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Is is me or do some growers in Cali actually not want pot legalised??


And this will lead to wage-slaves doing mediocre jobs. You know how they pack genetically fucked chickens into unsanitary conditions, they never see light, sleep in shit, and wage slaves (illegals) "inspect" and package and transport these chickens...apply same concept to this situation...DUH

and most people will take their money else where and buy their pot. its not like people are gonna stop growing their high quality chronic in their closets just to go to the store and buy some shitty weed.

california has proven that the market for high quality shit is far superior to that of shitty stuff. Its not like a cigarette or alcohol, quality of pot matters. And majority of smokers know what good weed is so how is their opinion of chronic gonna change?


Not when every Hydro shop on the country is owned by 2 corporations and the new government issued id's track all of your purchases...oh, yeah, order your complete commericial hyrdoponic set up online from some store in europe...things will be so lax now that weed is legal....

how is this possible, where are you getting this crazy information/ideas


Active member
I think that cops will continue to fight marijuana, as enforcing the law is still necessary (in their eyes.) keeping people from driving, cultivating more than their stupid 5X5 plot, etc.

Violence, I think the Mexican cartels will just start moving their grows to other states where it's more competitive, but I bet many will still do large-scale outdoors in Cali.

Besides, when is the last time someone said "thank god the government got involved and regulates this now!" It just doesn't.

TC2010 was WRITTEN by Richard Lee (Oaksterdam fame) as he KNOWS that anyone will be able to walk into any one of his 8 clubs and buy weed. He'll make billions of dollars off it. He'll be the McDonalds of weed.

But you think Grow Nerd is greedy? And the Gov't wants $50 an ounce tax too? Sheeeeit, you people need to step back and look at the bigger picture.

:thank you:


and most people will take their money else where and buy their pot. its not like people are gonna stop growing their high quality chronic in their closets just to go to the store and buy some shitty weed.

california has proven that the market for high quality shit is far superior to that of shitty stuff. Its not like a cigarette or alcohol, quality of pot matters. And majority of smokers know what good weed is so how is their opinion of chronic gonna change?

The demand for such care, quality, and variety will be slowly dissipated. The majority of smokers will either grow their own little personal stash instead of buying from a grower, or the "average smoker" will find it more convenient to get the new Philip Morris HIGH GRADE BOMB A TRON KUSH SATIVA!! strain from the store than get actual good shit on the black market from a dealer. Oh yeah, IT WILL BE ILLEGAL TO SELL WITHOUT A LICENSE..YOU UNDERSTAND THAT RIGHT? IMAGINE THE LAWS AND REQUIREMENTS GONNA BE BEHIND THAT..LOL..

Take beer. Most people don't know shit about beer. They don't know what a good beer is. I bet that was different when Budweiser first came on the scene. Or tobacco.


Overkill is under-rated.
It will take the (Army of) lawyers at Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds etc mere HOURS to find out how to exploit legalization here, if they haven't done so already. According to a lawyer at the Cannabis Expo in SF a couple weeks ago, a special permit can be obtained to grow in excess of 5X5'.

If a handful of corporations with millions or billions of dollars gets involved, they will be in it 100%. They will come looking for experienced growers to grow dank and they will grow dank by the TON. It will take them mere weeks to eclipse all of our production combined. Once they are running nobody will be able to compete with their volume, and prices will plummet.

Who's to say they CAN'T grow organic Tahoe OG, ChemDawg and all the fire cuts we have now? Someone will sell it to them and they will grow out thousands of moms.

Put another way, what would YOU do if you were Philip Morris and wanted to grow tons of weed? They will do exactly THAT, the rest of us will lose.

A free capitalist market usually sacrifices the mom and pops. Everyone without $10M dollars to drop on a giant commercial op will be a mom and pop, and will lose their job.

Keep weed underground, decriminalize it, and watch your back!



LOL, whats different about it now... done replying to your bullshit being spewed from a very uneducated brain.


LOL, whats different about it now... done replying to your bullshit being spewed from a very uneducated brain.

Uh...it's currently federally illegal to possess, cultivate, or sell everywhere in this country as far as my uneducated brain knows...Oh, you are under the impression the regulations will be lax as they are in the context of 215 if weed is FEDERALLY LEGALIZED..oh o i c...maybe your shit should just break off and float away...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor


immaculate your fears have already happened.. I been awake for a while now, welcome. It already happened...

If the black market dealers want to play they will just have to go east.

I just want to be left the hell alone, mj laws give the cops and my boss just one more way to take me down.

I am for anything that takes that power away from them.

I was stupid enough to believe that on the boards here I would find freedom loving individuals. Ther are many here, but I see that just like sex, when cannabis is pushed so far underground it creates some twisted people that do strange shit around such a spiritual plant.

