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  • Yes-It is based on force

    Votes: 20 42.6%
  • No-it is voluntary

    Votes: 21 44.7%
  • See More Details in thread

    Votes: 6 12.8%

  • Total voters


Active member
America deserves a conservative party, it does not have that right now.

Oh it does. Your Zionist media gods have turned anything that does not agree with their socialist agenda in the ‘alt-right’/ ‘far-right’ meme. Issue is you worry so much about being labeled a rayciss or natzee you hide in the shadows crying about labels


Active member
Wait, so economic mobility fell drastically with the appearance of Millenials . Lol. No coincidence there.

The destruction of the 2 parent household, lack of work ethic, and lack of personal responsibility certainly is responsible for the vast majority of loss of economic mobility.

The cultures that still value above stated values, still have economic mobility. Asians are so successful, that ivy league colleges actually penalize them as far as admissions.

Your favorite scape goat ( The Jeeeewwwwssss) also have similar values, and a greater economic mobility.

Hispanics as the largest group of entrepreneurs in our country still have those values and do quite well.

Unfortunately, Black and White Americans , have undermined their own success. Blacks from Africa, do better than native blacks.

The problem is a destruction of western values.

If you graduate high school, marry before having children, and maintain employment, you won't be permanently poor in this country.

Similar values? Orthodox are notorious for gaming the system then cry rayciss when caught. Not really sure their values align with any modern day values other than playing the ultimate victim. When controlling media/ banking and have a gross misrepresentation in government and the judicial system of ‘dual loyalty’ politicians, pulling the strings is easy. You don’t get kicked out of 109 different societies being a pillar of the community. Even a broken clock is right twice a day... he may be right you know


Active member
Similar values? Orthodox are notorious for gaming the system then cry rayciss when caught. Not really sure their values align with any modern day values other than playing the ultimate victim. When controlling media/ banking and have a gross misrepresentation in government and the judicial system of ‘dual loyalty’ politicians, pulling the strings is easy. You don’t get kicked out of 109 different societies being a pillar of the community. Even a broken clock is right twice a day... he may be right you know

Dude, why such hatred of a religion, that's the realm of the left, don't let them bring you down to their level. The Jews who control are leftist, in reality in this day and age, it's their leftism that is the problem.

Similar values, such as education, hard work, personal responsibility, marriage, 2 parent households. The majority of Americans held such values within the last 50 years , it certainly coincides with the revolution of the 60s.

2nd, and 3rd wave feminism, has been a blight on families, and children. Pushing the father into a position of obscurity, has created generations of children who have no male role model. Boys are constantly told to sit down and act like the girls, if they are not able they are put on drugs to make it happen, With no concern for longterm side effects.


ICMag Donor
"Socialism" Which characteristics thereof, are definitive?

How about starting with the most important which is what is being missed by so many. FORCE is the underlying "characteristic" ....not sure if "characteristic" is necessarily the right word to be used here in this particular sentence, but good enough methinks

FORCE is what differentiates socialism from freedom. You WILL pay x amount, you WILL you WILL you WILL. you WILL obey or else.



Well-known member
"Socialism" Which characteristics thereof, are definitive?

How about starting with the most important which is what is being missed by so many. FORCE is the underlying "characteristic" ....not sure if "characteristic" is necessarily the right word to be used here in this particular sentence, but good enough methinks

FORCE is what differentiates socialism from freedom. You WILL pay x amount, you WILL you WILL you WILL. you WILL obey or else.


bullshit. are you paying taxes "voluntarily", or are you paying them because you do not want to go to jail, lose your job/house/family? if force is what differentiates "freedom" from "socialism", then we are already a socialist country. anyone out there that hates "socialism" that refused to cash their stimulus check? won't drive on public roads? hypocrites...:tiphat:


ICMag Donor
bullshit. are you paying taxes "voluntarily", or are you paying them because you do not want to go to jail, lose your job/house/family? if force is what differentiates "freedom" from "socialism", then we are already a socialist country. anyone out there that hates "socialism" that refused to cash their stimulus check? won't drive on public roads? hypocrites...:tiphat:

Thank you, you got it right.

And the ones who are for real about it would not ACCEPT any checks of such kind. So you are correct.

See how easy this is? It all starts with awareness which there is obviously very little awareness from either "right" OR "left".

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Dude, why such hatred of a religion, that's the realm of the left, don't let them bring you down to their level. The Jews who control are leftist, in reality in this day and age, it's their leftism that is the problem.

Similar values, such as education, hard work, personal responsibility, marriage, 2 parent households. The majority of Americans held such values within the last 50 years , it certainly coincides with the revolution of the 60s.

2nd, and 3rd wave feminism, has been a blight on families, and children. Pushing the father into a position of obscurity, has created generations of children who have no male role model. Boys are constantly told to sit down and act like the girls, if they are not able they are put on drugs to make it happen, With no concern for longterm side effects.

Because religion is just another form of control.

Your 50s housewife ideal was shattered long ago. It's just another form of slavery and you are all broken up the good old days are gone.

You don't have slaves or subservient wives.... whatever will you do??!!

What morals are you really building upon??

Boys don't have to sit when told, but girls do.... right?

Are you Southern Baptist by any chance??


Active member
Because religion is just another form of control.

Your 50s housewife ideal was shattered long ago. It's just another form of slavery and you are all broken up the good old days are gone.

You don't have slaves or subservient wives.... whatever will you do??!!

What morals are you really building upon??

