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Is h2o2 compatible with seaweed products?


Mitakoye Oyasin

Im trying to find out if when using h2o2 in ur nutrients the products containing the seaweed extracts are compatible and if anyone has any suggestions or input on growing with h202.
I used it years ago in rockwool drip , tub, and it worked great.
I started using promix and all of the beneficials and have been away from the h202 for years.
Im about to do a side by side grow testing the differance with the beasties and str8 sterile enviro., just not sure about the seaweed.
On dosage, what I remember is like starting off at 1ml per gal then up to 30 or so over time. Using 35%st h202.
Looking for input from those who may have experiance with this. Thanks. B-Kind


Active member
i use h202 with superthrive and b52 for 8 years now, never an issue, d

Mitakoye Oyasin

rs I asked about the seaweed extracts because many of my nutrients, most all of my nutrients contain seaweed extracts. and I wasnt sure if they were like enzymes that would be destroyed by oxidation.
I know I cant use the beneficial microbes, but just wasnt sure how it would affect enzymes and the auxins and cytokins that BB spoke of..
Thanks dmt.
I had awesome results with h2o2 when I first started growing hydro but its been so long I couldnt remember what all u couldnt use. I think u cant use the enzymes unless ur h202 dosage is realy low. I am going to be using 35%st h202
planning on starting out at 1ml per gallon and increasing to 20 or 30 ml per gallon.
I think at the begining my enzymes will be fine but not sure at the higher dosages.
What do u think about the enzymes dmt???


Active member
there 2 ways to grow hydro. the cheap and efficient, or the expensive and potentially costly in the root zone. the first is 35% h202 every 2 days into the rez at 1.6ml/litre, the second is adding all the bennies like trichoderma, enzymes and fungi. ive seen the biggest roots and plants for cheaper and cleaner w h202 way, but ive also seen incredible stuff w bennies. sometimes i prefer the easy way out. not to take anything away from bennies, but h202 does more for less, just what every gardener wants lol, d

Mitakoye Oyasin

thanks dmt. Thats kinda what I thought. I used it years back but got away from it cause the market sold me on the endos and ectos and tricodermas and I have spent thousands on that stuff always wondering whats up. Never have I had as good of results as I did back when I used the h202 so I decided to do a side by side to prove it to myself cause another switch I made was from rockwool and tubs to promix so I could use the beasties. Thats the whole reason I swithced and just stayed here trying to perfect the thing. Bout got it as good as itll get that way Im finaly convinced and it just isnt as good, like u say my plant were bigger and greener and hardier to the best of my memory when I used the h202 35%. I got the mad farmer oxegenator. So thats whats up with all my questions, Im gonna trial run it and document it and journal it on here and I just wanna do everything correct so that its very fair.
Just make sure your plants are very strong and healthy before you add h202 as it is a poison toxin to plants. Most garden books warn agaisnt the use of toxins with plants for good reason. H202 has it place in a garden, but its not in the rootzone thats for sure. There are many other safer ways to do what h202 does and without the use of a poison.

I'm sure a high enough dosage of h2o2 could be hazardous. This can be said for most anything. However, h2o2 at the dosage used for hydroponics is very safe(and effective). As I understand it, most of the peroxide is reduced to water within a few hours anyway.

Mitakoye Oyasin

That is true bb it is reduced to st8 water and str8 oxegen. Its not a poison thebiom.
Not in any garden anywhere ever. Uve been misinformed.
I think it does have a place in the rootzone and is why I am doing a side by side experiment.
If u follow my thread B-Kinds A-Love in the grow diarys it will be well documented from day one. The clones are all recieving the same treatment now.
Im not an expert on growing with h202 but I have done it before and TheBioMaster, have u ever seen poison make something fell better?
My plants in the past seemed to love and respond very hapily to the h202 that I used to add to my tub of solution. I just never used it in promix before and Im using more nutrients now with seaweed in them and I dont wanna mess up the mix, because the peroxide will destroy living organizims in the mix. I thought mabee something in seaweed was alive, I just wasnt sure.
H202 is not a toxin to plants or anything else used in the proper dosage.
Its not a poison no matter what dose, it can just burn at high doses, so can fire, it doesnt make it a poison. So can too much nutes, doesnt make it a poison.
I am looking for info but not info that I know to be false. Bio, if u realy believe that then u should realy follow my thread not to try to say I know better or anything but it may help u too. Knowledge is good, and I know h202 makes plants happy, just gonna see what makes em happier, root biozone or sterile zone. The h202 not only takes care of all of the problems that the benefical funguses and bacteria promise to "eat the bad stuff" The h202 kills it on contact. It kills any benificials also. And in the process it delivers and extra boost of oxegen to ur root zone. That is all a good thing, and, as long as u dont overdo it, as with nutrients, water, and anything else that our plant loves, the h202 will make ur plant very happy because it loves it.
Show me some info saying its a poison in ur garden man. Why would u say that when it isnt true. This should be a site for sharing info to help advance the growing community and the plant. If u dont know or arent sure u should simply say so, or at least offer ur best advice while letting others know its only ur opinion and that u have no personal experiance to back it up, or at least some good studies.
Ive used h202 for years, just a long time ago, so U cant tell me its a poison to ur plants. If it is, then its a poison that makes em fell good and get greener and bigger than without, I promise u that. I cant make a claim on the best method yet , beasties or sterile, but I will be able to do that in 3 months one way or the other and I am very objective cause I am simple looking for what makes my plants the happiest, I dont care what the cost of the product going into them as long as it works, but like I said, Im thinking the h202 will work better so why would I continue to spend thousands on mycorize and trichodermas and stuff if a 30 dollar gallon bottle of h202 will do better and last longer. Nuts in my opinion.
I shoulda done the side by side before I ever switched.


