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Is there any effect of constantly smoking joints vs. using a bong on a daily basis ?

before anyone bashes. This is an honest question. I was wondering if there is any negitive mental effect from smoking joints/blunts daily. The reason I ask is because Im an East Coaster, tri stater at that, and around here the majoirty of smokers perfer the casualness' and relaxment of smoking joints/blunts. Were as in most other parts of the world people use mostly bongs/pipes. Now here is why I am asking the question. In a few diff videos and magazines Ive heard west coasters, say that they dont know how us east coast smoke joints and blunts everyday, they say doing that will make you go crazy, and these arent stupid young kids saying this. These are top notch west coast potheads lol. Anyway I was doing a little thinking and the only reasonable thing i could think of is that, smoking joints/blunts have kind of a controlled stimulus effect, where u know if u meditate and take a pull u will feel good, and joint/blunt smokers usally relax on there j's/l's for a good 20-30 min session, caused many frequent minimeditations that relax the brain, however the other side of the spectrum usally takes one to 3 large thc filled bongrips that send a more one shot hit of thc to the brain, wich cause the smoke to not rely on having more inches of blunt to smoke, but more knowing that the rip was done, and time to relax.. Like i said thats just me touching on it, but I wonder if anyone else has a possibility of what these west coasters are talkin about.

pce from the east


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I guess I live on the East, I do both

The long term effect is I am always high!

I smoke a bong when I am by myself mainly, or I dont have all that much weed broken up in front of me, and cleaning it is enough incentive to smoke a J and get a roach to bong later.

Now if it is in the evening and I am watching TV and drinking some coffee, I will most def roll one up and just enjoy the relaxing of haulin back with my head back, not slouched over a stinky "vase" getting ready to cough

To each his own dude, I am sure all the vape dudes look at the smokers the same way


Active member
if you are doing either of those casually..shouldn't be a problem.

if you are doing it like it's a contest and every time you take a hit, it must be huge, then yes. I know those people too.

try a pin joint, really really small in diameter....fun.


Un - Retired,
I only smoke joints, very rare I use a bong / pipe

from my experience in the dam Bong's are a US thing and joints are more a Euro / continental thing
my theory is its because of the availability of hash here where in the US and canada weed is more the normal
old pink. it's funny u mention people in the dam primarly smoking joints,cuz i was a little to high to mention in my first post, that the rumor of joints making u go crazy or whatever, was also mentioned about the people in amsterdam.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
There have been reports suggesting joints are healthier for you than bongs. Surprised me. I'll have to see if I can find it.

I go back and forth between Js and Bongs. It's a mood thing.


Custom User Title
After I harvest I'll usually go on a joint smoking spree, but smoking several 1g+ joints a day eats through my stash real quick. When I'm buying or short on buds, I'll use a bong for efficiency. I'd smoke joints all day if I could though. They also stink up the place a lot more than a few bong hits, which isn't a good thing where I am now.


bounty29 said:
After I harvest I'll usually go on a joint smoking spree, but smoking several 1g+ joints a day eats through my stash real quick. When I'm buying or short on buds, I'll use a bong for efficiency. I'd smoke joints all day if I could though. They also stink up the place a lot more than a few bong hits, which isn't a good thing where I am now.
w3rd, exact same shit for me. Specialty joints are the worst (and the best), a tulip can easily eat up 4+ grams.


Active member
Inhaling any kind of some will have a negative effect on your lungs after awhile... but i don't know about mentally, i have been taking bong hits since i was 13 and except for this twitch (just kidding) i am perfectly healthy both mentally and physically.


the only time i smoke j's is when im up in the mountains shredding up the slopes. theyre a lot easier to concile and dispose of after im finished vs carting around a pipe much less a bong. but joints so use a lot of herb and im fairly cheap to begin with they're more of a special treat cuz i get tore smoking a spiff
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stone fool
Here is the difference. If you roll jays all day you will always get high, if you have papers. If you smoke bongs and pipes you will eventually break or loose your tool, and suffer sobriety. To avoid this, do both!


