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Is it possible that reality is not what you think?...yes?/no?...lol

Is it possible that reality is not what you think?...yes?/no?...lol

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So, this one time at band camp I've recorded Schrödinger's cat, sitting in it's box.
When I looked at the recording later the cat was there all the time in spite of the fact that the camera is a dead, unconscious thing without the ability to make distinctions and no conscious being 'looked' at the cat during the time it was recorded.
Weird, eh?


The Tri Guy
a spelling error on my part, it makes no difference to my view on the topic.

On the other hand, after considering it, there is also the hindu teachings, and they have views on reincarnation more along the lines of the common view on its meanings, it could be that the same word used in different ways is what causes the most confusion on the topic. I'm not sure which came first though, it would stand to reason that which ever was the original use is the correct one, and if buddha came after the birth of the hundu faith, then it could be that he refined the usage of the word into a more reasonable one.


lives on planet 4:20
Folklore not law.. old folk stories with an ethic twist intended to teach you something about the way of the world.

articsun...GMT...it seems is trying to tell you he does not have respect
for hearsay...but respects what he himself has experienced.


lives on planet 4:20
So, this one time at band camp I've recorded Schrödinger's cat, sitting in it's box.
And when I looked at the tape later the cat was there all the time in spite of the fact that the camera is a dead, unconscious thing without the ability to make distinctions and no conscious being 'looked' at the cat during the time it was recorded.
Weird, eh?

...this is a good thought...and shows that there is objective reality,
and that the camera does not MAKE the distinction, but it records
what it perceives through its mechanical structure.

...this proves that "distinctions" are not made by our mind, but that
we ONLY perceive them. The distinctions that are recorded on
the camera have been created by consciousness, and our awareness
only perceives these distinctions.

But, the majority of the time, we perceive concepts, and not what
is really there, and this is why when you look at yourself on tape
you say that this doesn't really look like me or sound like me, and
other people say, of course it does...lol


...this proves that "distinctions" are not made by our mind, but that
we ONLY perceive them. The distinctions that are recorded on
the camera have been created by consciousness, and our awareness
only perceives these distinctions.

It does not prove that, you just wish it did.
In reality there're tiny demons in the camera that paint the cat while no one is looking.


Exactly, tiny demons hold the universe together.
The existence of you, me, this virtual reality that we use to communicate and everything else for that matter wouldn't exist without them.
The existence of the universe is irrefutable proof that the demons exist; you just have them confused for consciousness and distinction.


The Tri Guy
actually, the green monster that lives in the box under my bed created everything. he only shows himself and talks to me, if anyone else looked in the box he'd turn himself invisible to hide. but he wants me to collect money to build him some larger stone houses. if you dont give freely it means you are against the creator, and therefore evil. He will send bad things your way if you dont donate money to his wishes. send a donation now to gmt'[email protected] or suffer his vengence.


lives on planet 4:20
...actually we don't really know wtf creates this, but it is fun talking
about it...isn't it?

...the human condition has always fascinated me, and LSD many
years ago opened up my eyes to the fact that not everything is
as it seems...lol..at least not until LSD takes effect.

...after watching thousands of alien ships landing in the Arizona
desert, and millions of aliens running around doing all kinds of shit,
while it was from 1am to 6am - changed my life forever, this was
the first time that I understood that what I am perceiving is not
what I always thought it was
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Right, it's kinda premature to postulate an ultimate truth.
One explanation is probably as good or bad as the next; well, some are just off the charts.
I was just illustrating that point.

Humans are rather dull instruments to measure reality!


lives on planet 4:20
true...but, the human condition has always been fascinating
to me, and this is why I go into it much deeper and experience
the strangest shit, which, I admit sounds crazy, but if it wasn't
crazy and in the domain of paradox, it would be what we are simply
seeing every day and what has been programmed into us by the
society and culture we live in...agree?


I'm not sure what exactly 'the human condition' is in this context.
Last time I've read about that it was: Sacrifice the other on the altar of self.

As a cynic I believe that reality is just the sum of all lies that we choose to believe.
But then again I'm confident that we can break free from that cage and find our own truths (or lies). ;)

sac beh

...actually we don't really know wtf creates this, but it is fun talking
about it...isn't it?

