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Is is me or do some growers in Cali actually not want pot legalised??


grow nerd

That's cool. But I'd rather not have to be one of the top 10 in the entire world to qualify for a decent living. Sure there are some who have made it big in alcohol... but for every success, there are many more failures you've never heard of, along with a few you might have ($2/5th Taaka Vodka, for instance).

Again: you want me to play on a level playing field? No thanks!
As someone who commits crime, you fully well know what the laws are, you know where the boundaries lie... just don't get caught bending, breaking and/or stepping over 'em. If you get caught, shame on you. Not a field for everyone to succeed in, just like any other.
Your logic is as fucked up as your morality. Trying to sidestep the question didn't work.
What's it like for your whole world to revolve around you? I've never actually talked to someone so selfish as to say to some cancer patient that can't afford to move to a med state "shame on you if you get caught...you knew it was illegal."....
Actually, shame on you...you and everyone like you who has a voice and use it to profit yourself at the expense of others...That's the same mindset that big business, big pharma, and every other self serving entity has. If you can live with yourself knowing that you're a selfish piece of shit, I guess I can too. Hey... at least you admit it. Kudos for honesty at least.


good to see some sense talkers here! some people don't know they're born do they!!

If money is all your after in life, it's all you'll get.

People like grow nerd need to see it's not all about them making cash but all of us being free to persue what we want without being persecuted for it. It's people that are just in it for the money that make the rest of us look like DRUG DEALERS. Anti legalisation might as well be anti weed


Game Bred
Again: you want me to play on a level playing field? No thanks!

because you are just not good/skilled enough for a level playing field!

having been a high end commercial grower for years in an area much less "friendly" than cali i understand the risk vs. reward your talking about..

i also know i would not have voted to send innocent users to prison.

let me ask you this...

would you take a million dollars but 1000 innocent people did a year in jail if you took the money?


Active member
no way in hell any one is gonna sell this for less than 250 an O....if you dont wanna pay 250 fine il keep it and smoke it to my self...




Active member
The growers that want it to remain illegal are exactly the same as law enforcement that want it to remain illegal no better no worse...
The growers that want it to remain illegal are exactly the same as law enforcement that want it to remain illegal no better no worse...

True...and the kicker is, they want it to remain illegal for the same reason.
When you are on the same side as the DEA....you might wanna take a long hard look in the mirror.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Haven't met one yet that really really wants anything changed. Why fix something that isn't broken? Or is it? That is the question...


If TC2010 passes and weed is legalized on a national scale, wave goodbye to weed culture, good buds. Say hello to Philip Morris putting carcinogens and addictive substances in your commercially processed weed.

How hard is it for local or organic farmers to make money? Hard. Four companies produce all the food on the shelves. What makes you think this is different than weed? WAKE UP DUMB FUCKS! Next thing you know they'll be putting out tests (now that weed is legal we can research it) that show how addictive it is and how it has to be controlled...it will never be medical...you're giving up a great culture...

BUT FUCK IT. They've been dumbing us down for generations to the point where the average individual can wipe the shit from his ass by himself and thats about it. We've lost heritage, we've lost history. Most of you slaves would fucking die if the Target at the end of your block collapsed and the Shell station shut down. Somebody get me to the farm...


Active member
look at the bigger picture....to me, legalization is basically the government and big business saying .."alrite guys, you have had your fun, but now its time for us to get our hands in your 100 billion dollar underground industry, no more power for the people!!"

With the way T.C.2010 is written, I strongly agree with this.

Fuck Dick Lee.


100,000 mj arrests in cali in 2009...

its still broken

Imagine how many there will be with this new law? Fucking they'll have the equivalent of open-container violations for weed, contributing to minors if they're around, they'll have laws for smoking weed that is too potent or against federal regulation. you'll see. the ones who vote for this stupid shit will be the first to get locked up. a pure culture and community of people should not be thrown under the bus because some faggot frat boy wants to be able to smoke pot and take a beer bong on the weekend without worrying about getting kicked out of school.....gay. This country fucking sucks dick. It's a plastic, cheap, piece-of-shit Chinese built trash. Everything about the materialistic world us cheap americans live in is too fake to be believed. even the american flag looks like some bullshit from a cartoon or cheap toy...come on...

grow nerd

You're absolutely right, if you offered me $1M in exchange for no consequence to me, I'll insta-snatch it before you even have a chance to think about changing your mind. That's right, I'm that greedy, and that selfish.

But so what, no one is perfect.


You retards bashing the culture of growers who want to keep weed culture pure and sacred are some cheap pieces of shit. See, if we had the voting power to actually introduce a system of pure tolerance for weed and its culture, we'd have already usurped the fed, taken care of social problems, sacrificed material wealth for every other individual. You see, as demonstrated above, people are selfish assholes. All it takes is one law and they just build on that. I don't know what fucking utopia you think this legalize weed bill will create, but its gonna be the opposite of whatever you're envisioning, I can promise you that.


Game Bred
at least you admit to it..pathetic as it is.

i could not roll on someone to keep myself out of jail so i sure as fuck would not send someone to jail for cash...

but if your hustle is so weak thats all you got..........

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