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Is Gobal Cooling a Continuing Threat?

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Active member
asserting that science anything remotely resembling a religion to me is an asinine mischaracterization bordering on obvious outright lie.

I believe in the verifiable.

Religion has blind faith in the unverifiable.

complete opposites, silly.

Science is an ever increasingly complete jigsaw puzzle... not something that gets knocked down and rebuilt from scratch every few years. To imply that it is a snapshot in time, instead of an ever growing body of knowledge, demonstrated your lack of understanding.

Tell all the hater-troll lies about me you like...
Mischaracterize science all you like...
You're fooling no-one with your 'anti-h3ad anti-science' propaganda campaign.

Remember... Money can't change measurements which are readily verifiable by anyone who cares to double check and measure for themselves...

Remember... A CENTURY AGO when AGW science was first being discussed, THERE WAS NO MONEY TRAIL TO FOLLOW... THE SCIENCE PREDATES YOUR CONSPIRACY THEORY BY DECADES. Or are you trying to sell the nonsense that it is now a 100 year old Swedish conspiracy?

BTW... I've made the "weather ≠ climate" point ad nauseum already... you're not making anything clear to anyone, Your drivel usually only ever serves to obfuscate.

I'll reply this ONCE...I have been just skipping over your replies since you're a moderator/administrator and CAN'T be ignored!!! And they're just blah blah blah that someone ELSE wrote.

Gravity...the one force of nature we deal with EVERY second of every day...and you nor ANYONE can tell me what it is and how it works. Science IS a jigsaw puzzle...but we only have about 3 of the 5000 pieces so far...and we keep moving around WHERE they really go. Newton started physics, Einstein improved it, and others will do better still. But we are NOWHERE near knowing more than a "working knowledge" in much of anything. It's like your computer...you know it works, you can make it do stuff, but you don't know HOW it does it.

Before government and corporations (one and the same) paid for science, it was RELIGION that paid for it...yup, that's the good old days when science got you thrown in the pokey! IT wasn't unbiased science EITHER. "Science" had always depended on money and support from whomever happens to be the ruling class. Right now it's the corporate/government...hundreds of years ago it was the church.

I TRIED to explain it to you before...but it went right by you...the age of TRUE unbiased science, the "golden age" was the transition, during the reformation, when there was no longer the all powerful church and the corporate/government conglomerate hadn't yet arrived before the industrial age. Remember when I said the REAL...the PURE scientists were the rich guys who worked at home in their estate/castles. That's when we got the great discoveries. The unbiased discoveries. After that, after corporations took control of governments...we have since had "biased" science. I'm not talking about things like atoms and electricity, REAL hold in your hand stuff. I'm talking about "science"...like global warming...sociology, psychology, even anthropology, they're ALL political.

The jury on global warming WILL be out until at LEAST another 50-100 years go by. Otherwise, it could just be a "short" term trend.

I don't talk to you because you go through the world with blinders on...you have the head view of the world, "supported" by the latest and greatest scientific "discovery" that you swallow lock stock and barrel. You have NO open mindedness whatsoever...yet you constantly preach how "progressive" you are. you twist words, you put words in peoples mouths, you manipulate when others want an HONEST discussion. Frankly...you're not worth talking to.

So...don't talk to me...I won't talk to you. Because your lack of understanding (you know LOTS of disjointed "facts" with no understanding of how they REALLY fit together...and DON'T fit togethe sometimes) and unwillingness to CONSIDER other possibilities...lead to frustration, and that leads me into being able to be lured into saying something "FORBIDDEN"...yet perfectly factual...only "hurtful". I guess I'm tired of talking to what I consider, a tattletale little girl who's feelings I'm constantly hurting trying to explain WHY the world isn't sugar and spice.

I don't HAVE a propaganda campaign...it's YOU with the propaganda! The political correctness campaign! You're FULL of campaigns!

Goodbye! :moon:
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The Voice of Reason
"we don't know everything, so we don't know anything" = foolish fail of an argument, only ever asserted by the foolish failure.

AGW is completely verifiable to anyone who is not intentionally ignoring the evidence...
Has been becoming increasingly so over the last 125 years or so.


Active member
"we don't know everything, so we don't know anything" = foolish fail of an argument, only ever asserted by the foolish failure.

AGW is completely verifiable to anyone who is not intentionally ignoring the evidence...
Has been becoming increasingly so over the last 125 years or so.

An idiot savant...it's the ONLY thing that can explain your ability to instantly find the exact quote/study to support whatever outlandish idea the other part of the descriptor has come up with.

Judge Whopner is coming on Raymond...go watch TV...

Good day...


Warm or cold, it does not matter. It is all being done by HAARP. I agree that what is going on is not natural. I also agree that it is man made. However I do not agree that it is from daily activity. This is because HAARP is like a giant microwave, and can change the weather, create earth quakes, hurricanes, etc... We need to stop pointing fingers at each other, and start looking into our Government. If the sky starts changing colors then you are being microwaved by HAARP. You can watch video on Youtube of CHina before the mudslides. The sky looks technicolor. Then all hell breaks loose. Global warming is just a way to control the people. It is being done intentionally by our Government. Why are there constantly planes flying over emitting metals into the sky? Put some aluminum foil in the microwave to find out. They have you all fooled, and distracted from the truth. Keep fighting amongst yourselves, and they have won. Carry on.


