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Is Gobal Cooling a Continuing Threat?

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The Voice of Reason


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Madrus Rose

post 69
Originally Posted by trichrider
Where did all of your ‘scientific’ facts come from?…National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration…Part and Parcel of the same fucks that told us fossil fuels will be depleted soon…you gonna trust a government entity to give it to you straight?

and your reply to him:

Fossil Fuels WILL be depleted soon... you should study up on that one too... The easy to access oil is dwindling... That's why the oil companies are resorting to unsafe untested equipment in hard to get to and work in locations... duh.

Wake up... gather all of the pertinent data and use your critical thinking skills.
Stop falling energy industry propaganda.

I couldn't believe that blanket statement of his to which seemed more of a knee-jerk rage being spouted than any semblance of using his own common sense & looking at many studies of climate change....some propaganda has taken root in his mind . And the scale by which he's measuring is only his own lifetime, if it doesn't effect me ... then who gives a sh_t?

(very scientific)

My suggestion is for him to google Mathew Simmons one of the largest oil banker/traders in the world of his time now deceased unfortunately or Boone T Pickens ...these are not the Gov't but private capitalist very large in the field that know . The one thing i know we're running out of is oil & time ...and those fellows know it too.

Both the Saudi & the Cantarell fields are on the decline , China's build out of industrial capacity alone should wake anyone up with their huge demands now.

anyways just a few thoughts.... carry on .

Ben Tokin

Sometimes you just don't know what to believe. :tiphat:

I Keep Telling You It's Getting Colder

Mon, 06 Dec 2010 14:02 CST

Dr. Mark Sircus

Climate Change ©

It's not supposed to be so cold and snowy so early in the winter when the world is thought to be warming. Eminent scientists are not supposed to turn their backs on the lying press and government to tell us it's getting colder, not warmer. The entire discussion has us in the Twilight Zone with the global warmers and coolers still in heated conversation. The press's most recent broadside entitled "World warmer, short-term trends need study: report" stated:

The global average temperature has increased over the past 160 years, but short-term trends in temperature and sea ice seem to be at odds with each other and need more research, the UK Met Office's Hadley Center said. In a report on long- and short-term climate trends, the Hadley Center found several factors that indicate a warming world and said 2010 has been one of the warmest years on record. The report drew on the work of more than 20 institutions worldwide and used a range of measurements from satellites, weather balloons, weather stations, ocean buoys, ships, and field surveys.

One of the warmest years on record - are we to believe this? If global warming was such a slam dunk, why are they now tipping their hands mentioning the colder short-term trend? How can they define what is going on as a short-term trend when the future is not written yet?

Stockholm is forecast to experience its coldest seasonal temperatures for over 100 years this week as winter weather takes hold of the country, according to the Swedish Meteorological Institute.

One thing we never see in the press is a solar weather report, which would show that we continue to traverse a solar minimum that is driving temperatures lower. Another thing we don't see are intelligent and sensitive discussions about the dramatic weather and its consequences in terms of provoking food scarcity and panic. Certainly we are not calculating all the recent volcanic activity that is throwing out huge tonnages of sunlight-filtering particles into the air and how this can increase the cooling affects already in place because of solar inactivity. We have not had a new Krakatoa, which drove down world temperatures all by itself. What we have are multiple volcanoes around the world throwing up large amounts of sun-blocking particles. Krakatoa was one of the most catastrophic natural disasters in recorded history. The reality of quick world cooling driven by cooling oceans, diminished solar activity, and volcanic pollution could put humanity on the devil's anvil.

Massive underwater volcanoes have risen from the ocean floor deep under the Arctic ice cap, spewing plumes of fragmented magma into the sea, but we don't hear in the press how this might have been the source of the warming in the arctic while temperatures plunge in Antarctica.

We don't like to think that the press and the corporations that control it are just flat-out lying to us. Like abused children at the hands of their parents we hope against all odds that big brother is really looking out for us. We hope that we continue to live in a free society in the west, but this is an absurd and deliberately-created illusion. The Gestapo took over the mainstream press a long time ago. We can clearly see that in the total blackout of what is still going on in the Gulf of Mexico. The suffering and growing sickness from the oil spill is growing, but these people have been written out of the universe by our precious free press. The oil is still there and the President of the United States should be impeached for his betrayal of all these people.

