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Is it possible that reality is not what you think?...yes?/no?...lol

Is it possible that reality is not what you think?...yes?/no?...lol

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lives on planet 4:20
haha...folks...it has been a while since I have visited my favorite
little (or not so little, depending on what we are comparing to)
community in the world...icmag.com!

The poll has shown that the majority of folks think that reality is NOT
what it seems to our senses. Well, anyone that is ready to take the
next step and to see how deep the rabbit hole goes, I have some
really profound information to share that just might interest a few
people that are interested in a scientific viewpoint of consciousness,
awareness, and reality. The first link is to a Trilogy, that is free to
read, and is about 900 pages. The author is a physicist and what he
reveals might make a few people's paradigms to shift. If it gets too
much, remember you can always click away :)


Here is also a link to his videos, just in case you are too lazy to read
so many pages, or you first want to get a glimpse if this is worth
reading at all, because he gives a great summary of all this stuff in
his keynote speech in some University in the UK.


The information that he drops in his videos and books basically
points toward one thing: That we are a virtual reality simulation
inside Consciousness!

Please take into account that Einstein was sitting on the fence with
this information for the last 20 years of his life, and only his false
beliefs rooted in the false cultural beliefs that didn't allow him to
see the Big Picture.

Anyone that reads this Trilogy from start to end, please post in this
thread to let me know what you thought of it.

This information is only for those folks that have evolved their
consciousness and awareness up to a certain point, it is not for
everyone. But, still, I would at least recommend to watch the
18 videos that are on YouTube, because this is some seriously
amazing stuff to know about ourselves as human beings !!!



(Reality can be proved with bacon)

Fry bacon - in the nude...

It doesn't get anymore real than that


My humble $.02,

Consider those who have a color blind condition. They certainly do not see the same as someone with "normal color vision", whatever that may be. This illustrates the concept of our senses being a "filter", with no two individuals being the same. Other filters are totally "in the mind", and can be illustrated by the differing way individuals perceive and act on problem solving or other more cognitive processes. We all see actuality filtered through all those layers, which becomes our relative "reality". Enough in common with others so as to be practical, but not actuality under normal circumstances.

Reality is a dangerous concept!


lives on planet 4:20
Sadly, the majority of people have been deeply programmed with
cultural assumptions and beliefs and what they see is not reality
but only what is allowed to pass through these beliefs and
assumptions filters!

Mostly this is fears, and the ego/intellect combination that works
24/7 to create a fantasy world that helps a person to sort of - get
through the day while living with these inner fears!

Fear is in the driver's seat in most people's lives, this is a fact. And
if one doesn't think so, then there is an ego/intellect working over-time
to cover up these fears with a perfectly created fantasy, which at
its root is simply a delusion!

Those links to the infomation and the videos in my recent post
provide content that will make this quite clear, to anyone that has
the courage to face their fears and to eliminate their ego!


lives on planet 4:20
Figured I'd post the links to the Trilogy Books and the videos
on this page, so that folks won't have to go back to the previous
page to look at it.Don't want laziness from stopping you in discovering
who and what you truly are in reality :)

hint: you are a computer simulation, a character in a virtual reality
that is being run by a huge (with a large letter H) computer !!! :laughing:

...P.S. - I'm not joking btw! :tiphat:

Okay: here is an incentive to read the Trilogy folks. The cat in this
video read the books and check out what he does with the Gator.
Fear is completely gone and the gators feel it, which is why they
also are reading the books and promised to eat the cat in the
next round!


haha...folks...it has been a while since I have visited my favorite
little (or not so little, depending on what we are comparing to)
community in the world...icmag.com!

The poll has shown that the majority of folks think that reality is NOT
what it seems to our senses. Well, anyone that is ready to take the
next step and to see how deep the rabbit hole goes, I have some
really profound information to share that just might interest a few
people that are interested in a scientific viewpoint of consciousness,
awareness, and reality. The first link is to a Trilogy, that is free to
read, and is about 900 pages. The author is a physicist and what he
reveals might make a few people's paradigms to shift. If it gets too
much, remember you can always click away :)


Here is also a link to his videos, just in case you are too lazy to read
so many pages, or you first want to get a glimpse if this is worth
reading at all, because he gives a great summary of all this stuff in
his keynote speech in some University in the UK.


The information that he drops in his videos and books basically
points toward one thing: That we are a virtual reality simulation
inside Consciousness!

Please take into account that Einstein was sitting on the fence with
this information for the last 20 years of his life, and only his false
beliefs rooted in the false cultural beliefs that didn't allow him to
see the Big Picture.

Anyone that reads this Trilogy from start to end, please post in this
thread to let me know what you thought of it.

