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Is it possible to love 2 women?



tell him to give it a break for a while, does he got kids with his wife?

Big D

I think the thing is, is that most people really don't know what love is. When you truly love someone, you care about their feelings and live for their happiness.

So your friend may think he loves both women but you see there is noway that he could. Because he only cares about himself.

He sounds like a great guy though..... NOT!

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
I think its possible to love 4 women. My dad sais so...lol
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Throbbing Member
How about if their is NO physical relationship with the girlfriend? Just compassion and love? Is he still a failure to his wife?


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Yes it's possible.

Now a better question.

Is it possible to love two women and keep your junk from being chopped off?


How about if their is NO physical relationship with the girlfriend? Just compassion and love? Is he still a failure to his wife?

1.If my husband cheated (don't think he has) I would not think he is a failure, I'd think he's a lying cheat.
2. If my husband were to cheat, I would be more messed up over the fact that he had a compassionate loving relationship than a physical relationship. Woman always think that men can't control themselves when it comes to sex, but to give your heart to another woman. Wow, that's gotta hurt.


I don't know anyone who hasn't been hurt by the person they love. I've been stabbed in the back and I've done the stabbing in the past.(excluding my current relationship) I find that the pain of a lover leaving because they are no longer interested in you is far better than hearing that the person you have a life with was living another life for over a year. Just feel bad for the wife. I'd like to say if that was me I'd throw him out, but no one can really say what they would do until they are in that situation.
Question. If she decides to forgive and try and work on their relationship, is that an invitation for the husband to cheat again?

h^2 O

at the same time? sure, done it a few times. It's like twice the work though.


I think your "friend" obviously does not truly love his wife or this other woman. Notice you state that he loves one for some things and the other for the opposite. If you love some one, you love them for all that they are not the things that you get out of it. I love you for the good things and I tolerate the bad because I love you. I would not seek another man who would gladly do the things you won't.
Anyways, everyone seems ok with the situation except the wife who doesn't know. The fair thing to do is tell the wife and let her decide what she wants to do. If she's smart she'll kick his ass to the curb. Come on, a year long relationship with another woman? That's rough. If she loves him she'll try to get over it. But, she will have to forever live with the thought of him lying to her for a year. A year is a long time. That's a serious relationship to me not just a "I don't know what I was thinking moment." Probably telling the other woman that he loves her. I don't think I could ever get over something like that. I'd never be the same person after that, that's for sure. I feel really sorry for his wife. I don't know if I could ever trust you again if you did something like that to me. I might be able to forgive, but I would not be able to forget and the relationship would never be the same.

Mrs.E --- I think you said it all in the first sentence. The buddy obviously doesn't truly love at least one of the women, but I would say he probably doesn't truly love either of the women or he wouldn't be doing that to them. And to keep doing it over a long period of time (which a year is) is even worse. Not cool at all. That can break a person, man or woman. If the hubby ever did that to me, I would be heartbroken. Definitely would never ever forget it, and it would defintely stick in the back of my mind forever!


Hehe yes he loves them, and there isnt anything you can say or do that will make him not love them. This man must have a big heart so he can love many women :D

Thats not to say that if YOU had a girlfriend, he wouldnt fall in love with her aswell.


Mr. Burgundy

Active member
Only time you can love two women at the same time is if they are bi-sexual and love each other as much as they love you, and you all have a relationship (and lotsa fun) together.


But I was doomed long ago to always love more than one woman after my girlfriend was killed in a car crash..but that's another story...

Stay Classy!

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
I have some friends who have quite a different living situation than most. Husband, we'll call him, Mark.... married his high school sweat heart, we'll call her Jill. Then they met Cindy and she moved in. I've known them for almost 5 years now. This past year, Mark met Sarah and introduced them to the other 2 girls. And she moved in with her 2 kids. They've all been living together for almost a year. This past summer, Mark and wife Jill have decided to devorce, but are still living in the same house.... and all are great friends. Its a very odd arrangment.... They're such great friends, I love em all to death.

It is possible to love to love more than one. In this situation, there has to be a chain of command, for lack of a better term, for the women. Here, the wife was the first woman, and she didn't want that roll anymore, so they are devorcing. Its kinda weird, but they are all great people.... and it works for them..... so.... to each their own I say.
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What kind of an insane man wants more than one woman?

A guy who wants to get his penis glued to his stomach. lol
That was a great story.

LIl' do you live in Utah?

I don't even like my husband talking to other woman, let alone letting any bitch move in with us. If that's the life he wants he can go have it somewhere else. I don't want any part of that. I'm way to insecure for all that.


You need to accept your partner for the good and bad faults. no one is perfect.... and you shouldnt try to find someone else to make up for what the other person is lacking....You either accept them, or move the fuck on....

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