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Is is me or do some growers in Cali actually not want pot legalised??

Yes I do

1. people can have a med card BUT still have to be secretive about it with those they know simply due to the social bullshit that is spun in the news about herb.

2. people will realize now that it is legal that it IS norml

3. the med rights still don't really help you out all that much and if you think they do have you seen the many med patients jailed, club owners and so on having to fight for their lives in court even WITH a card.

legalization will remove those who cannot prove medical reasoning from the fears themselves and WOULD get in the game at that point.

I know many people who will not get a med card just because they feel they would possibly be found out faster then doing it without one.

Really? what about rippers? and theives? all those fears of growing are eliminated, just because something is legal, does not mean it is free and safe, people beat the shit out of people for ipad's you can buy in an apple store, you think joe-schmo with a 5x5 garden in his backyard has no fears!.....guess again. There will still be criminal activity, and it will be worse, it will be the exact opposite of what we think, you are fooling yourselves into a false sense of security in your government, that is wrong because there is no security in this world, nothing is certain, and nothing is free, why all you people think there are going to be no repercussions to this just astounds me, I guess the wackjob's got one thing right, stoners are fucking dumb, none of you obviously payed attention in history class, or sociology, or economics 101, the simple truth of it is you are a bunch of potheads who want pot for the price of a box of tic tacs and that is an unreal situation, I have read and heard just about any argument there is for legalization, but the balls are just not there in our community, we are willing to give everything up for a 5x5 garden....fucking pathetic.
Med you couldnt be more right about the additional stuff you mentioned, and no our taxes dont pay our national debt, just some of the intrest on it!

Exactly, and if you think commercial growers are going to get rid of that national debt every single one of you helped put there, you are mistaken sorely, california is the worst offender of economic russian roulette, you cant even pay out the taxes you took in because there are so many fuckin poor people who want everything for free, housing, food, healthcare, dental care, power, water, everything!!!
It sickens me thinking that you people are all okay with the select few who provide this "medicine" to you taking a brunt of YOUR NATIONS DEBT on their shoulders. You are basically telling us to be slaves to YOUR debt burden and provide you with everything, damn the consequences.


Really? what about rippers? and theives? all those fears of growing are eliminated, just because something is legal, does not mean it is free and safe, people beat the shit out of people for ipad's you can buy in an apple store, you think joe-schmo with a 5x5 garden in his backyard has no fears!.....guess again. There will still be criminal activity, and it will be worse, it will be the exact opposite of what we think, you are fooling yourselves into a false sense of security in your government, that is wrong because there is no security in this world, nothing is certain, and nothing is free, why all you people think there are going to be no repercussions to this just astounds me, I guess the wackjob's got one thing right, stoners are fucking dumb, none of you obviously payed attention in history class, or sociology, or economics 101, the simple truth of it is you are a bunch of potheads who want pot for the price of a box of tic tacs and that is an unreal situation, I have read and heard just about any argument there is for legalization, but the balls are just not there in our community, we are willing to give everything up for a 5x5 garden....fucking pathetic.

from MY perspective as a tax paying citizen, what am i "giving up" when it becomes legal. All i see is positives. try to point them out. i could care less if people who solely rely on the black market get their income cut in half. You act like "this dumb fucking stoner" is gonna go out and buy mexi schwag from phillip morris the day it becomes legal. my standards in quality are not going to change.
If it becomes legal I can transport up to an oz in my car. doesnt even mention shit about a open container ( which currently they can write you for in ca, any marijuana in a car within reach of the driver is open container). I can "share" up to an ounce. I could grow enough to supply probably 100 households worth in a 5x5 space and simply give it them and not be legal.

whats so harmful about this initiative?
Exactly, and if you think commercial growers are going to get rid of that national debt every single one of you helped put there, you are mistaken sorely, california is the worst offender of economic russian roulette, you cant even pay out the taxes you took in because there are so many fuckin poor people who want everything for free, housing, food, healthcare, dental care, power, water, everything!!!
It sickens me thinking that you people are all okay with the select few who provide this "medicine" to you taking a brunt of YOUR NATIONS DEBT on their shoulders. You are basically telling us to be slaves to YOUR debt burden and provide you with everything, damn the consequences.