Active member
h202 increases root mass, nutirent uptake, breakes down organic dead stuff like enzymes would, adds extra oxygen to the water, thicker stalks, darker leaves, faster growth, immune booster, bug killer, acts as a safe and earth friendly bleach for rooms and everything in them, the list goes on. and its 1/16 the price of 3 different bennies you have to buy for the same results, d

Mitakoye Oyasin

hey dmt, how high is the top for h2o2 and how fast can u increase. I am using 35% mad farmer oxegenator planning to start clones on 1 ml per gallon, any suggestions, or shuld I start a little higher??

Mitakoye Oyasin

the clones are well rooted and have been showing posotive growth for the past week.
Also I have some seedlings showing second set of true leaves, ak47 fem from seriouse, how soon to start that??

Baba Ku

Active member
People seem to have the idea that H2O2 is not compatible with beneficial bacteria. Most all beneficial bacteria that is beneficial to the grow will be of the aerobic type...which means it thrives in the presence of oxygen. Bad bacteria (anaerobic) that will sour things cannot survive in the presence of oxygen, and will quickly be attacked and killed by oxidation via the free radical oxygen molecule that is released by the H2O2.

Explain to me how H2O2 goes about killing beneficial bacteria that love being in the presence of what it provides? Does it use conventional wisdom to do it's work? Or perhaps conventional wisdom aint so wise?>

Mitakoye Oyasin

I don't have a clue Baba Ku, but I kinda think that if its strong enough it will kill bout anything and I think the root zone can handle a stronger dose than any beneficials. I know they can survive at the lower doses like I plan to start out at, 1 ml per gallon, but I plan to reach at least 20ml if not 30, just tryiing to get some more definitive info on that.
I dont know how to explain to u how the h202 kills stuff, but it isnt oxegen until after the extra oxegen molecule is released, the process of the oxegen bond being broken and releasing the extra oxegen atom ,"burns" the living organizims around it. It oxidizes them.
Im not saying its like a fire, but an example could be that a fire is the process of the fuel source being oxidized. The final product may not be harmful to us. Hydrogen fuel oxidizes into pure h2o. St8 water and nothing else. Thats the fuel that powers the space rockets. The big plums of smoke u see are nothing more than water vapor which is totaly harmless to both u and me, yet if we were standing in the area where the "oxidation" was occouring , we would be burnt to a crisp. Thats how it kills the benneis.

Mitakoye Oyasin

Baba Ku, I realy am doing this side by side so I will, if u care to take the time to direct me to the proper source, take a sample of the medium at different dosages and , either but a test kit if one is available at a reasonable price and test it myself, or send it to a lab that will do it for me, if... u take the time to point me in the direction to acomplish this. I would be interested myself as to how high of a dose they can stand.
I would realy only like to introduce evidence that I know to be true, and I culd be wrong there are some things that live in volcanic jets comming out of the bottom of the sea, so who knows whats going on in there, until u test it...

Baba Ku

Active member
There are a plethora of sources to use to research the use of H2O2 in horticultural settings.
It is well known fact that H2o2 provides great benefit to plant health, and as with most all things that are good..too much is bad.
Dosage turns medicine into poison and visa-versa. It can turn a beneficial oxygen supplement into rocket fuel...literally.

If you are going to test, let us know what dosage you find to be optimum.
IMO, you will have a much greater chance of success using 3% solution buffered with water only. Hydro store concentrations leave way too much room for simple err and even disaster. And other sources of H2O2 (hair stores) may well be buffered with things we do not want in a horticultural setting.

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