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Is Mexico's Drug war killing Americans now to influence the Vote?



I was watching the News hour on public television by the way, and, I see that American officials were run down with car chases and gunned down today.

Are we seeing Mexican illegal drug industry trying to stop legalization in the USA since they have planted a record cannabis crop this year?

CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (Reuters) - The killing of three people linked to the U.S. consulate in Mexico's bloodiest drug war hotspot has thrown President Felipe Calderon a major test as he heads to this border city on Tuesday to try to contain spiralling violence.

Suspected drug hitmen killed an American woman working at the consulate in Ciudad Juarez, just over the border from El Paso, Texas, and her U.S. husband on Saturday as they left a children's birthday party. A Mexican man married to another consulate employee was killed around the same time in another part of the city after he and his wife left the same event.
Americans Gunned down in Cludad Juarez



Yeah maybe?

The least of it that worries me is now those who were leaning towards decriminalizing may snap back and say no legalization because of the black market and that will be a major vote for the black market.

No good to try and tell John and Mary Public that legalizing is the only way to beat those murders.
They won't get it and may fall back on the old American anti-drug pro black market approach.

Seriously if we are not in favor of a legal market when there is high demand then we are in favor of the illegal market system.. Saying no isn't a no vote on cannabis!


Well-known member
Just another day in Ciudad Juarez.

Who ever is advising the Cartels is doing a poor job. Ambushing and killing unarmed Americans with children is going to be a real big PR nightmare.

Things have been out of hand across the bridge for sometime now, and are getting worse.

The shit going down across the border makes the Miami Cocaine War back in the 70's/80's look like a day at Disney World.

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Place a shoot-to-kill order on every known or "marked" gangbanger/cartel member.

All the police can do is arrest/prosecute/release.

Kill the fuckers just that simple.

Legalization will not stop this from happening. Their will still be people buying, legal or not, and the cartels will just have a license to bring it in and sell. Profit would most likely increase due to dispensaries buying up cartel product since it would now be legal and EVERYONE and their brother would be buying by the truckload.

Prices would most likely drop (maybe), but the demand for more product would skyrocket. Look at all the money "legal" growers are making in Cali and Colo. I know peeps buying med licenses, groweing shit, and making money hand over fist selling to the dispensaries. Thats why Cali redid the med laws and lowered plant counts.


Yeah that link to all the comments is cool! I miss that.. We had that here once.

I'm guessing it's to derail the legalization effort why even many of our growers want to keep it illegal in the USA.. Add to that Mr and Mrs Church goer doing the same and John Law and Al Capone are happy!

It's hard to explain to folks that we are screwed if we don't take control by truly legalizing.
They still believe in no health care and no jobs for the people.. It has to be good for someone right? Just not the lowly citizen.

Cows voting for more hamburger production... LOL it's true!


Well-known member
It's called balls. They're just holding down for their own. And no one's stopping them... so their balls just continue to grow. And why wouldn't they? Soon this shit-train will approach the speed of light and be destroyed into billions of tiny little pieces.

It doesn't take balls to ambush an unarmed family in their vehicle with automatic weapons, who happen to have a 1 year old child in the back seat.

It takes less balls to the one who ordered the hit.

It's all about out-of-control egos with great masses of money. Balls have nothing to do with it.

They are scumbag, chicken-shit, punks, who would be afraid to bang-it-out mano-a-mano with an old mule like myself. High-powered weapons & the art of ambush is all these douchebags know.

Shooting unarmed people doesn't take balls. Only fucking cowards shoot unarmed people with children.

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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Cows voting for more hamburger production... LOL it's true!

:biglaugh: That pretty much sums it all up.

If we don't start educating ourselves beyond the normal boundaries that we were taught to think in, well......

Moooooooooooooo!! Moooooo.

Moo Moo?


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
is this really a question? comeon mang u ever seen scarface? "hes scheduled for 60 minutes next" of course there coming up here and offing motherfuckers. its only right in there eyes. until policy in America changes this will continue to happen..


Feeling good is good enough.
Perhaps for the Cartels the WAR on drugs is real and dealt with accordingly.

War is like that... isn't?

War is HELL


Active member
Place a shoot-to-kill order on every known or "marked" gangbanger/cartel member.

All the police can do is arrest/prosecute/release.

Kill the fuckers just that simple.

Legalization will not stop this from happening. Their will still be people buying, legal or not, and the cartels will just have a license to bring it in and sell. Profit would most likely increase due to dispensaries buying up cartel product since it would now be legal and EVERYONE and their brother would be buying by the truckload.

