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is it normal to not like people?


Active member
saki or nuthin. without 2 bottles of saki , i am just eating bait as far as i am concerned , ooh ya an real wasabi, no fakeass americanized horseradish wanna be.


Active member
a quick word here,

last i heard, Normal.

was a big fat, bloated, constantly eating dumbass that watches soaps and movies that have been especially dumbed down for him.

and votes for horrible governments and is against marijuana and everything "out of the ordinary."

well, unless you look globally, then its a chinese guy in his 20´s who owns a gsm.

normal is and has always been overrated.

be your fucking self.

enjoy life.
I'm stuck on this one. Most people are ok or tolerable from a distance (gimme 50 feet please!). But I've noticed throughout my life that my "friends" were complicating my life a bit for me (long story). I always end up with "friends" who need money, or free weed or some other bullshit that I never even ask them for, but they feel the need to ask me??.(Not just for a couple favors either) No apologies, I got nothing for ya!!! I'm the type that feels if someone wants to be "friends" or even possibly hang out, you need to be independent & trustworthy...(to say the very least). Finding people like that is a mission in itself. I don't owe nobody shit, so they shouldn't expect me to just be a giver just because hey, were friends. I'm more of a favor for a favor type of guy. No broke ass needy peeps who need some type of aid all the time & they think that I'm the answer to they're prayers..., well keep on praying.
There are two things I don't want to be wasting in life, especially with fake ass people...Time & Money.

You'd be surprised how many peeps turn out to be bottom feeders & moochers later on in life then turning tricks or snitches, so I'm at the point that I don't really even keep friends anymore, nope, the peeps I know now are more like associates, & I gotta be careful with them also. Lots of peeps take kindness for a weakness. I've even had to beat up a few lifelong friends for the shit they do. I stick to my guns when it comes to mine & when it comes to money it's business never personal. Some say I'm difficult & I'm bogus, fuck it... I say get your own motherfuckers, don't be mad I'm getting mine.
Get yours then MAYBE we could talk...MAYBE, even then I may STILL not fuck with them in no way at all.



Well-known member
It's normal to be more selective with the company you keep as you get older. Just remember that there are good people out there. Harder to find, but definitely there.

Don't go full hermit!


I used to be an introvert but I tried this thing called no fap, it's basically withdrawing from masturbation for an extended period of time. Your body goes into a change to where you want to go out and have interactions with people especially girls.

I've found it really helps with ADHD also makes me feel alpha around a group of people. It's like thoughts flow easily and holding conversations is literally second nature. You find topics much more interesting. Also you find the opposite sex way more attractive and notice little things like a girl in a beautiful dress, or a nice set of legs/shoes.

It has really boosted my game, gives me that little extra push to close phone numbers.


New member
if your happy on your lonesome, enjoy, im somewhat of a recluse myself, barely gone out for the last few years, just chill on my own :p

as time goes on you'll probably get lonely and bored and go out a bit, im starting to go an see mates more an more now :mad:)

but hey who wants to be normal right, sheeple are stupid, and i aint no sheeple :D

Tom Hill

Active member
Other than poking at you from time to time in an attempt to analyze the way you may or may not jiggle, there is not a whole lot of interest in you coming from over here. Holy Einstein annual autism convention :)
when your rich you dont need friends employees work just fine

Yes, this applies especially when you are the head of an evil organization such as my self. Friends are nothing but liabilities.

I don't know if it is normal or not to "not like people", but there is one fucker on this site I despise.


Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor
What is this a Misanthrope convention? No it is not normal... that said I have no problem with it. I don't hate people, just some. But, my happiness is not derived from interaction with other homo sapiens.

The most famous American Misanthrope was a writer named Ambrose Bierce. He wrote the Devil's Dictionary, and disappeared in Mexico at the time of their revolution 1910's.

I live among the Pooper Scoopers, but work with the Poopers; it kind of sucks.



Active member
iirc lao tzu stated that people should live at a distance where they can hear a dog in their neighbor's yard barking.

being an audio engineer i have really, really, really, really good hearing...


Well-known member
I used to be an introvert but I tried this thing called no fap, it's basically withdrawing from masturbation for an extended period of time. Your body goes into a change to where you want to go out and have interactions with people especially girls.

I've found it really helps with ADHD also makes me feel alpha around a group of people. It's like thoughts flow easily and holding conversations is literally second nature. You find topics much more interesting. Also you find the opposite sex way more attractive and notice little things like a girl in a beautiful dress, or a nice set of legs/shoes.

It has really boosted my game, gives me that little extra push to close phone numbers.

this is interesting. when one faps daily they may find no reason to go out and encounter the opposite secks, b/c they've satisfied their erection.'

wierd to call it 'no fap,' is that an internet thing?

edit: article about the no phap phenomenon



Active member
I've certainly become more jaded over time. I wish more people were suspicious of things too.

They certainly should be. Young people sure seem too trusting these days. Then they get jacked, it happens over and over with the results getting worse and worse. Increasing rate too.

So to sum what I'm trying to say, YES, IT IS normal not to like people. You just can't trust ANYBODY these days. I just wish it were more common, that mistrust. WAY less problems if that were true. It was mostly a learned thing by me.

But that is MY opinion. I REALLY don't care what anyone else thinks. This is a crazy world we've made for ourselves.:tumbleweed:


He polarized the pumpkin-eaters --- static-humming
Panel-beaters --- freshly day-glow'd factory cheaters
(salaried and collar-scrubbing).
He titillated men-of-action --- belly warming, hands
Still rubbing on the parts they never mention.

J. Tull


Active member
He polarized the pumpkin-eaters --- static-humming
Panel-beaters --- freshly day-glow'd factory cheaters
(salaried and collar-scrubbing).
He titillated men-of-action --- belly warming, hands
Still rubbing on the parts they never mention.

J. Tull

that tickled my funnybone.