Down here on the ground and back to daily life we find extreme cold gripping Europe. Forecasts are for temperatures to plunge down to -38°C in Switzerland. We find bitter and brutal cold front moving down into the United States and the coldest in Trondheim, Norway in 222 years.It really does sound and feel like global warming doesn't it?Temperatures across Germany and France to Britain and Scandinavia will slide 10°F to as much as 20°F below normal. Energy demand for home heating will rise substantially.

Computers have been forecasting a wicked cold winter for Europe this year and now that has arrived. A blast of Arctic air has descended across northern and central Europe as a huge high pressure zone off in the Atlantic combined with a low pressure system to the east over the Baltic, pumping frigid air over the continent. One meteorologist says such a weather pattern was last seen 70 years ago.

The coldest night in Derby, England in 134 years (dating back to 1876 when records first began) was just registered this November.

Some of the coldest air to blast through the United States during the month of November is spreading fierce record cold to the western two-thirds of U.S."The bitter, Arctic air already invaded the Northwest over the past few days, sending temperatures plummeting to record lows in Seattle and many cities across Montana.

New records include high temperatures of minus 10°F in Cut Bank, Mont., and minus 8°F in Lewistown, Mont., last Tuesday. A record low temperature of 27° was set at Redding Airport in California the other morning. This breaks the old record of 28° set in 2007. And we already have record snow in at least 12 states.

What are the consequences of rapid cooling along with much higher heating costs for people who live in the hardest hit areas? We are already seeing grain prices soaring, threatening to push food prices through the roof. Grain could rise 50 percent due to drought, shortages, demand, and severe weather. "Higher prices may spur costlier food, fanning inflation. World food costs climbed to the highest level in more than two years in October on more expensive meat, cereals, cooking oils, and sugar," the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization said. "Farm commodity prices, measured by the Standard & Poor's GSCI Agriculture Index of eight futures, climbed +37% this year as China and India grew three times faster than the U.S."

"The growth in consumption is in China, and, by some forecasts, is so rapid that it may test the world's limited resources," said Anne Frick, analyst at Prudential Bache Commodities LLC in New York. "Should the appetite for commodities from cash-rich investors become wild and crazy as some executives predicted, the market could get out of control," she said. The pace of China's soybean purchases for delivery this marketing year has exceeded expectations, according to Cofco Ltd. "More and more companies are buying further into future months and purchases are larger," said Chang Muping, vice general manager of the oilseed division at Beijing-based Cofco.

China has a lot of free cash to throw into commodities, they have a lot of hungry mouths to feed, and they are already struggling with too-high food inflation, which is threatening the government with social instability. They are rushing toward price controls and food subsidies and all of this can and will drag the price of food up for the rest of us. Climate change is threatening us just at a time when we can least afford higher food prices.

Yes sure, it's getting warmer so better stock up on your sunscreens and save some money for a new air conditioner. The bitter cold people are feeling in the northern hemisphere is just an illusion after all. Look, they have lied about just about everything, so much so that lies seem more real than the truth. In the above video they are even saying that it's colder in Scotland than on the North Pole. I think even the little creatures have enough intuition to feel and understand that something big is up; some major shift in conditions on many levels is upon us.

British gas and power prices rose sharply on increased domestic consumption and demand for electrical power from neighboring countries such as France and Belgium, which have also been hit by the cold. "It's insane, there's a lot of panic," one gas market broker said. "If we have the smallest supply issue it's going to be worrisome." Temperatures in parts of Germany reached a record minus 18°C for Dec. 1.

The next Ice Age perhaps started this week, as a few scientists have warned might be coming. It might be an early call but certainly it's an early winter. I would bet the barn that it sure is going to feel like the beginning of an Ice Age in Europe and probably the entire northern hemisphere these next months. Though this winter might be catastrophic in terms of heating costs and more dramatic rises in food prices, on top of what we are already suffering through, the real threat, that they are probably trying to hide from us, is the cold getting worse each year.

