock set to go off when the power is turned on? i dunno just throwing out ideas.

Owl Mirror

Active member
I say change the locks, if your landlord complains that his key no longer works, you now know who's been snooping around. A landlord legally is not allowed entry without your permission and should give enough of an announcement to you to make arrangements.

Here is a question, are there any old room mates that might still have a key?


Active member
the old peice of tape trick, or a hair, or a hair and tape on the door, if its not there or broken when you get back, its been opened.


I was on my way to post this^^^^^
good for drawers too if you think someone is going through your stuff.
Just close the drawer on a hair, when someone opens it it will fall off and they will never notice.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
I rent Cappy out for 800.00 a week u.s.d. He's a mean ass mofo who won't take no shit from nobody and he never runs out of bullets.

Let Me Know
The last thing you want if you have a grow or illegal contraband in your crib is an alarm blaring to get some old lady calling the cops to turn it off so they can watch their soap operas. Alarms are for banks and jails...not homes. Of course alarms that do not sound off but relay a message are OK..But the best way is professional grade locks and reinforced door frames.

Many years ago, my children, I worked for a major and well known group of ganja smugglers..and went thru a raid by the feds and others..and had to secure the home after the cops tore the front off the house trying to get in( they never did breach the house, and had to be let in finally)..and I devised a system that meant No unwanted intrusions:

A secure area, locked of course in the front, that keeps people away from the front door. you have to get thru this iron framed box before you get to the door. I had the door frames stripped off and reinforced with rebar and concrete all around the edges, so there was NO way they could be ripped out, and having the portico out front at an angle meant no chains could be rigged to a car and the door dragged out..couldnt happen.

The doors themselcves were 2500 $$ each, two of them, 36"each, and they had pro locks and throw bars all around the top and bottom that went into the reinforced holes in the frame. So, if you approached the home, you had to buzz and ask to be let in to the portico, and then once thru there and the door locked, then into the main house thru the big doors. Cameras showed anyone at the front and I had bars put on every window in the house, also secured thru reinforced throw bars at critical points. Money was no object and that is always fun...but I was told to never again let anyone get close to entering without permission, and I did so.

The 120 lb. red doberman helped also: dual personality, attack on command..death to intruders with difficult call off...we meant business. You have to if you want your privacy protected in this day and age..


Active member
The last thing you want if you have a grow or illegal contraband in your crib is an alarm blaring to get some old lady calling the cops to turn it off so they can watch their soap operas. Alarms are for banks and jails...not homes. Of course alarms that do not sound off but relay a message are OK..But the best way is professional grade locks and reinforced door frames.

Many years ago, my children, I worked for a major and well known group of ganja smugglers..and went thru a raid by the feds and others..and had to secure the home after the cops tore the front off the house trying to get in( they never did breach the house, and had to be let in finally)..and I devised a system that meant No unwanted intrusions:

A secure area, locked of course in the front, that keeps people away from the front door. you have to get thru this iron framed box before you get to the door. I had the door frames stripped off and reinforced with rebar and concrete all around the edges, so there was NO way they could be ripped out, and having the portico out front at an angle meant no chains could be rigged to a car and the door dragged out..couldnt happen.

The doors themselcves were 2500 $$ each, two of them, 36"each, and they had pro locks and throw bars all around the top and bottom that went into the reinforced holes in the frame. So, if you approached the home, you had to buzz and ask to be let in to the portico, and then once thru there and the door locked, then into the main house thru the big doors. Cameras showed anyone at the front and I had bars put on every window in the house, also secured thru reinforced throw bars at critical points. Money was no object and that is always fun...but I was told to never again let anyone get close to entering without permission, and I did so.

The 120 lb. red doberman helped also: dual personality, attack on command..death to intruders with difficult call off...we meant business. You have to if you want your privacy protected in this day and age..

dude thats fucking awesome! FTP!!!!! haha

maybe get a flamethrower rigged at your front door so when someone you dont want knocks (LEO, rippers) up in flames they go haha idk :joint:


Active member
i am more worried about rippers than leo... have a webcam with software... when motion is detected it starts recording and sending 2 pics a second to a web server somewhere in the ether of the inet... that way if they grab everything i still have the pictures from the camera... it also pages my phone with a txt msg stating the % of motion detected... i just grow herb and am med legal so i don't mind it calling my phone... the house is mine too so i figure there's no reason to hide my connection to the camera far as the phone alert goes... and the whole thing is totally silent btw.


Tropical Outcast
OP if you are worried someone COULD "breach" a door...you shouldn't be growing there in first place.

If an outdoor grow gets found...you'll likely "just" lose it...however an indoor grow always gets associated with one or more individuals...so I strongly recommend to abandon the thought of growing anywhere indoors where it is not 100% safe!


First of all, I urge you to reconsider doing a joint mush/weed op. You're at least doubling your offences if caught, but the main reason not to do this is because a mush op alone can be EXTREMELY COVERT, and you're ruining the beauty of this by doing joint op.

With mush you have no smell, electricity, light leaks..... Granted weed might be your main objective and you're doing mush as side project but if you look at it from a business perspective and factor risk/reward - you're better off going large scale mush. If you're already planning on doing it commercially you should be able to trade mush for weed and end up with nice profits plus some super dank to smoke on.

To answer your question there are many silent alarm notification options out there... I would opt for a motion sensing webcam that posts to a website that you can access remotely when you are notified thru a text to a prepaid cellphone.

Good luck.


LoL pitbull haha, if you leave a match stick up against the door when you leave. check if its still leaning on the door when you come back. if its fallen over and there is no wind ever near your door, you can assume someone has been inside.
or make the match strike on the wall... fire burned your evidence, and then gave the neighbors some hippy smoke.

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