Yeah, where I'm from, we smoke blunts on a regular basis. Bongs aren't really even available around here.

I agree that smoking blunts everyday can keep you sort of retarded (lol) while your not high.


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Joint = lots of bad stuff for the lungs, but studies have shown that pot smokers get cancer far less than cigarrete smokers the theory is that weeds anti-cancer properties are at work. There are still bad things in the smoke though. Get a vape or smoke hash if you are concerned.

Bong = same as above (the water does not filter the bad stuff, just big bad stuff) except bongs are considered worse for you because people take larger and deeper hits.

Blunts = IMO are a waste with good weed.


Custom User Title
3dDream said:
Joint = lots of bad stuff for the lungs, but studies have shown that pot smokers get cancer far less than cigarrete smokers the theory is that weeds anti-cancer properties are at work. There are still bad things in the smoke though. Get a vape or smoke hash if you are concerned.

Bong = same as above (the water does not filter the bad stuff, just big bad stuff) except bongs are considered worse for you because people take larger and deeper hits.

Blunts = IMO are a waste with good weed.

Agreed. Carbon filter on a bong though, and I'd say it's almost as good as a vape healthwise.


Active member
I've never been able to find anything definitive and certainly nothing conclusive regarding this.

I use a homemade hookah with a cylindrical bowl that's a half-inch deep and the diameter of a cigarette. I roll joints using clear cellulose wraps. I cut the joint into half-inch pieces. One pellet-sized piece gets me and the ol' lady ripped. I figure we get a concentrated toke and don't burn too much weed.


I would have thought that a steady drip of THC wouldn't be so acute as a massive dose every few hours or so? I doubt that the likelihood of mental illness increases through smoking spliffs as opposed to bongs etc. If someone is gonna go mad, the way they get high ain't gonna make any difference. Sounds to me like the West coaster who told the story needs to go and see his shrink if he's coming out with such nonsense. Have you suggested to him or her that they might be the ones who need their head tested?



Active member
3dDream said:
Joint = lots of bad stuff for the lungs, but studies have shown that pot smokers get cancer far less than cigarrete smokers the theory is that weeds anti-cancer properties are at work. There are still bad things in the smoke though. Get a vape or smoke hash if you are concerned.

Bong = same as above (the water does not filter the bad stuff, just big bad stuff) except bongs are considered worse for you because people take larger and deeper hits.

Blunts = IMO are a waste with good weed.

I think the fact that weed smokers smoke so much less is also a leading cause(well non-cause) ... I mean a pack of cigs is like a ounce of tobacco. Imagine smoking two onces of weed a day lol...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Is there any effect of constantly smoking joints vs. using a bong on a daily basis?
in one case you'll be stoned off your ass, in the other you'll be stoned out of your gourd, your choice.......
Im actully a very big fan of hookah smoking(with shisha), and not quite a fan of bongs,however ive been watching videos of tru rastas and what the smoke besides spliffs, and they use a hookah like instrument, but instead of a hose, its a long pipe. If you have pics of ur device id deff like to see it. I like what do u with cutting up the joints to and using them, I was a preecher or the cellulose paper a few years back, never could enjoy weed with the cellulose taste mixed in..

it wasnt one of my homies, rather a few diff people in various cannibis videos, and im not talkin stupid youtube kids.

I was watching a video of mr nice smoking with some tru rastas in jamacia, and he was explaining how there smoking method is different reguarding the inhale and holding process, then normal pot smokers anyway. I know this is a touchy post but personally, and this is just a personal collection of thoughts, but I deff belive there is a difference if u smoke joint/blunts vrs. pipe bong, and im not saying all people. I just belive joint/blunt smoking can lead to possible pheening more than bong smoking can.

Im a few min away from making a post about the use of BLUNTS in my area, and where i belive it stemed from, and why I belive it has become a craze, and why I belive we need to educate the un educated before kids in my generation are fuckin getting lesions in there airways by the time there 30. It will be posted later tonite check it out..