I still grow my own , and always acknowledge the people that it took to get me my sack when I didn't.

I make my own beer too, but I have found some real nice local micro's that give me better quality than I can produce myself, cheaper. I pray herb someday gets to be the same way.

Just take the power from the cops... and give me my piss back.



Uh...it's currently federally illegal to possess, cultivate, or sell everywhere in this country as far as my uneducated brain knows...Oh, you are under the impression the regulations will be lax as they are in the context of 215 if weed is FEDERALLY LEGALIZED..oh o i c...maybe your shit should just break off and float away...

i thought we were talking about california here?



So if weed is legalized will it be illegal to be under the influence unless you are sitting at home on a couch or in a "weed" club? I see already that they're pushing 21..that in itself is bullshit and limiting the rights of individuals..I wonder if underage possession of marijuana will entail a worse fine than say a gram possesion does now...hmmm


Well i personally believe that the initiative will pass but don't really see how it could be implemented while its federally illegal, im kinda curious to see what happens.


Overkill is under-rated.
I asked the NORML attorneys on stage giving speeches that very question, his reply: "it's already federally legal since they allow medical MJ." He didn't seem to think the feds would be doing anything to stop it if legalization passes in Cali.
I would say that organized crime would miss the cash that cannabis brings them.

Just like at the end of alcohol prohibition in the USA, watch many of them slink off into the sunset or die in the various gang wars to take over "new" turf.

In other words... not much would really change.


I asked the NORML attorneys on stage giving speeches that very question, his reply: "it's already federally legal since they allow medical MJ." He didn't seem to think the feds would be doing anything to stop it if legalization passes in Cali.

Opens a wiiiiiide fuckin' door.
(Taken from my post on another thread)

The small Mom and Pop growers are going to be put out of business! This shit is going to be everywhere! Good luck keeping AgriCorps out of the business. The small legal home grower will be devastated by the PLUMMETING PRICES on the market UNTIL THEY GAIN COMPLETE CONTROL! How many moonshiners are left today after Alcohol was legalized? 99.9% of all Alcohol is produced now by Anheuser Busch, Smirnoff, etc., etc., etc.

Read articles from the 20's & 30's. Moonshiners claimed they weren't worried about Alcohol being legalized, they claimed that their product was "too good" to be produced on a mass production scale! Where are they today? Ancient Chinese proverb: "Beware of what you dream....for dreams sometimes come true!"

Look what happened to the small farmers in the midwest. Remember the old Rockwell paintings of the Yeoman farmer with his wife and 'PitchFork'? They're all but gone. Corporate AgriBiz has made them obsolete. Tell me this is not just the begining of a Corporate takeover of the industry. Phillip Morris and other tobacco giants are pushing for this! WHY?

Drive the prices so low that the only person who can make a profit, be more competitive, have higher productivity and can produce product cheaper is- the Massive Agri-Industry. For many 'THIS IS NOT A BUSINESS...IT'S A WAY OF LIFE'!

A 'Bushy old Grower' who has dedicated his life to learning and perfecting his art is going to go the way of the 1920's Alcohol "Moonshiner"- just a memory.

PRICES ARE GONNA GO THROUGH THE FLOOR UNTIL THEY'VE CORNERED THE MARKET! I know people who make a 'legal' living off of supplying patients. They better get their McDonalds applications filled out!

The 'Art'' and the 'Culture' of Marijuana is going to be nothing more than a trip to the liquor store...the same as buying a 6 pack of beer...sad.

I say keep our current Medical laws!

anything the government gets their hands on and regulates and taxes and turns over to corporations to take the reins of turns to shit. the problem isn't centered around marijuana, it encompasses all parts of society. some of you stoners need to see the bigger picture. i feel like im slowly poisoning myself when i eat tomatoes from the grocery store , you guys think marijuana is gonna be any different? the world is still gonna be a big pile of shit after marijuana is legalized and i just get the feeling all you activists are gonna be complacent like anyone else already

most everyone that isn't involved in the mass production of MMJ already is gonna have to get out of the business and get regular jobs. or get jobs working for the big MMJ farms making 8 bucks an hour. that is the nightmare


anything the government gets their hands on and regulates and taxes and turns over to corporations to take the reins of turns to shit. the problem isn't centered around marijuana, it encompasses all parts of society. some of you stoners need to see the bigger picture. i feel like im slowly poisoning myself when i eat tomatoes from the grocery store , you guys think marijuana is gonna be any different? the world is still gonna be a big pile of shit after marijuana is legalized and i just get the feeling all you activists are gonna be complacent like anyone else already is

do you grow your own tomatoes?

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