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Is it marijuana or not ?


Well-known member
Hey there welcome to you from the uk! I love the fact that we can all speak nicely to each other no matter what country we are from. Maybe our politicians should hit the bong a little, our world would be a nicer place!
Did you ever try the rogue weed ?

Mr Roboto

i just found on neighbors area a plant that grow throu the fence.
i cut some and brought home.
Now i am thinking is it marijuana or not.
It smeels litlle bit differently then ones i bought from dealer to smoke.
But i thinking that is just aint ready or different tipe or marijuana.
I am suspecing that is it Ruderalis.
I cant really find any buds on it.
Any sudgestions about it ? and what should i do?

It's just a huge male full of pollen sacs