Boys don't have to sit when told, but girls do.... right?

Are you Southern Baptist by any chance??

I have gone over the morals, you don't have to agree, but the results, of abandonment of those morals are startling.
Say it with me Mr. Mustard, personal responsibility, work ethic, education, hard work, perseverance.

I am broken up with the lack of success of all Americans, due to sick twisted versions of morals forced on Americans by the left.

Girls are naturally more able to sit, and focus. Not by force, but by genetics.

Not Southern Baptist, also, don't want my ideas forced.

My wife takes great care of me and my kids. I don't force her to do it. I also bring home the fucking bacon, we work together to provide a better future for our family. We respect each other and take care of each other.

I would never have had a slave, have never been a Democrat.

Funny how you criticize religion for control, yet you worship at the alter of a non theistic religion of leftism. A religion that is founded in forced compliance.


Well-known member
"Socialism" Which characteristics thereof, are definitive?

How about starting with the most important which is what is being missed by so many. FORCE is the underlying "characteristic" ....not sure if "characteristic" is necessarily the right word to be used here in this particular sentence, but good enough methinks

FORCE is what differentiates socialism from freedom. You WILL pay x amount, you WILL you WILL you WILL. you WILL obey or else.


you're equating totalitarianism with socialism


Well-known member
now they are called "centrist Democrats".



Well-known member
Dude, why such hatred of a religion, that's the realm of the left, don't let them bring you down to their level. The Jews who control are leftist, in reality in this day and age, it's their leftism that is the problem.

Similar values, such as education, hard work, personal responsibility, marriage, 2 parent households. The majority of Americans held such values within the last 50 years , it certainly coincides with the revolution of the 60s.

2nd, and 3rd wave feminism, has been a blight on families, and children. Pushing the father into a position of obscurity, has created generations of children who have no male role model. Boys are constantly told to sit down and act like the girls, if they are not able they are put on drugs to make it happen, With no concern for longterm side effects.

"The Jews who control are leftist"

you do understand that to actually call yourself or someone else a leftist you have to be anti-capitalist. democrats as a whole are not leftists nor are they anti capitalists.

hyper capitalists who make all their money through the markets are secretly anti capitalist?

makes no sense. all their money & power comes from capitalism. i'm sure some of them are leftists but overall it makes no sense.


America deserves a conservative party, it does not have that right now.

america needs a liberal party, and also a radical party. shit the more parties the better.

it's always lesser of two turds, right now it's basically republican biden, against... i dunno what the hell trump is. the make money at other ppls expense party.

we don't really have many prominent progressives in the u.s. and they never stand a chance at the presidency.

the only thing i fear is the evangelist reactionary types gaining in prominence out of a response to more/ stronger progressives.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor

bullshit. are you paying taxes "voluntarily", or are you paying them because you do not want to go to jail, lose your job/house/family? if force is what differentiates "freedom" from "socialism", then we are already a socialist country. anyone out there that hates "socialism" that refused to cash their stimulus check? won't drive on public roads? hypocrites...:tiphat:

When I brought this up; the overriding threat of violence for non-compliance in a free society like the USA and that the ultimate power belonged to the people; in a 2nd year college class, the professor asked if I was on drugs. I had to admit, I was.


why is there all this antisemitism? always from conspiracy theory nut types... like if ppl really believe the illuminati are un control crapola, and believe they happen to be jewish, why do ppl then hate on all jewish ppl?

like don't get me wrong, i hate religion just as much as the next guy but i don't hate all the practitioners, i see them as victims; no need to victimize them further.

fuck nick cannon


Well-known member
thats what most conspiracy theories are. at least the ones that go back a hundred or more years.... like cultural marxism. it's literally just repackaged nazi propaganda with a different name. the nazi's used to call it cultural bolshevism.


not even sure what 'cultural marxism' is.

from reading up on it, it sounds like just a catchy label to put on left leaning ideas in general but with a conspiracy theory nutter twist.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I have gone over the morals, you don't have to agree, but the results, of abandonment of those morals are startling.
Say it with me Mr. Mustard, personal responsibility, work ethic, education, hard work, perseverance.

I am broken up with the lack of success of all Americans, due to sick twisted versions of morals forced on Americans by the left.

Girls are naturally more able to sit, and focus. Not by force, but by genetics.

Not Southern Baptist, also, don't want my ideas forced.

My wife takes great care of me and my kids. I don't force her to do it. I also bring home the fucking bacon, we work together to provide a better future for our family. We respect each other and take care of each other.

I would never have had a slave, have never been a Democrat.

Funny how you criticize religion for control, yet you worship at the alter of a non theistic religion of leftism. A religion that is founded in forced compliance.

Go over "the morals" one more time for this moderate labeled as a leftist please.

I think I missed those.

White Beard

Active member
Go over "the morals" one more time for this moderate labeled as a leftist please.

I think I missed those.
Pretty sure he missed them, too: he claims he listens to no one, makes up his own mind, but he clearly has only absorbed the bullshit in the air around him. I believe him when he talks about his wife, his family, himself, but when he talks about anything else, he makes it painfully clear that he’s ignorant of it all. He doesn’t grasp the *concepts* of morals and morality, or politics, or economics - or even words, for that matter.

But hot DAMN, he does BELIEVE the tropes he’s swallowed whole, and he wields them like an angry child with a box of hammers. I’m no fan of Socrates, but the Greek spin doctor was right about one thing: the unexamined life is not worth living...at least, for the people within earshot of it.