People have no idea how vulnerable modern civilization is but I imagine we are going to get some severe lessons in this regard. Personally I already have tears in my heart and dripping down my face for those who will freeze to death and for all the children who are going to be cold and go hungry.

Special Note: Just after finishing this essay I read in the mainstream news Global experts: Warming could double food prices. It is extremely pathetic to see the lies piled on top of lies and utter duplicity of the press and these supposed experts. This report also extends possible food price rises for a forty year period when the reality is we will see them not in forty but in the next year alone.




I guess it's true what they say, we never quite see ourselves as others do :tiphat:

<phallic symbol> head is more what I had in mind ;)


Life's tough, wear a cup :)


The Voice of Reason
I guess it's true what they say, we never quite see ourselves as others do :tiphat:

<phallic symbol> head is more what I had in mind ;)


Life's tough, wear a cup :)

I figured some distortion of the truth would be what you had in mind... Hateful distortion is your strong suit.


The Voice of Reason
Sometimes you just don't know what to believe. :tiphat:

That whole article starts off with a false premise.

It is expected that there will be more locally extreme events in a warming world.

When you look at the big picture you realize that the warmest 12 month period on record ended in 2010... and the record was broken three times in 2010.

2000-2009 was warmer than 1990-1999 and that was warmer than 1980-1989 and that was warmer than 1970-1979... Globally.

There is no cooling trend. Don't fall for propagandists hyping local anomalies as though they had global significance.

Ben Tokin

That whole article starts off with a false premise.

It is expected that there will be more locally extreme events in a warming world.

When you look at the big picture you realize that the warmest 12 month period on record ended in 2010... and the record was broken three times in 2010.

2000-2009 was warmer than 1990-1999 and that was warmer than 1980-1989 and that was warmer than 1970-1979... Globally.

There is no cooling trend. Don't fall for propagandists hyping local anomalies as though they had global significance.

I hear ya' man! I'm trying to type, but my furnace stopped working and it's difficult to hit the correct keys here with gloves on! :wave:


The Voice of Reason
I hear ya' man! I'm trying to type, but my furnace stopped working and it's difficult to hit the correct keys here with gloves on! :wave:

it's december, huh?
Supposed to be cold. Global warming does not mean it never gets cold again.

What is so hard to get about look at the Big Picture vs. insignificant distractions, and local weather ≠ climate?
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Ben Tokin

it's december, huh?

What is so hard to get about look at the Big Picture vs. insignificant distractions, and local weather ≠ climate?

Ya' know, Dr Mark Sircus and myself seem to share similar views of the media, government and big corporations. I thought my views were scarce, but his article above provides me some hope.


Is this thread serious? Do you believe anything that you want to slash anything that conveniently reinforces your limited world view? Just because it might be a cool year where you are doesn't mean 99% of everyone else isn't burning the fuck up.

Global warming is indisputable Ben. The only scientists that even question it are on the payrolls of oil giants and major polluters.

13 out of the last 14 years have been the hottest 13 years ever recorded.

Spreading this kind of nonsense is asinine.


Kiss My Ring
welcome back my friend to the show that never ends....

grateful...why is yours the only opinion...and yes it is only an opinion...no panacea there

i do not need to defend my obtuse position, as my point is as valid as yours...just not identical, defend this to the end.

but as i am sure you have plenty of time to find relevant links to support your position, someone else had plenty of time to put them there.


here's a start.

Ben Tokin

Is this thread serious? Do you believe anything that you want to slash anything that conveniently reinforces your limited world view? Just because it might be a cool year where you are doesn't mean 99% of everyone else isn't burning the fuck up.

Global warming is indisputable Ben. The only scientists that even question it are on the payrolls of oil giants and major polluters.

13 out of the last 14 years have been the hottest 13 years ever recorded.

Spreading this kind of nonsense is asinine.

Do you know who the largest investors are in "green" technology? A technology that is not ready for prime time? A technology that costs much more than fossil fuels? Do a google search on BP and read about their investments in wind and solar. Check out T Boone Pickens.

