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is my tap water ok to use?


Active member
If you grow organic, chlorine and/or chlomormine will devastate your grow. This is because the way organics work, is the beneficial bacteria herd breaks down the organic materials into usable plant food. By itself, the organic plant nutes are not usable by your plants. If you kill the beni herd, you starve your plants.

If you grow with chemical nutes, then chlorine/chloromine can help you. Many people use bleach or chloromine (dutch master zone) to run a "dead reservoir". It keeps the reservoirs fresh and free from nasty growth. It also keeps your roots pearly white and stops/prevents root rot and other nasty things.

I have added bleach or dutchmaster zone to my reservoirs with zero negative effect in my chemical nute coco grow. Also in my rockwool grows of the past. Zero issues.

rick shaw

The best ph test is a reagent. Go to the hydo shop its under $10. The chemical used is Phenol Red aka phenolsulfonphthalein or psp.


You can grow big plants with out removing the chlorine, it just takes longer.

Chlorine does nothing good for your plants, it's a no-brainer.
I won't debate this total fact any further.

Peace, R.

If you understood this concept then why did you post a picture of your grow? You can't convey time in a picture, just size. Nobody claimed that chlorine was good for your plants, Japan was merely stating that the adverse effects are over-exaggerated. Grow books are proving to be less and less accurate. The advanced section of the forum is working on debunking about 10 years of misinformation and misguidance by the 'old timer' growers who offer pictures and anecdotal evidence (both have little place in teaching cannabis horticulture the way they are used currently). I'd be careful using the term 'total fact' too...

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