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Is it possible to improve upon the Nutty Bar?



THe answer is indubitably: Yes. :jump:

Step 1) Open a twin pack of chocolate-peanut butter-wafer goodness

Step 2) Hold each bar along the sides using your thumb and forefinger of each hand, so that 4 fingers are smudged into the chocolate goodness on each side of the said bar. Start about 1 inch from the end, and very gently "twiggle" between your fingers, back and forth approximately 5 times until the top wafer comes loose, like so...then work your way down the bar in the same fashion toward the opposite end until the entire wafer has been twiggled loose (you don't want to just pull it off because the purpose is to keep all the peanut butter on one layer and to discard/feed to your dog the bare layer).

Step 3) One you have separated all layers and have laid the peanut buttered omnes face up on your plate, discard or feed the "naked" wafers to your pet. Occasionally, you will encounter what I have termed the "awww i fucked it up" effect, where the peanut butter layer will become separated and some will remain on each wafer. At this point, do not become discouraged...save the wafer with the least peanut butter on it and just lick it off later or something. It will have little to no effect on the final product.

Step 4) Take all the peanut buttered wafers and place them together to create a brand new, improved Nutty Bar.


Reese's sticks are WAAAY better. I never liked little debbie stuff they always tasted kind of weird to me compared to drakes or hostess snacks. I try to stay away from that crap nowadays, processed food is full of bad stuff like transfats, aspartame, msg, corn syrup, soybean oil etc...etc....


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Reese's sticks are WAAAY better. I never liked little debbie stuff they always tasted kind of weird to me compared to drakes or hostess snacks. I try to stay away from that crap nowadays, processed food is full of bad stuff like transfats, aspartame, msg, corn syrup, soybean oil etc...etc....

little debbie fucks up everything they make, the flavors are beyond horrendous......

im so surprised they are still in business......


Just Say Grow
maybe it's the ghetto in me but i like little debbies, hostess was too expensive durring my child hood


Mmmmm, I just thought of something. Snickers i think is making a peanut butter bar of some sort now. I'm still quite hungry


I think a hint of ginger and a bit of orange peel as well as a liberal smearing of cannabis oil may improve the flavor :)

rick shaw

I bet the people that work the late shift at 7-11 have some funny munchie stories.


Active member
If little debbie could make a product that I don't crap out within five minutes of eating it would be an improvement.
You rent not buy Nutty bars.
Reese sticks are the shit the cups, life.


I hold El Roacho's
We had little debbies snacks all the time and their orange coated white cream filled cakes are the bomb, I have no problems if I ned a quick sugar rush to splurge 42.00 for 4 LD Snacks, I give them to familia members for xmas treats around my table saves money :bandit:

I dig cheese cake and have spent $35.00 for an entire cake many times mostly chocolate marble or cherry topped flavors with a ice cold glass of 2% milk, I'm trying to cut down.
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I dig cheese cake and have spent $35.00 for an entire cake many times mostly chocolate mmarble or cherry topped flavors with a ice cold glass of 2% milk, I'm trying to cut down.

^ Now were talking!

Cheesecakes and cannoli's are my kryptonite :laughing:

If I wouldnt be 400lbs I could easily give up regular food and only eat cakes and pastries.

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