Tell me who is funding and pushing "green" technology and why these same people want "Cap and Tax"? Tell me who most of the government research grants are awarded to? Tell me who donates the most the politicians "campaign" funds? Tell me who pays for the ads on media? And who owns the media?

Tell me who funds the "scientific" research on climate change?

Do your own research and, please, don't preach to me about something I helped create. :wave:


The Voice of Reason
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Everyone is not entitled to their own facts.

AGW was established science for nearly a century before there was any sort of financial stake related to it.

When you formulate an opinion that is not based on all of the available information, looked at as a big picture, it is not likely to be a well formed one.


welcome back my friend to the show that never ends....

grateful...why is yours the only opinion...and yes it is only an opinion...no panacea there

i do not need to defend my obtuse position, as my point is as valid as yours...just not identical, defend this to the end.

but as i am sure you have plenty of time to find relevant links to support your position, someone else had plenty of time to put them there.


here's a start.

Is that link supposed to be a joke, bro?

That's pure junk science, espoused by big O&G.

100% propaganda you're gobbling up.

You're free to believe whatever you want to, just as Tom Cruise is free to believe in lord Xenu, but this issue is settled for the time being.

The degree to which greenhouse gas emissions have influenced things is a topic that is still being debated, but the current trajectory of climate change is not.


Active member
welcome back my friend to the show that never ends....

grateful...why is yours the only opinion...and yes it is only an opinion...no panacea there

i do not need to defend my obtuse position, as my point is as valid as yours...just not identical, defend this to the end.

but as i am sure you have plenty of time to find relevant links to support your position, someone else had plenty of time to put them there.


here's a start.

There you are!!:wave: Its just a guess as Im a slow learner!!
And not to kiss H3ads ass,but the dude is always rite and I kno that burns alotta a you guys but come on!!I enjoy watching him beat you guys up all the time,ALL THE TIME,wait.....ALL THE TIME!!!!The man stands undefeated and ya's still keep tryin......fools:wave:


ICMag Donor
It's not a natural cycle where I live. I have spoken with both my father and Grandfather before he passed and both were surprised at the change in weather within the last 40 years.

30 years ago we used to have a bet on when the ice would leave the harbor and boats could be put in. Up until about twenty years ago that date would have been the first or second week in April, depending on when the first noreastern blew it out. As of the last twenty years that date has moved up to the second week in March. My Great Grandfather also kept a log and there was always still a couple feet of snow on the ground in April. We hardly get a couple feet anymore.

You can say what you want about cycles, but for the last 2 hundred years, which I can verify through family documents, the weather here was always the same until the last 20 or 30 years. Do I know what's causing the change? No. But no one can or needs to tell me it hasn't changed, because it has.....

Right now, we have about 3 inches of snow on the shore of Lake Ontario in the second week of December. That's the norm now.....

I'll say it REALLY clear so you can ALL understand...

A year, 10 years, 50 years, a century...do NOT a climate make. Climate is a LONG term "weather average" that takes many centuries to establish. WE DON'T KNOW if this is "climate change" or just "noise".

Please...look at past world temperature charts...aside from the fact that it's "circumstantial evidence" at best...there is "noise" found within any long term warming or cooling trend, there are MANY years...even hundreds of years...where "something" moved the temperature a few degrees in one way or another.

Again...you people are MAKING a problem out of NATURAL cycles...and someone...many actually, are making a LOT of money off it. Just another manufactured bubble to spur monetary growth and make people rich. Man COULD be doing something...but again, 1 good sized volcano can negate it all with one big poof! We could be cooling with a localized multidecadal warming trend.

We just don't know how "permanent" this warming is. It IS warming...I do and have agreed on that...the question still remains ARE we to blame and is it already too late with a 100 year head start?

Oh...don't make science your religion sac and head...you're borderline worship here. "Our science" is just a snapshot in time. Next year it we'll know more...hopefully.

Remember...it's the money. Money pays for research...and research gives the money what it wants. Don't be naive! You are...really... Powerful rich white guys...most of them anyway...call ALL the shots that count. You get to fight over the crumbs. Remember and believe this and you will understand so much.
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