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Is it possible? dmt + marijuana?


this is probably just a really high idea, but it's worth asking

let's say, my cat wanted to grow marijuana that contained dmt..let's also say my cat has dmt containing gunk (blended and extracted mimosa hostilis). do you think if my cat mixed this natural sacred stuff in with his soil and planted a some girls in it they'd have a touch of spirit molecule in them?


Active member
Companion planting charts

Matches made in heaven

Companion planting charts help gardeners to plant crops that capitalize on the natural harmonies and relationships that occur between plant species. These charts, available from any number of web sites, nurseries, and botanical books, provide lists of plants that grow well together. Companion planting schemes typically promise a means of pest control, the possibility of increased disease resistance for one or both plants, and more abundant crop yields.

Industrial farmers and suburban gardeners alike can benefit from pairing plants with complementary growing patterns. Common techniques include the creation of green barriers between food crops and the insects that consume them; the use of helpful species to increase the nitrogen content of the soil, thereby reducing the need for chemical fertilizers; and the raising of nurse crops to protect newly sprouted plants. Certain combinations of plants allow farmers to create foodstuffs with maximum time efficiency, such as the combination of soybeans and corn common throughout the entire American Midwestern region.

Although certain plant pairings promote better growth and healthier soil, other combinations can result in unforeseen complications or undesirable competition. Most charts include information on these undesirable pairings, as well.

Vegetable medley

Many techniques and plant combinations already commonly used in gardening for aesthetic purposes could be considered forms of companion planting, although detailed charts also contain more exotic pairings. Nasturtium attracts caterpillars, so planting it alongside or around vegetables such as lettuce or cabbage protects the food crop. The nasturtium acts as a kind of decoy, since the egg-laying insects will gravitate toward it and stay out of the vegetables. Crops that suffer from greenfly and other aphids may benefit from the proximity of marigolds: these flowering plants attract bugs that eat aphids, such as hoverflies.

In a similar manner, the use of plants that produce copious nectar and protein-rich pollen in a vegetable garden can support a population of beneficial insects to control pests. Some insects in the adult form are nectar or pollen feeders, while in the larval form they are voracious predators of pest insects. For this reason, roses are often grown around food plants, attracting a beneficial balance of harmful to helpful insects.

Another movement utilizing companion planting is that of the forest garden, where companion plants are intermingled to create an actual ecosystem, emulating the natural interaction of a multitude of distinct species. This system sacrifices some of the orderliness of a typical residential garden, but produces a lush, wild beauty reminiscent of a true forest.

Fringe benefits

Companion plants provide many services to the plants they support, including:
Flavor enhancement. Some plants, especially herbs, tend to subtly improve the flavor of other plants around them.
Investment insurance. Multiple plants in the same space increase the odds of some yield being given, even if one category encounters catastrophic failure.
Level interaction. Plants that grow on different physical levels in the same space can form ground cover or work as a trellis for another plant.
Nitrogen fixation. Some plants naturally trap nitrogen in the soil, improving conditions for future crops.
Pest suppression. Some plants naturally repel insects, nematodes, or fungi through chemical means, a protection that extends to other plants in close proximity.
Positive hosting. These plants attract or house insects or other organisms that benefit plants, such as ladybugs, bees, or some desirable species of nematodes.
Protective shelter. One plant type may serve as a windbreak, source of shade from noonday sun, or other physical aid for the growth of another.
Trap Cropping. These plants draw insects away from plants commonly eaten by humans.

Link to Original Article: http://www.plantcare.com/gardening-guides/companion-planting/companion-planting-charts.aspx
....you could maybe use the 1-2xextracted plant material leftover(though it may have some leftover junk in it so that idea might be moot)in order to not risk wasting that valuable pink rootbark,but if you got a plethora of it laying around-go for it,a little experimentation can open new doors.........
or you can send some my way and I'd be glad to try :wink: j/k
good luck and enjoy
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smellmyfinger said:
No no.Nice try,but it ain't gonna happen.Why bother?It's so easy to pull the spirit out yrself,sprinkle it on some dank and !Voila!.......http://www.dmt-nexus.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=190&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=.
check out my tek.....nice n easy
or pm me
gd luck
my cat has been there, and my cat has done that. ;)
marsofold tek is easier, no?

LiLWaynE said:
sardonic - that is an awesome idea.

smellmyfinger said:
....you could maybe use the 1-2xextracted plant material leftover(though it may have some leftover junk in it so that idea might be moot)in order to not risk wasting that valuable pink rootbark,but if you got a plethora of it laying around-go for it,a little experimentation can open new doors.........
or you can send some my way and I'd be glad to try :wink: j/k
good luck and enjoy
well, it's worth a try :headbange
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Elevator Man

Active member
Won't organic molecules just be turned to plant food if added to soil? I can't see how DMT molecules would still be intact and all nicely lining up inside a weed plant really - I don't think nature works like that. Also would expect the portcullis of the TOU being applied to this thread if it goes too much in 'that' direction...they won't want mimosa processing highlighting here...:)


Active member
Nah, I'm pretty sure it don't work like that. Just like how if you spray the plants with tobacco tea they won't start making nicotine
Marsofolds is an excellent tek,tho if I'm in a hurry I can bust mine out in time for nightfall,as long as I don't sleep in too late,ya know? :wink:
If u make it "out there" say hi to everyone for me....u kno who :alien:
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Ganico said:
Nah, I'm pretty sure it don't work like that. Just like how if you spray the plants with tobacco tea they won't start making nicotine
well, I wasn't planing on spraying the plants with dmt.. I was going to mix the boiled mimosa hostilas gunk into the soil and give it a go

shrug, I will give this a try. I dont' have much faith in it, but it's worth a shot heh


Yeah, most of what a plant absorbs through the roots is in the form of ions. So I doubt the DMT will be assimilated into the plant, and even if it would whose to say it would collect in the flowers, as opposed to being evenly distributed in roots, stems and, leaves.

If you did have some DMT or 5MeO-DMT (which I believe is contained in Mimosa Hostilis) I would add it to the growing medium of psilocybin mushrooms. Experiments have proven that Psilocybian mushrooms have an enzyme that inserts a hydroxy group in the 4 position of tryptamines placed into their growing medium. Thus, any DMT placed into their growing medium would be converted into 4HO-DMT, which is psilocin, the active ingredient already present in the mushrooms. This has been shown to boost the potency in psilocybian mushrooms, to unheard of concentrations. 5MeO-DMT would be converted into 4HO-5MeO-DMT, a very rare tryptamine extremely difficult to synthesize in a laboratory. The hydroxy group in the 4 position of a tryptamine should mean that it is orally active, and the Methoxy group already in the 5 position of the 5MeO-DMT results in a substantial increase in activity over DMT.


If you did decide to do this, please proceed very carefully. The resulting potency of the resulting mushrooms could be several orders of potency stronger, or possibly poisonous.
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Bluebirds correct with that from what I've heard over at Mycrotopia.....it must be nice having so much spice in yr life Sardonic!! Enjoy......