This information is only for those folks that have evolved their
consciousness and awareness up to a certain point, it is not for
everyone. But, still, I would at least recommend to watch the
18 videos that are on YouTube, because this is some seriously
amazing stuff to know about ourselves as human beings !!!
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Active member
I just wrote a looooooong post revealing my views on reality. If we are living in a simulation or not.

But for some reason it did not post.

I wonder if the "Mods" in the grand simulator decided to edit it.

I hope this post makes it through.


Active member
From the release of the Atari 2600 to the most current game console the quality of graphics have increased at a mind boggling pace.

If this pace were to continue or even speed up, it stands to reason that one day, computers will be able to create graphics indistinguishible from actual "Reality."
If this point is ever reached,

How could we ever be sure it has not all ready happened?


From the release of the Atari 2600 to the most current game console the quality of graphics have increased at a mind boggling pace.

If this pace were to continue or even speed up, it stands to reason that one day, computers will be able to create graphics indistinguishible from actual "Reality."
If this point is ever reached,

How could we ever be sure it has not all ready happened?

We most likely couldn't. That was the premise of the Matrix.


lives on planet 4:20
From the release of the Atari 2600 to the most current game console the quality of graphics have increased at a mind boggling pace.

If this pace were to continue or even speed up, it stands to reason that one day, computers will be able to create graphics indistinguishible from actual "Reality."
If this point is ever reached,

How could we ever be sure it has not all ready happened?

It has, and this is exactly what that Trilogy explains in full detail.

We are, and have always been living in a digital simulation, but only
now we can grasp it because of computers and because of the
internet. I mean, look at this forum, it is simply digital data being
exchanged and showing up on the screen.

We are exactly like our computers, with the only difference we are
seeing the virtual reality in our minds, and are convinced that we
have these physical bodies and are living in a physical universe...lol

Just like our dreams...this physical reality is all 100% a virtual reality.

None of this exists in reality folks...it is all data being run in a huge
computer under the code name "Consciousness."

And this is no BS...read that book or watch those videos, and get
ready for your jaw to hit the ground. I still am having a difficult
time picking mine of the floor. Have been dragging it around everywhere
I go lately :)


Active member
I have always been willing to believe that we are all living in a simulated reality.
What I wonder is are there Easter eggs all around us, screaming at us that this is not real?

What about the physical "Me" outside of the machine. Did I choose to enter the simulation? Or was it chosen for me, kinda like circumcision?

I know you don't have the answers to these questions.
But it's fun to think outlaud.
It's funny that I ran into this thread,
because I question the nature of reality daily.


My reality isn't what I thought or hoped it would be and it hurts to think about the if's, how's, and why's of life. Sometimes I just wish that my mind would simply cease.


lives on planet 4:20
I have always been willing to believe that we are all living in a simulated reality.
What I wonder is are there Easter eggs all around us, screaming at us that this is not real?

What about the physical "Me" outside of the machine. Did I choose to enter the simulation? Or was it chosen for me, kinda like circumcision?

I know you don't have the answers to these questions.
But it's fun to think outlaud.
It's funny that I ran into this thread,
because I question the nature of reality daily.

The you outside the machine, was chosen by you, or to be more
correct, the individuated consciousness, a small part of the larger
consciousness, in order for you to grow in consciounsess and awareness.

This is why you think about the nature of reality daily...btw.

You feel with your consciousness/mind that the time has come for
you to wake up and realize what you are and what your purpose
in this life IS !!!

If you read that Trilogy slowly, you will have fewer questions, and
will start taking action toward evolving your consciousness on a daily
basis and being a more aware and unconditionally loving person
toward yourself and all other beings that exist in the Big Reality.


Active member
Well that was weird... I just read this whole thread from the beginning for the first time (hadn't seen it before today)... I was all ready to discuss the first 15 pages and Bam! suddenly it's a discussion about the matrix... LOL

Anyways... I started out agreeing... and now I think I disagree with the OP...

I'll throw a few tangents out... I don't believe in "nothing", nor do I believe in the "mind" They're myths or religions or cults that most of us believe in. Show me one or the other... prove they even exist... you can't. "Nothing" & the "Mind" are merely abstract concepts and neither ever existed before we thought them up.

Thus there is no "nothing" without "something" to distinguish nothing from... no... that's not quite right because "nothing" isn't a "something", it's a product of "something"... without something there is no "nothing". You've got everything completely backwards.


lives on planet 4:20
Well that was weird... I just read this whole thread from the beginning for the first time (hadn't seen it before today)... I was all ready to discuss the first 15 pages and Bam! suddenly it's a discussion about the matrix... LOL

Anyways... I started out agreeing... and now I think I disagree with the OP...

