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is it possible to extract the actives from one's body?


Active member
Crazy idea I just came up with. I know that Actives bind to fats and such, so it is possible to get high off of it again? Somehow being able to get it out of your body. I know when you take vapor resin you can revape it and you get high, so what's stopping this? Does your body degrade it? So is there a way to extract it? Not saying I want to do any of this, just pure speculation.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor


Active member
Na It's not like I "want to" do this, or "am desperate to get something" I'm fine on material :p. I was just curious if it was possible, and if the actives are still able to be reused, lawls.


Rubbing my glands together
Thc is highly concentrated in semen. Jerk yourself out a thimble full, dry it in a pryex glass like you would bho, then snort it. Check back in and let us know how it cums along.


They did something like this in that movie heavy metal 2000.

Anyways, I don't want to ingest used thc. I'll stick with fresh.
Controlled deep breathing exercises or therapy (what ever you want to call it) is said to release stored chemicals. I have done it once with a lady trained in the practice and saw some pretty wild "visions". She told me that people that have used hallucinogenics see the best visions do to the stored chemicals being released. Take it for what you will but what I saw was pretty wild.


Active member
Controlled deep breathing exercises or therapy (what ever you want to call it) is said to release stored chemicals. I have done it once with a lady trained in the practice and saw some pretty wild "visions". She told me that people that have used hallucinogenics see the best visions do to the stored chemicals being released. Take it for what you will but what I saw was pretty wild.

Thanks for a serious post. So you were able to reactive the actives stored? Did you get high at all or just saw some crazy "visions?"

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
FWIW, no, you can't get the THC or other cannabinoids back out of your body. They are metabolized, or broken down, by your body. What's stored in your fatty tissues are not the same compounds that you ingested. They're broken down into non-psychoactive compounds within a few hours. If not, you'd be high for weeks.

However, LSD is NOT metabolized by your body. It leaves your body in exactly the same state as it enters. Does that give you any ideas?