...the human condition has always fascinated me, and LSD many
years ago opened up my eyes to the fact that not everything is
as it seems...lol..at least not until LSD takes effect.

...after watching thousands of alien ships landing in the Arizona
desert, and millions of aliens running around doing all kinds of shit,
while it was from 1am to 6am - changed my life forever, this was
the first time that I understood that what I am perceiving is not
what I always thought it was

What's the basis for judging that the LSD opened up your eyes and didn't close them further? How did you decide that the aliens you saw weren't in fact worse illusions than the reality you knew before?


weed fiend
You're confusing reality with illusion. Take away the illusion and all that ceases to exist is the illusion, not the reality behind the illusion.

He's confusing distinction with perception. Illusion is sensory distortion. Perception is sensory information. Perception is our own, individual view of reality. When distinction changes, perception changes.


lives on planet 4:20
He's confusing distinction with perception. Illusion is sensory distortion. Perception is sensory information. Perception is our own, individual view of reality. When distinction changes, perception changes.

distinction comes first (primary) and makes something what it is, and
perception comes second (secondary) and a human being perceives
what is there as a distinction.

this distinction can be seen as it is, or it can be "conceptualized" by
the mind, and then the human being will see a "concept" and not what
is actually there.

This is why artists in school learn to separate objective reality from
a concept. And it is quite difficult for many people.

Most of the students in art school draw concepts of what they
think they perceive and not the distinction-object that is actually there



lives on planet 4:20
What's the basis for judging that the LSD opened up your eyes and didn't close them further? How did you decide that the aliens you saw weren't in fact worse illusions than the reality you knew before?

...LSD helped me to see that my perception can be altered and that
what I see on a daily basis is not as solid as it seems :)

...and the aliens I saw showed me that the illusions that I see
every day are similar in structure to the hallucination that I saw
in the desert.

...it was only an experience, nothing more, nothing less, but it did
lead to more insights and contemplation about the nature of reality


lives on planet 4:20
I'm not sure what exactly 'the human condition' is in this context.
Last time I've read about that it was: Sacrifice the other on the altar of self.

As a cynic I believe that reality is just the sum of all lies that we choose to believe.
But then again I'm confident that we can break free from that cage and find our own truths (or lies). ;)

the human condition is the answer to the question of "what am I"
as a human being, what is my true nature?

Since we can only experience the truth for ourselves, as a
personal experience, what I'm talking about is pretty much what
you said in the last part...but rephrased a little:

...breaking free from the cage...by finding and eliminating all the
lies...and when that is accomplished...what will remain is the truth :)

...or, at least doing the best I can, in my attempt in accomplishing
this crazy objective.

...I figure I got nothing but time till I die anyway, might as well do
what makes me happy every moment while my heart is still beating.

...because when it stops...I'll find out the truth anyway...and whatever
the truth is...it is better than a lie...at least...imo :tiphat:


Active member
really, how do you know? have you ever ceased to distinguish two
objects and not see a distinction between them, and they remained?
can you at least give me one example?
So tell me. When you realized that your computer monitor and your soda are in fact nothing and the same thing, what happened, did they disappear? Just the soda and monitor? Does your whole room disappear? Do YOU disappear?

Altering perception happens through the mind, creating reality happens
through distinctions which are part of consciousness. Once again
there is a distinction between perception, and distinction, they
are two different things. They are distinct, but they are not separate,
and this is hard to understand, it can only be experienced through
personal experience.

Just look at nature outside, and while perceiving it, ask yourself,
what is creating the distinction/differences between everything
that I am perceiving?

And there is also a difference between and object, and a concept
of an object, they are also distinct. One is objective, and one is
simply a concept created by the mind.

We make distinctions between objects because the reality is, if you think a tiger is a cup of soup, you're going to have a shity day.


Game Bred


to respond to your latest post, the universe is not infinate. and infinate and nothing are not the same thing.
if the expanding universe theory is correct...
then infinite is relative to the speed at which the universe is expanding in comparison to the speed at which the subject of time(infinity)is traveling in any direction?




Our brains warp reality so that we can mentally cope with life.

Most people who see pure reality are in mental wards.

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