Not what I'm saying at all, my state is in NO debt, its constitution requires that is budget be balanced EVERY year. I just want an end to the prosecution, I will happily settle for fines over prison and pay them alllllll day long. By the way do you even know what it costs California to house and feed all the people who are in jail in your state for possesion? Your arguement really doesnt hold water there.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
This discussion has become useless

Looks like it's moving faster than the attached brain is capable of feeding it useful data.

lol crawl back in your money pit pussy! You are just a fly on shit! LOL one day they will get you, you will meet an Andrew Chambers and you WILL go down, then you will be the prison bitch you were meant to be!!! LOL the prisons are full of assclowns like you who THOUGHT they were too smart to get caught!
from MY perspective as a tax paying citizen, what am i "giving up" when it becomes legal. All i see is positives. try to point them out. i could care less if people who solely rely on the black market get their income cut in half. You act like "this dumb fucking stoner" is gonna go out and buy mexi schwag from phillip morris the day it becomes legal. my standards in quality are not going to change.
If it becomes legal I can transport up to an oz in my car. doesnt even mention shit about a open container ( which currently they can write you for in ca, any marijuana in a car within reach of the driver is open container). I can "share" up to an ounce. I could grow enough to supply probably 100 households worth in a 5x5 space and simply give it them and not be legal.

whats so harmful about this initiative?

Quick someone direct this gentleman to the cannabis Cup Grow God awards, he can supply 100 houses with a 5x5 area.....jog on hoser.
Not what I'm saying at all, my state is in NO debt, its constitution requires that is budget be balanced EVERY year. I just want an end to the prosecution, I will happily settle for fines over prison and pay them alllllll day long. By the way do you even know what it costs California to house and feed all the people who are in jail in your state for possesion? Your arguement really doesnt hold water there.

Again if someone is dumb enough to sell to undercovers or children then so be it they deserve to be in jail, and most people are not in there for a lowly joint get your fucking facts straight, tell me exactly what percentage are in jail RIGHT NOW, and by jail I mean extended sentences of 6 months or more for any amount of pot under say a pound....you will not find it, and if you do it is because they are dumb, spent their profit on hoes and 40's and not on legal representation, and got a court appointed schmuck.....hmmmmmmmm ALL OF THEM!!!!....most anyone I know that does this and does it right has what they make in a few years stashed away for legal....if not you are inviting the wolves.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Really? what about rippers? and theives? all those fears of growing are eliminated, just because something is legal, does not mean it is free and safe, people beat the shit out of people for ipad's you can buy in an apple store, you think joe-schmo with a 5x5 garden in his backyard has no fears!.....guess again. There will still be criminal activity, and it will be worse, it will be the exact opposite of what we think, you are fooling yourselves into a false sense of security in your government, that is wrong because there is no security in this world, nothing is certain, and nothing is free, why all you people think there are going to be no repercussions to this just astounds me, I guess the wackjob's got one thing right, stoners are fucking dumb, none of you obviously payed attention in history class, or sociology, or economics 101, the simple truth of it is you are a bunch of potheads who want pot for the price of a box of tic tacs and that is an unreal situation, I have read and heard just about any argument there is for legalization, but the balls are just not there in our community, we are willing to give everything up for a 5x5 garden....fucking pathetic.

you have got to be joking

I was talking about legal worries and getting tossed in jail and or having to fight it out in court.

As far as people stealing, just like you said people are stupid BUT common sense can do alot for many people.

Just because you have something doesn't mean someone can take it AND if it were legal guess who you could call to come and help with a fuckin ripper in your garden? guess, anyone?

now illegally what do you do

"man this guy saw my grow, I think he will back should I just chop everything? I mean sure he jacked a plant or two but man I can't tell the cops or they will arrest me or hell the ripper might call the cops on me just to fuck me over more"

you need to really think things through a bit more

Security is needed with anything. Do you have an alarm on your car? Why do you need it? Same goes with protecting your home EXCEPT if you are legal to do what you want you COULD call for help if need be.

Illegal grower who gets in a fight with a ripper, gun play happens then what? what would you do then? or would you let him take your shit because you have ZERO legal reasons to stop him or what get a shovel and bury his ass?

