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Is that an Iron deficiency?


Weed Cannasaur
My plants started showing these symptoms a week or so ago.
All in soil sharing pretty much the same watering solution. The soil is well aerated and contains 20% compost and in some pot some guano.

I haven't checked the water pH but from previous grows I never really had to.
They got mainly clean water until they started showing this yellowing, some on them after a month of veg.

In the deficiency guide it seemed like its Iron def.
Does it seems correct to you?
I never had this sort of deficiency so its pretty odd to me.

What should I do now?


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New member
I guarantee you adding some "liquid iron" i buy its a bunch of chetalated minerals iron, mg, mn, copper, etc. it will do you some good, look it up if your growing soil.... a definite must add every few weeks ! Your pics dont necessarily look too bad because the yellow is on the new growth, which is normal but maybe not to that degree so try some of that liquid iron if you can find it, or similar. Could be mild nitrogen deficiency but bc its so localized in the new growth i think your right to lean towards a micro deficiency and not macro


Weed Cannasaur
jacob, I'll look out for something local that contains iron.
But how did it come out so fast? it took it less than a week to show up to this scale in soil.

Leroy, 24-26 day and pretty much the same for the night temps.


Active member
Id say you about right on the Fe(could be an S def too), certainly a micro def to look at it, its not N, that starts from the bottom up, & S you see that sorta rainbow yellow stripe throught the leaves iirc. should be an easy fix with a full spec nute/feed or suppliment fe & see what happens"!

What medium you growing on? looks like moss from here>? More info, on medium PH/feeds etc ect may help!
temps are good so it not down that road, id say Fe or S def myself! without further info!

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Active member
Is that a Hydro Hut or Sunhut with white lining? Look up off gassing. You should only buy a grow tent with a silver lining. The white plastic contains a certain chemical and when the light hits it, it will create a gas that is toxic to the plants and cause it to almost look like an N deficiency.


Active member
I am almost positive your tent is toxic. Nothing you will do will help your plants in that thing.


that is a plant that experienced off gassing.


Active member
The only cure is calling the manufacturer of your tent and asking them to send you a new one. They know this is a problem and it is their fault. They have known now for almost 5 years. It is bullshit that they are still selling those piece of shit white lined toxic tents. They are toxic for plants and can be toxic to humans. Get rid of it immediately!


Weed Cannasaur
i think same cold temp
Never got below 17°C.

Id say you about right on the Fe(could be an S def too), certainly a micro def to look at it, its not N, that starts from the bottom up, & S you see that sorta rainbow yellow stripe throught the leaves iirc. should be an easy fix with a full spec nute/feed or suppliment fe & see what happens"!

What medium you growing on? looks like moss from here>? More info, on medium PH/feeds etc ect may help!
temps are good so it not down that road, id say Fe or S def myself! without further info!
The medium is mainly peat and coco with some compost, some perlite and a bit of osmocote.

My water pH is around 7.8 but my soil usually buffers the pH pretty well.
I haven't fed them with anything I haven't used before and haven't gone above 0.6mS EC - just gave some supervit and such.

Is that a Hydro Hut or Sunhut with white lining? Look up off gassing. You should only buy a grow tent with a silver lining. The white plastic contains a certain chemical and when the light hits it, it will create a gas that is toxic to the plants and cause it to almost look like an N deficiency.

I am almost positive your tent is toxic. Nothing you will do will help your plants in that thing.

View attachment 106975

that is a plant that experienced off gassing.

The only cure is calling the manufacturer of your tent and asking them to send you a new one. They know this is a problem and it is their fault. They have known now for almost 5 years. It is bullshit that they are still selling those piece of shit white lined toxic tents. They are toxic for plants and can be toxic to humans. Get rid of it immediately!
I have no clue what brand the tent is.
I got it from a friend and I haven't heard of anyone using this tent before (its been used for at least 2 years) having problems.
I'll ask my friend out for more information.
If it is offgassing why did it occurred only after 2 weeks since I've started using the tent?
I got some massive ventilation (1.2x1.2x2 meter closet with a very strong 500m3\h vent) some the offgas shouldn't have built up over time.


Active member
If it has had problem before it is offing gas. 98% sure. It doesnt happen immediately. Read about it. Ventilation wont help what so ever. You are surrounding your plants with toxic gas. Take them out of the tent and put a light on them. They should darken up in a week or two. Also google "Grow tent off gassing" and look at the pictures. They will be the exact same as yours. Even the plant that isn't cannabis is doing it. That is a big sign that it is off gassing.


Weed Cannasaur
I can get only one kind of tents beside the one I got, which isn't light-proof enough to allow me to sleep near it like I do with my current.
I haven't bought my current tent, I got it borrowed from a friend.
My only other option would be building a new grow closet which would take a lot of money and a lot of time I really don't have to spare right now.

I rather look this thing up a bit further before jumping to conclusions.


Active member
Its not really jumping to conclusions.


phthalates arent chemically bonded to recycled pvc and are used to give certain plastics a flexible feel. When light hits them it slowly releases and is extremely harmful to plants and humans. Your tent has white plastic and has had problems in the past. It is off gassing. No doubt about it.


Weed Cannasaur
Checked it up with my friend and he once had this problem and he solved it by adding another layer over the plastic interior.
Just bought the needed amount and I will install it in a few minutes.

We'll see how it helps in a few days.


Active member
seal it nicely! Just be careful, that stuff is supposedly just as bad for us as it is for plants. Find out the manufacturer and contact them. Homebox / hydrohut and sunhuts will send you a new tent.


Active member
Theres a list somewhere of all tent manafacturers that are dodgy & make tent with off gassing phyelates(sp?). Respect to the Bong Ripkin!! overlooked a sometimes obvious question, where did you get your tent/manafacturer? well don that man, major K/rep! symptoms are very much in-line with the offgassing symptoms, often looks to mimick def's'. Well Done BR! Check list though & tell us the maker, out of interest please!


Weed Cannasaur
My tent is over 2 years old (probably more like 5 years old) without any tags saying what brand it is and my friend has no clue about it.

Its a rigid 1.2x1.2x2m tent with very strong fabric and not so strong zippers. Thats pretty much all I know about it beside it being over 2 years old and well used.


Active member
its a 99% contender then, when you walk in(6 hours into light on) what do you smell? nasty plastercine sorta smell yeah, that'll be it then, the BongRip had the right answer imo then!

Id chuck it & get another, secret jardins are good!

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