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is there an aero cloner that has more room per clone than the ez cloner?



and no i dont want to build my own lol. im guessing theres not one out there to buy but i wanted to ask the question to make sure. i like taking big clones so room is an issue and certain clones are dying from not having enough light. worst case scenario i could skip holes but than its a tiny bit too much space.


Active member
Best bet is to purchase one that is larger than you need. i.e. 120 instead of 60 or something like that. Little bit more $$$ though.


Best bet is to purchase one that is larger than you need. i.e. 120 instead of 60 or something like that. Little bit more $$$ though.

i have a 120 you mis understood the question. "more room per clone" i need.


Good luck man.. its pretty easy to do I'm sure you won't have much trouble. I've built a half dozen or so of them, no prob.
a guy on ebay makes them... really nice actually.. I have two of them... he makes them using different size net cups... the ones with larger size net pots have more room per clone.. I also take larger clones and love these... I cut the bottoms of the net pots off... Take a look at them... might not be your cup of tea but they do work very nicely...


a guy on ebay makes them... really nice actually.. I have two of them... he makes them using different size net cups... the ones with larger size net pots have more room per clone.. I also take larger clones and love these... I cut the bottoms of the net pots off... Take a look at them... might not be your cup of tea but they do work very nicely...

net cups? the aero cloners dont use net cups. you got a link?


Active member
Hi there - what about tweekin the existing cloner lid like:

1- get a lightproof piece of plastic seized big enough for bin
2- cut to size and shape
3- glue on top of bin covering existing holes
4- mark new hole pattern
5- take hole saw drill holes
6- clean up & done

choosing the right hole saw dia u can even reuse the plugs and will have some in reserve (since u gonna have less holes).
appears like the easier and cheaper way to me than building a whole new cloner.


Hi there - what about tweekin the existing cloner lid like:

1- get a lightproof piece of plastic seized big enough for bin
2- cut to size and shape
3- glue on top of bin covering existing holes
4- mark new hole pattern
5- take hole saw drill holes
6- clean up & done

choosing the right hole saw dia u can even reuse the plugs and will have some in reserve (since u gonna have less holes).
appears like the easier and cheaper way to me than building a whole new cloner.

hmm thats definitely a good idea but the thing is im so bad at doing stuff like this. i dont think i even wanna mess with it


Active member
mhhhhh well this really is no rocket science the hardest part will be marking the new hole pattern imo - anyhow - maybe u have a trusted friend who is able and willing to help u out. I´m all for reuse/recycling if possible.


Active member
a guy on ebay makes them... really nice actually.. I have two of them... he makes them using different size net cups... the ones with larger size net pots have more room per clone.. I also take larger clones and love these... I cut the bottoms of the net pots off... Take a look at them... might not be your cup of tea but they do work very nicely...

please post a link?


build your own bruh, cant go wrong, for my setup i had no choice. when it was first put together . . .

and here it is now . . .

i want mine to get about 1'+ before i put them to flower. that tub sits down with the moms. by the time i finish a complete flower run, they are more than ready to go, i have some updated pics as of recent ill bring them back around so you can see that cloner with bigger plants in it.

im waiting on some NL plants to finish up and once i can move the current plants over to the flower cab im gonna paint the lid black then white.


Active member
Botanicare Power Cloner 165 W/Humidome Botanicare Power Cloner 165 W/Humidome or get a 3x6 or 4x4 ebb and flo tray . a piece of coroplast, small net cups. 5 per ft 20x20= 400 total is that enough? or u can get the botaincaire ebb and flos daisy changed together for a shit load of clones.


Botanicare Power Cloner 165 W/Humidome Botanicare Power Cloner 165 W/Humidome or get a 3x6 or 4x4 ebb and flo tray . a piece of coroplast, small net cups. 5 per ft 20x20= 400 total is that enough? or u can get the botaincaire ebb and flos daisy changed together for a shit load of clones.

so your sayin the Botanicare Power Cloner 165 has more room (square inches) per clone than the ez cloner? are you sure about this?


EZ clone is money, but really wish there was more room per clone. That way you don't have to cut leaves and cut small clones. Would be such a simple fix, just would have a bigger footprint.


good luck ................ i double clone in my 144.............. 288 who needs more room.
once it gets good roots repot it. IMHO

just bubble bucket if want a bigger aero... same concept.

or jusst build ur own.

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