Prices would most likely drop (maybe), but the demand for more product would skyrocket. Look at all the money "legal" growers are making in Cali and Colo. I know peeps buying med licenses, groweing shit, and making money hand over fist selling to the dispensaries. Thats why Cali redid the med laws and lowered plant counts.

Legalization would destroy these guys, assuming it went all the way. If you don't believe that, maybe you could point to some alcohol cartels besides some old time moonshiners from kentucky.
It doesn't take balls to ambush an unarmed family in their vehicle with automatic weapons, who happen to have a 1 year old child in the back seat.

It does when they work for the American Consulate, that is like signing your own death warrant. I saw a picture of these two people, they were quite dead and it was disturbing.

Obviously sociology isn't a great science, if undiagnosed mental problems were not so prevelent in America....it would be nice to at least see permits for drug possession. It's sad that is has to be legal or illegal, not much creative ground in-between.:artist:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
If you want americans to really pay attention to something you have to make a major motion picture out of it. like "city of god", or "Schindler's List".


Active member
Place a shoot-to-kill order on every known or "marked" gangbanger/cartel member.

All the police can do is arrest/prosecute/release.

Kill the fuckers just that simple.

Legalization will not stop this from happening. Their will still be people buying, legal or not, and the cartels will just have a license to bring it in and sell. Profit would most likely increase due to dispensaries buying up cartel product since it would now be legal and EVERYONE and their brother would be buying by the truckload.

Prices would most likely drop (maybe), but the demand for more product would skyrocket. Look at all the money "legal" growers are making in Cali and Colo. I know peeps buying med licenses, groweing shit, and making money hand over fist selling to the dispensaries. Thats why Cali redid the med laws and lowered plant counts.

Your education on this subject is seriously flawed.

Where are the Alcohol cartels... shipping booze across the border? There are lots of people still drinking it. Oh... that's right... they buy advertising now, instead of shooting people.

END PROHIBITION! If you don't get it... you haven't done your homework.

Stay Safe! :tree:


Glad to see someone's fighting against the LEO in this "war", but they should go for more meaningful targets (like DEA agents or cops) not women and children! Sorry if that view seems extreme but they (the gov't) were the ones who declared war not us! They want a war.. they got one. don't want this shit to continue? then legalize it! Cut out 70% of the cartels' profits and get them into a corner... once bud is legal all other drug use will probably drop anyways. Kill two birds with one stone.


If you want americans to really pay attention to something you have to make a major motion picture out of it. like "city of god", or "Schindler's List".

I have thought recently how useful it would be to make a major movie about the Drug War as well. Put it in a really realistic and emotional context. And definitely illustrate how ending the drug war would 100% curb the violence. That would definitely help sway the sheeple's opinion (since they absorb major media like a sponge).


Active member
Place a shoot-to-kill order on every known or "marked" gangbanger/cartel member.

All the police can do is arrest/prosecute/release.

Kill the fuckers just that simple.

Legalization will not stop this from happening. Their will still be people buying, legal or not, and the cartels will just have a license to bring it in and sell. Profit would most likely increase due to dispensaries buying up cartel product since it would now be legal and EVERYONE and their brother would be buying by the truckload.

Prices would most likely drop (maybe), but the demand for more product would skyrocket. Look at all the money "legal" growers are making in Cali and Colo. I know peeps buying med licenses, groweing shit, and making money hand over fist selling to the dispensaries. Thats why Cali redid the med laws and lowered plant counts.

THe fact is the u.s has been giving the mexican military aid to the tune of billions (yeah your tax dollars) for "fighting" this drug war. Guess where the bulk of that money goes, miltary hardware, which mind u they have to purchase from american weapons manufacturers. So there u have another american industry, well connected politically, that would loose out on billions every year if something like cannabis was legalized or the cartels actually destroyed along with the drug market. There is no way in hell this "war" is meant to be won. You have to keep in mind that cannabis accounts for something like 60-70 percent of the mexican cartels exports.

THose of you that are always thirsty for blood, not to fret, plety of blood letting. Look at Juarez. The response has been to militarize the drug war. With the military acting as death squads, and in the process killings hundreds of innocent civilians. Consider the fact mexicos economy is incredibly dependent on the drug money, only second to the big oil money. THere economy would collapse if the cannabis was legalized or the cartels actually defeated miltarily along with the drug market. Just think about the effects of that on the rest of the hemisphere and in fact the world. We are a six pack nation who still wont let others light a joint for a reason, money and power.

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