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is there a law against chewing gum in court?

river rat01

im pissed,
i went to court to contest a ticket and i was sitting in the benches with everyone else.
i happened to be chewing gum. not smacking or anything, hell it was only a piece of trident!

so anyway, the cop that stands by the judge walks over to me with a little trash can and says, spit out your gum.

so i did. and then he went around the room making other "violators" spit out their gum too.

looking back on this, i should of said, what law am i in violation of?

i mean cops can only enforce the laws that are on the books, right?
so which gum chewing law was i in violation of?

im thinking about getting another ticket and going back to court chewing gum just so i can confront that fat oinker.


To Have More ... Desire Less
the gum chewing is looked az disrespectful to the judge and he'z or her court room.......like a church it'z considered whollowed ground.....and taboo......
I'tz like being @ work don't piss~on or off the boss........
Head Mutherfucker In Charge........



Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
You want to get out of court in one piece be respectful of the judge. You might think he's an ass, you might think he's wrong, but that's what an appeal is for. Your job in court is to do exactly what your lawyer tells you and be polite and respectful as hell.

I've had all sorts of odd judge/court encounters. Just roll with it and you'll get out without issue 99% of the time.

river rat01

i know that milwaukee, but what if you wear a red shirt and they dont like it?
they tell you to take it off.
i mean where do you draw the line?


if you are not breaking a law, what can they possibly charge you with?

if there is no gum chewing law, and you said no, im not spitting my gum out, what would they charge you with?

id love to see the media get ahold of that story!

id like to know why a lawyer dosent contest this issue, chewing gum is a personal freedom.


It would be contempt of court. I'm not saying its right but its just the way it is. I've heard of judges having people removed from court for being dressed inappropriately.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Pissing off the judge rarely gets you where you want to go unless you want to go to jail.

river rat01

i know, but what legal ground would he have to stand on?

what could he possibly charge you with?

it would be an easy lawsuit.

i could sue his ass off.


ICMag Donor
Most of the cops that are have court duty are assholes! [not that they all arnt] but they seem to love to embarrass ppl, god help you if your cell phone goes off!!..I saw one person just looking at their phone, not using it or anything and the cop took it till court was over! ....court sucks, I wouldnt try to go back for anything!


Are you talking about suing the judge or the ballif? I'm sure he was acting under to judges direction. They can tell you to take your hands out of yours pockets and stand up straight. If you don't follow their rules you're just asking for trouble and you would have no legal recourse.


weed fiend
You might get away with showing your ass over chewing gum but the reason you're there in the first place will suffer.

Court isn't the only place where respect and manners are expected. Practice a little respect (even if there isn't a LAW written for it.) Might keep ya from going to court so much.


To Have More ... Desire Less
ok.....so go and try to find alocal attorny that will EVEN consider....let alone....actuallly file suite/papers.....on U'r intend to sue THE judge in U'r local town........U MUST have BIGBALLZ.......cuz the minute U start "schit" w/ ANY local figures of the law.......let alone the demigod status of A judge.........
I promise U there will be a whole NEW world of problemz come U'r way in every shape form and fashion..........try IT.....and see who WINz.........

ps.......go ahead and pack U'r schit.......U'r either going away or moving......
either way get ready for w schit storm of change and chargez........:2cents:


i know, but what legal ground would he have to stand on?

what could he possibly charge you with?

it would be an easy lawsuit.

i could sue his ass off.

The judge will charge you with contempt of court.

this is correct

plus you cant sue a judge

judges cannot be held liable for money damages for acts done in the exercise of his judicial function, within the limits of his jurisdiction, no matter how erroneous, illegal or malicious his acts may be. (48A Corpus Juris Secundum §86)


Pissing off the judge rarely gets you where you want to go unless you want to go to jail.

I would say this and "Wear decent clothing, don't be drunk" are the best advice for any situation with a courtroom.

I had a traffic ticket recently and while I was in court I saw a Japanese man with a translator bow to the judge twice. Respecting Judges is international and for good reason.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

respect and decorum have been established for centuries,
no books or newspapers either, keep your hands out of your
pockets, tuck in any shirt you're wearing (it's OK if you look
poor, not sloppy), always address the judge as 'your honor'
and look him in the eye w/o fidgeting, he's judging you, that's
his frikkin' job so don't make it too easy for him.......


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
why dont you go back and sit in on one of the judges cases and chew a huge piece of bubble gum, I'm sure they will give you another chance to make your point.

btw, no chewing gum in court is logical. it is harder to understand a person that is chewing gum and talking, so you have to waste the court's time saying twice so they can understand you. lawyers get paid by the hour, people dont want you wasting time.

judges live on a power trip, if you try to make them come down they will attack to like a junkie trying to get crack.