GROWER SECURITY in itself should be common

do you think just because I am a legal grower I have plants in my front yard saying "I support medical marijuana"

common sense is apparently not something people are born with.

whether it is legal or not is NOT a valid point as far as security that is a personal thing and if it were legal and people were walking around saying "I got 10 pounds of purp at my house" then they are fuckin stupid. And you called potheads stupid? LOL
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I guess the truth is, that November will tell how the majority feels, and if legalized we will all see what the effect will be, until then all any of us have are theorys anyway. Maybe decrim is the way, they still get revenue via fines and the med growers still get to do their thing and only the big commerical growers, the greedy will suffer major prosecution.


Game Bred
i think a definition of terms is needed..

i think the government is in complete and total control of cannabis now!

some of you seem to be operating under the delusion they are not.

i think this is the fundamental nature of our different opinions on this bill
Again if someone is dumb enough to sell to undercovers or children then so be it they deserve to be in jail, and most people are not in there for a lowly joint get your fucking facts straight, tell me exactly what percentage are in jail RIGHT NOW, and by jail I mean extended sentences of 6 months or more for any amount of pot under say a pound....you will not find it, and if you do it is because they are dumb, spent their profit on hoes and 40's and not on legal representation, and got a court appointed schmuck.....hmmmmmmmm ALL OF THEM!!!!....most anyone I know that does this and does it right has what they make in a few years stashed away for legal....if not you are inviting the wolves.
get my facts straight? seriously? wow!! Just wow! so if you get sentenced to 6mo or less it doesn't cost the state anything? wow! huge expense buddy and you are just nieve to think otherwise expecially after that rant you spewed about freebies, handouts ect. lol how about factoring in what it costs to pay a cop to process the paperwork on the arrest, the judge to hear it, the lady to record what was said in the courtroom, the balifs, hell even if you are found not giulty it still cost the stat money to take it to trial, Shmuck!
Lol and you right, leagal fees are cheap, so yea stash money for that over pay taxes!! lol what a dumbass!! Any once they get you once you will ALWAYS be suspect, by the way, uhhhhhm how did legal rep work out for Marc Emery, a Canadian citizen who will be enjoying a Washington jail!! LOL Dream on!


I had to go do time today at my job so I missed all the fun. Many good points discussed and yes I see both sides.

Imagine one scenario if you would for a minute:

Feds decide to turn the clock back and openly start going after all med ops.
P&E perfects the digital electric meter and DEA gets to play with the data base and data collected. Oh and dont forget the new super cheap plastic film that gives night vision based on IR (heat). The technology is getting to the point only the truely big budget grows can take all of the precautions needed to continue. The home closet grower could be shut down much more quickly than you may think.

Don't get fooled that all is good. The mechanisms are in place to do anything deemed politically expedient.

Its been proven that locking up dying patients is not a problem and is happening in the majority of states in the us.

Its important to get some kind of legality momentum and remove the lynchpin of the oppression... schedule 1 classification.

As far as the taxes... thats a whole different issue.

Oh and the bootleggers I know don't hesitate to say the phrase "shine aint about drinking its about money"... they know whats what.


Overkill is under-rated.
This SICKBOYZAP has make almost all his post on this subject alone!!!

Get outta here little hater boy! We already know you want it kept illegal so you aint gotta keep reposting your same old tired lines about we are taking up for PHILLIP MORRIS! What a complete tool! :thank you:

RESPECTFUL??? Saying I am in bed w/ big tobacco because I want it LEGAL so over 1,000,000 get out of JAIL and no longer harassed!

While your only point is you want to be able to profit from growing is your ONLY CONCERN!!!

Yeah, your plenty respectful.

Maybe you should look up that word and get the BIG PICTURE!!!!

You're wrong about people being released from jail.

There aren't 1000000 people in california in jail for posession of under an ounce, or cultivating 2-5 plants. There simply aren't. In fact, there probably are less than a handful who would be technically freed by this.

Selling pounds of weed, cropping rooms or fields, transporting pounds, all those guys will remain in jail.

So what is the difference in the end?

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