I'll throw a few tangents out... I don't believe in "nothing", nor do I believe in the "mind" They're myths or religions or cults that most of us believe in. Show me one or the other... prove they even exist... you can't. "Nothing" & the "Mind" are merely abstract concepts and neither ever existed before we thought them up.

Thus there is no "nothing" without "something" to distinguish nothing from... no... that's not quite right because "nothing" isn't a "something", it's a product of "something"... without something there is no "nothing". You've got everything completely backwards.

If you believe that there is something, what was there before this
something came into existence? Nothing.

What came first, the chicken or the egg? The answer is neither!

The first thing that ever existed came from NOTHING, this is quite
simple and quite logical.

Just like knowing comes after not-knowing.

Not-knowing and Nothing are the original, the authentic things.

Everything else is secondary. This is very simple stuff.

Beliefs and assumptions lead to confusion. Think for yourself, and
just visualize that there is nothing, and then imagine how from
nothing you create a ball of energy.

This is how stuff was created, and how it will always be created.


Active member
If you believe that there is something, what was there before this
something came into existence? Nothing.

but by it's definition... nothing isn't, nothing doesn't exist. it doesn't exist now, it didn't exist before something came into existence (and on top of it, you haven't even proven that there was a "happening" of something coming into existence.

What came first, the chicken or the egg? The answer is neither!
Wrong... it was answered definitively in another thread here that the egg came first. Period. (Dinosaurs were laying eggs long before there were any chickens.)

The first thing that ever existed came from NOTHING, this is quite
simple and quite logical.
Actually it's not whatsoever.

Just like knowing comes after not-knowing.
once again merely abstract concepts... but I'll argue that you don't know that you don't know, until you know that you don't know. The wisest men realize how much they don't know.

Not-knowing and Nothing are the original, the authentic things.
Once again, abstract concepts that weren't even realized until well after there was something to do the realizing.

Everything else is secondary. This is very simple stuff.
Oh... I know it's simple, that's what I'm trying to explain.

Beliefs and assumptions lead to confusion. Think for yourself, and

just visualize that there is nothing, and then imagine how from
nothing you create a ball of energy.
  • I agree with beliefs and assumptions... but that's really all anyone has.
  • It's impossible to visualize nothing... that's nonsensical, you can't visualize something that isn't.
  • I don't believe that energy can be created... only converted.
This is how stuff was created, and how it will always be created.
I don't believe in creation of "things" other than works of art. It's fun to argue and discuss though. I once converted a Mormon to agnosticism (took 5 hrs and a case of beer, but he gave up and said I was right LOL... of course how devote of a Mormon was he if he drank a case of beer with me)
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sac beh

If we agree that reality is not what you think in any given moment, that reality is always greater and holds more secrets than the sum of knowledge we have at any given time, then the challenge is to discover what secrets reality still holds, right?

The fundamental question is how to go about probing reality, with what tools. The problem I have with some of your views, southflorida, about reality, the ego, and the matrix in which we live is that there is no evidence for the claims. Now since there is no evidence, there is no ultimate way to prove the idea wrong, but there is equally no way to prove it correct. So...

What in the world could be the motivation for believing such a thing, like that we live in a simulation, if there is no evidence of it? Especially when we have tools and faculties which do give us knowledge--though incomplete--of reality, why choose to believe in the idea for literally no reason? Is an emotional hunger being satisfied? Is the belief driven by a hope or desire that things be that way?


lives on planet 4:20
What I'm talking about in this thread has to do ONLY with directly
experiencing the Bigger Reality for oneself. I am not talking about
proving something in a science lab. I am talking about each one of us
directly experiencing our subjective reality and realizing for ourselves
that we are...or aren't individuated consciousness that is having a
hallucination that we have a physical body and that we live in a
physical universe.

I am not here to convince anybody, I'm just pointing out that if we
want to know who or what we are...it is up to us, individually to
find out through direct experience.

And this direct experience has to do with exercising our free will and
making choices from the many opportunities life presents.

This is the only way we grow spiritually and raise the quality of our
personal consciousness. By being loving, humble, and compassionate
human beings, we can make a huge difference in this world.

Then what we do, will take care of itself, because we know we will
be focused on always doing the right things, for the right reasons :tiphat:

sac beh

Hi southflorida,

I agree with what you're saying there, but I didn't mean to talk about a science lab or trying to convince others necessarily. The question was more about the emotional/mental processes that result in you and others believing something like the computer simulation reality (matrix).

Obviously people are allowed to believe what they want on a personal level, but you've also said you want others to understand the view too, which is hard to do because I don't see the reason behind it yet.

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