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Is is me or do some growers in Cali actually not want pot legalised??

Boo-Hoo....You're just pissed at the fact you might have to get your GED and get a job. If you think legalizing is going to end the counter culture, you're nucking futs. All it will do is drastically reduce violent crime. Take a huge burden off law enforcement(maybe they'll have time to catch real criminals) and prisons( maybe we will then have room for the child rapists). I
f big business could think of a way to make $$$ off of it then why is it still illegal? We all know they run the show anyway. If they could, they would have already. But all they have to do is throw out some fear and propaganda like the shit I'm reading here and people who can't think for themselves repeat it. If you say something long enough and loud enough, people will believe it no matter how ridiculous....like keeping pot illegal is a good thing. I never thought I'd live to see the day when stoners were for prohibition. Jack Herer is turning over in his grave.

grow nerd

Just because we have different views & priorities doesn't automatically make me wrong.

We're just different kind of people, on different pages.

IOW, you're wrong. :D (Just kidding.)
You retards bashing the culture of growers who want to keep weed culture pure and sacred are some cheap pieces of shit. See, if we had the voting power to actually introduce a system of pure tolerance for weed and its culture, we'd have already usurped the fed, taken care of social problems, sacrificed material wealth for every other individual. You see, as demonstrated above, people are selfish assholes. All it takes is one law and they just build on that. I don't know what fucking utopia you think this legalize weed bill will create, but its gonna be the opposite of whatever you're envisioning, I can promise you that.

No eutopia...but if I can grow my own meds without threat of LEO taking my house, kids, and my freedom away then that's all good. Anyone who can't see that isn't really worth trying to convince otherwise as you probably don't have the capacity to comprehend it anyway.


Game Bred
You retards bashing the culture of growers who want to keep weed culture pure and sacred are some cheap pieces of shit. See, if we had the voting power to actually introduce a system of pure tolerance for weed and its culture, we'd have already usurped the fed, taken care of social problems, sacrificed material wealth for every other individual. You see, as demonstrated above, people are selfish assholes. All it takes is one law and they just build on that. I don't know what fucking utopia this legalize weed bill will create, but its gonna be the opposite of whatever you're envisioning, I can promise you that.

keep the week culture "pure and sacred":laughing:

ive been part of the culture for 20+ years and it is far from fucking "pure and sacred"

its just as commercial and corrupted as haliburton and enron's incestual but baby!

the false utopia is the bullshit fairytale image you paint of the california grow culture!

it is as cutthroat and dirty as any other business (more so than most)

base animal instincts (fear of loss and hope for gain) are the reptilian brain's responses to proposed changes to the status quo!

i have seen you prohibitionists come up with every single outlandish consequence imaginable to try to misrepresent this bill.

next you'll demand to see the bills birth cert?

look there is no need to come up with insane hypothetical scenarios. the bill is a step in the right direction. its not perfect but its a start.
keep the week culture "pure and sacred":laughing:

ive been part of the culture for 20+ years and it is far from fucking "pure and sacred"

its just as commercial and corrupted as haliburton and enron's incestual but baby!

the false utopia is the bullshit fairytale image you paint of the california grow culture!

it is as cutthroat and dirty as any other business (more so than most)

base animal instincts (fear of loss and hope for gain) are the reptilian brain's responses to proposed changes to the status quo!

i have seen you prohibitionists come up with every single outlandish consequence imaginable to try to misrepresent this bill.

next you'll demand to see the bills birth cert?

look there is no need to come up with insane hypothetical scenarios. the bill is a step in the right direction. its not perfect but its a start.
A refreshing voice of reason.:tiphat:


Active member
I always think geography plays a role in the attitude of the inhabitants. Take a look at the Ganges and Brahmahputra rivers and the Himalayan Range to the north. Now take a look at the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and the Sierra Nevada to the west. California looks like a smaller version of India in that area. Its no wonder that both places are havens for cannabis culture. Also forward thinking in spiritual practices. I think the change with cannabis attitudes are tying into a greater stream of thought that will sweep through California in years to come. A more open age, a more feminine age.


While trying to recruit Russo for the CFR, Nicholas Rockefeller told him that his family foundation created women's liberation using mass media control as part of a long-term plan to enslave humanity. He admitted they want to "chip us." Google "Rockefeller Foundation" and "Women's Studies" and you'll get a half million citations.
You think it's different with weed? Blaze on, old head...


Overkill is under-rated.
I think that cops will continue to fight marijuana, as enforcing the law is still necessary (in their eyes.) keeping people from driving, cultivating more than their stupid 5X5 plot, etc.

Violence, I think the Mexican cartels will just start moving their grows to other states where it's more competitive, but I bet many will still do large-scale outdoors in Cali.

Besides, when is the last time someone said "thank god the government got involved and regulates this now!" It just doesn't.

TC2010 was WRITTEN by Richard Lee (Oaksterdam fame) as he KNOWS that anyone will be able to walk into any one of his 8 clubs and buy weed. He'll make billions of dollars off it. He'll be the McDonalds of weed.

But you think Grow Nerd is greedy? And the Gov't wants $50 an ounce tax too? Sheeeeit, you people need to step back and look at the bigger picture.

grow nerd

I'm just here for my slice of the "Green Rush" pie. Make no mistakes, business is business.

"No apologies on the issue if it offends you; it's meant to."


grow nerd is greedy no matter how greedy others are, what people want is to not get jailed for smoking herb, thats what its all about, you want your customers being jailed? tell your customers and you wont have any customers anymore.. you guys are just fucked up and think you can make a billion dollars selling illegal herbs, by very low chance you can but 99% will end up in jail and later on say "oh shit, i should never have done that" - yes, fool, thats what you are


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
if you want to make big bucks move to a state that has no mmj laws and you will get your 500-800 per oz pretty simple.
Who the hell ever said the government wasn't greedy? But because they are it makes it OK for everyone else? I get it now. ....but we need to look at the big picture. LOL...you guys can't see past your wallets....and you could care less about anyone other than yourself. You greedy fucks could ruin a wet dream.

grow nerd

Sure, I'm all for decriminalization of possession, etc. But not an all-out legalization where it's okay for just about anyone to grow with zero consequences, etc.

I don't want end-users arrested or strict laws on use, that only decreases demand.

Soon Richard Lee will be riding around Oaksterdam in a diamond-crusted platinum wheelchair, to top Larry Flynt's golden wheelchair.


Overkill is under-rated.
So it's ok for Richard Lee to make billions, but not for tens of thousands of commercial growers to feed their families, each taking a small slice of those billions.

Oh, ok, I gotcha.


Overkill is under-rated.
are the two mutually exclusive?


Legalization will result in people buying their fast-food weed from him, or growing their own. The black market (and all of the people who depend on it) will crumble.

It's not like legal weed will double demand, at least not in the long term. Folks will do what's easy first, and going into a club will be the easiest thing.

There isn't enough money to go around already. But if you don't believe me we can revisit this thread in a year or two (if it passes) and see what's what. If I'm wrong I'll admit I was, but I kinda doubt I'll need to. ;)


Game Bred
so those who dont grow in lets say eureka are gonna drive down the 101 all the way to oakland to buy sub par nugs rather than buy better quality locally for the same price?