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Is there any THC in VEG trim? Like for Canna-butter?


Invertebrata Inebriata
Is there any THC in the trim from plants in their vegetative state? Enough to make it worth messing with?


Natalie J. Puffington
I've never tried this, but I have seen people advise others, (those who either let their plants veg too long, or who just had too many plants), to chop 'em up and use them for butter/canna-milk...I can think of one person in particular, (someone who once posted here), who did this...However, I can not speak for the end product's efficacy...:dunno:
This 'hear say' is not very helpful, I realize... :D
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Trimmings all go into the same bag to be run through the ice bath later. Veg trim gets tossed in more because I'm just too damned lazy to toss it out, doubt seriously if it is contributing much if anything at all though.


what you do is rub the stalk and if it's reekin and/or stickky then yea there's thc i think it takes a minimmum amount of trigger time(8,10,12 whatever) depending on the strain, but if their reekin then maybe a little pruning might be a good thing.


lemme clarify, lets say afghani is a 8 week strain ,then 10 weeks from seed they should be good to go, i give my mine a 1 week germ period then a 1 week acclimation .


Invertebrata Inebriata
So... maybe? Seriously, thanks for the responses. In an illegal state, one might have to dispose of cuts/trim they would rather give to friends or plant in the backyard, feel me?


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
I have seen it claimed, but have never done it myself.

Cannabinoids in Harlequin Leaf?
Earlier this year Wilson Linker, a sales executive at Steep Hill Lab, tested leaves taken from a Harlequin plant about five weeks after it was started indoors from a clone. "Still completely in veg," he says of the plant. Linker took leaves from different various parts of the plant, ground them up, and tested them by GC/MS. To his surprise, the leaf tested at approximately 4% CBD and 2% THC (see illustration)

Linker repeated the test and confirmed the results with another Harlequin clone started the same day. Key questions will be answered by more testing: Do all Harlequin plants produce cannabinoids in the vegetative state? Do other CBD-rich strains have this trait?

from here: http://www.projectcbd.org/StrainNotes/Harlequin/Harlequin.html


one mans trash is another man treasure!!

one mans trash is another man treasure!!

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you have the practice and patience, you can make quite good oil (and butter too of course) from anything....Ice cold 99% iso, and a very short contact time will make almost the same quality from, stems, leaves, buds, whatever. Its just a lot more work with lower potency stuff like stems and veg leaves....more volume needed for the same outcome, the trick is to use the same solvent again and again with new plant matter...its time consuming but this way you can process large-ish volumes of plant matter without needing to buy and then evaporate equally large volumes of solvent...and to keep it extra safe I rarely use heat.

My friends never believed me until they ate the cookies but I'll even make canna butter out of shake that I've already made oil out of. Of course this is only possible as I only make strong oil, so sometimes instead of making 2 or 3 additional batches of weaker oil I'll make some stoney food. I realize the best thc has already been stolen for the oil but if your after a sleep aid or muscle relaxant it still works awesome.


Active member
I remember someone claiming they made some cannabutter out of male plants that he pulled

Male plants are reasonably potent. The only issue (okay, other than the smaller yield and all the pollen) is that there is a lot of the bud that is not trichome-coated compared to a female. No reason to send them to the compost... I ate two of my males from the last run, fresh leaves and preflowers cooked down in coconut oil and turned into a stir-fry and was happy with the return from the effort.


Sounds Tastey - thanks for the story

Sounds Tastey - thanks for the story

Male plants are reasonably potent. The only issue (okay, other than the smaller yield and all the pollen) is that there is a lot of the bud that is not trichome-coated compared to a female. No reason to send them to the compost... I ate two of my males from the last run, fresh leaves and preflowers cooked down in coconut oil and turned into a stir-fry and was happy with the return from the effort.

I recall reading about DJ short actually smoking males on occasion. Of course this was for breeding selection to see how potent a potential father was.


Well-known member
sure it contains some, but in a much lower proportion than a flowering plant... once ran out of smoke, and had some veggin plants on the balcony... boiled a handfull fresh fan leaves with milk for 15mins, and it gave me a slight buzz and made me relaxed... and yeah it made me fall asleep an hour after ingestion, so go figure :)



Invertebrata Inebriata
I found the answer here- THE MARIJUANA GROWER'S GUIDE
by Mel Frank and Ed Rosenthal
Typed by Ben Dawson
Revised 1992

Here are the potencies, in descending order, of the various plant parts:
1. Female flowering clusters. In practice you don't separate hundreds
of tiny bracts to make a joint. The whole flowering mass (seeds removed),
along with small accompanying leaves, forms the material.
2. Male flower clusters. These vary more in relative potency depending on
the strain (see "Potency by Sex," below).
3. Growing shoots. Before the plants flower, the vegetative shoots (tips)
of the main stem and branches are the most potent plant parts.
4. Leaves (a) that accompany flowers (small);
(b) along branches (medium);
(c) along main stem (large).
Generally, the smaller the leaf is, the more potent it can be.
5. Petioles (leaf stalks). Same order as leaves.
6. Stems. Same order as leaves. The smaller the stem (twig), the
higher the possible concentration of cannabinoids. Stems over 1/16"
in diameter contain only traces of cannabinoids and are not worth
smoking. The small stems that bear the flowers can be quite potent.
7. Seeds and Roots. Contain only traces (less then .01 percent) and
are not worth smoking or extracting.

Thanks, everybody!


Active member
I recall reading about DJ short actually smoking males on occasion. Of course this was for breeding selection to see how potent a potential father was.
Thats alotta little dust pods to collect. I've seen pictures of male flowers with thc on em. Makes alot of sense.


It is more an anti-inflammatory than mind elevating effect. Using fans and males in cannabutter gave me relief of wrist and neck pain from titanium pieces that have been installed. If you put them in the oven at 210° for 5 minutes before throwing in a crock pot or saucepan with water and butter, there is more of a mental effect - but not soaring.

I used a gallon ziplock of dry, crumbled leaf to a pound of butter simmered, not boiled, with about a half gallon of water for 3 to 12 hours. A potato ricer is a very useful tool for squeezing the butter out of the wet leaf, but the best return I got was about a cup and a half (75%) of green tasting butter after letting it solidify overnight in the fridge.

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