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Is power consumption and issue now with the 93kwh rule gone?


Now that this 93kwh law has changed does that mean the police can no longer obtain records from bchydro? I assume BChydro would have to abide by this new ruling even if they wanted to help the police?

so can you get away with a 8-12 lighter and not worry about electrical consumption if you are paying your bill?




Active member
Well after the article i read today you may be wrong.

Recently the B.C. Court of Appeal struck down part of a provincial law that allowed municipal inspectors to search for electrical problems that may be related marijuana grow-ops without warrants.
Inspectors can still monitor homes for spikes in hydro consumption however.


I believe this is why most people run their lights at night. Last time i checked, the meter inspectors work a 9 - 5 schedule like the rest of the world. Now if you are on one of those new digital meters that may be abit different.


if they want a look they will show up with the Public Safety Inspection Team which is made up of a fire inspector, rcmps marijuana team, an electrical advisor, and bylaw inspector

Bud Bug

You'll still get an notice but not in Surrey. Seems other GVRD municipalities are still doing it. I know of a few people in Mission that got notices in last two weeks.


You'll still get an notice but not in Surrey. Seems other GVRD municipalities are still doing it. I know of a few people in Mission that got notices in last two weeks.

well that sucks... why would bc hydro recently withhold the records of the entire northside of vancouver but people in surry are still getting notices. Doesnt make any sense at all. How is this electrical safety team still up and running if the 93 kwh law was over turned.

Any idea how many lights your friends were running in mission.

What happends if you refuse to let them in and in the meantime you take every little piece of evidence out of the house. Is there anything they can charge you with.

I am planning a 8-10k setup and wondering if I should seriously start worrying about consumption. i hear mixed opinions but a lot of have telling me to run as many lights as you want and if you just pay your bill electrical consumption should be your last worry.

Bud Bug

well that sucks... why would bc hydro recently withhold the records of the entire northside of vancouver but people in surry are still getting notices. Doesnt make any sense at all. How is this electrical safety team still up and running if the 93 kwh law was over turned.

Any idea how many lights your friends were running in mission.

What happends if you refuse to let them in and in the meantime you take every little piece of evidence out of the house. Is there anything they can charge you with.

I am planning a 8-10k setup and wondering if I should seriously start worrying about consumption. i hear mixed opinions but a lot of have telling me to run as many lights as you want and if you just pay your bill electrical consumption should be your last worry.

No one knows exactly what is going on especially with BC Hydro trying to prevent North Van from obtaining records, this goes against every other previous request for records from other municipalities. Again shows you rich folks have more political power.

Well so far from every inspection that I've been told about after the court ruling the home owner told the inspectors they can't do an inspection. Now this time though they didn't pull the hydro meters like they normally would on a refusal for the inspection and also never came back. SO the only thing I can think of is they do it anyways and they know they really have no leg to stand on but there will be someone who hasn't heard about the court ruling and still might let then in with out knowing their rights.

As for how many lights you could run, well no one I know wants to be the guinea pig and a lot of growers are waiting to see how this plays out with other people taking a chance first.


No one knows exactly what is going on especially with BC Hydro trying to prevent North Van from obtaining records, this goes against every other previous request for records from other municipalities. Again shows you rich folks have more political power.

Well so far from every inspection that I've been told about after the court ruling the home owner told the inspectors they can't do an inspection. Now this time though they didn't pull the hydro meters like they normally would on a refusal for the inspection and also never came back. SO the only thing I can think of is they do it anyways and they know they really have no leg to stand on but there will be someone who hasn't heard about the court ruling and still might let then in with out knowing their rights.

As for how many lights you could run, well no one I know wants to be the guinea pig and a lot of growers are waiting to see how this plays out with other people taking a chance first.

Guess i'm gonna be the guinea pig. I have a 7k vertical MPB sealed setup with a 1k flower room. with a/c pumps and fans ect its probably up to around 10k. I will keep this forum updated if i ever get the dreaded knock lol.

On a side note I have a old crew of friends who all grow in mission/ridge. You never know we might know each other lol.