Active member
Warm or cold, it does not matter. It is all being done by HAARP. I agree that what is going on is not natural. I also agree that it is man made. However I do not agree that it is from daily activity. This is because HAARP is like a giant microwave, and can change the weather, create earth quakes, hurricanes, etc... We need to stop pointing fingers at each other, and start looking into our Government. If the sky starts changing colors then you are being microwaved by HAARP. You can watch video on Youtube of CHina before the mudslides. The sky looks technicolor. Then all hell breaks loose. Global warming is just a way to control the people. It is being done intentionally by our Government. Why are there constantly planes flying over emitting metals into the sky? Put some aluminum foil in the microwave to find out. They have you all fooled, and distracted from the truth. Keep fighting amongst yourselves, and they have won. Carry on.

That's the ONLY line we need here...that's what "they" do. Divide and conquer! Divide us politically, spiritually, by color, ethnicity, sports team, margarine and phone we buy! That way, we hate each other too much to EVER be able to organize ourselves to to anything about anything. Look how our representatives railroaded through the bailouts and the healthcare reform. NOBODY wanted it, they wrote their representatives...and they did it anyway. But what did we do? We voted in the "other" guys...same as the guys they replaced where it matters...getting your money and "selling" it to someone...yup, you showed them! And they're laughing at you! Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...yet this one SAY'S he on YOUR side this time. How MANY times do they get to tell you this and you believe it?

Global warming...the THREAT anyway...is political...done to get more of your tax dollars. Do you "liberals" REALLY want $10 gas? Do you REALLY want a $500 power bill? It's EXACTLY what you are asking for if you let them pass all this global warming bullshit they want to pass. fucking "carbon credits"??? Are you KIDDING me? Can you say "Enron"? That scam ALREADY smells like shit...

sac beh

Newton started physics, Einstein improved it, and others will do better still.

Lol, what? The physical laws have always existed, and Newton only improved on the field of study that tries to describe them, a field which predates Newton by at least 2,000 years.

I TRIED to explain it to you before...but it went right by you...the age of TRUE unbiased science, the "golden age" was the transition, during the reformation, when there was no longer the all powerful church and the corporate/government conglomerate hadn't yet arrived before the industrial age. Remember when I said the REAL...the PURE scientists were the rich guys who worked at home in their estate/castles. That's when we got the great discoveries. The unbiased discoveries. After that, after corporations took control of governments...we have since had "biased" science. I'm not talking about things like atoms and electricity, REAL hold in your hand stuff. I'm talking about "science"...like global warming...sociology, psychology, even anthropology, they're ALL political.

Nice Hollywood portrayal of the history of science. The Reformation was a fight over theological and practical issues within the larger Christian church. Decartes, Leibniz, Newton, all of the great scientific minds during this time were heavily influenced by Christian orthodoxy. Newton believed that he had special powers endowed by God to interpret the Bible correctly. Great thinkers and scientists have always had to struggle against money and power, and their personal behavior and beliefs often have contradicted their work. But neither 2000 years ago nor today do these contradictions matter, as long as their professional work and discoveries are proven correct by the judge of reason.

That's the ONLY line we need here...that's what "they" do. Divide and conquer! Divide us politically, spiritually, by color, ethnicity, sports team, margarine and phone we buy! That way, we hate each other too much to EVER be able to organize ourselves to to anything about anything. Look how our representatives railroaded through the bailouts and the healthcare reform. NOBODY wanted it, they wrote their representatives...and they did it anyway. But what did we do? We voted in the "other" guys...same as the guys they replaced where it matters...getting your money and "selling" it to someone...yup, you showed them! And they're laughing at you! Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...yet this one SAY'S he on YOUR side this time. How MANY times do they get to tell you this and you believe it?

Global warming...the THREAT anyway...is political...done to get more of your tax dollars. Do you "liberals" REALLY want $10 gas? Do you REALLY want a $500 power bill? It's EXACTLY what you are asking for if you let them pass all this global warming bullshit they want to pass. fucking "carbon credits"??? Are you KIDDING me? Can you say "Enron"? That scam ALREADY smells like shit...

No one has brought politics into threads more than you. Ignoring numerous requests to not talk about political parties and make political insults, you do it in almost every post you make. You possess no mental ability to separate issues and stay focused on the topic at hand, the effect of which is to block open and respectful discussion. I would get working on the sequel to your magnum opus if I were you:



Kiss My Ring
During Clintons tenure in the white house, the NOAA gathering methods were upgraded.
Many remote gathering sites were abandoned and a shift occurred in the metadata set.
Sites close to habitation skewed previous results, and continue to do so, all with guidance
from Al Gore, the guru himself!

Global warming may be a trend, but its not likely mankind had any hand in it.

This began as a good thread, then it turned into Gratefuls “can’t see any other color thread”.

Where did all of your ‘scientific’ facts come from?…National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration…Part and Parcel of the same fucks that told us fossil fuels will be depleted soon…you gonna trust a government entity to give it to you straight?

None of us are going to be alive to witness whether or not the climate changed, it certainly hasn’t changed in my lifetime! So what’s the bfd?

IMHO, it’s a moot point.

Madrus Rose

post 69
If Ocean temps are measured to be rising ...that would be significant , no ?

Didn't i hear somewhere that coral reefs were being threatened globally by this ?

Being fragile ecosystems very sensitive to slight temp variations ...they are
the rainforests of the oceans . Just a short term trend or long term?

* The earth once was a frozen snowball frozen globally to depths of 1000ft at one time ,
everywhere ...it was just one of the several times life on the earth
faced almost total extinction. Life finds a way ...

PS : Could i harness all the stirred up heat energy on this thread & power one
of my 1000HPS lites with it ? TYVM


The Voice of Reason
lmao... at the grat3ful haters.

The science is verifiable. I'm not asking anyone to restrict anything to 'one color' of anything... unless truth is a color.

You're all entitled to your own opinions... but not to your own facts.

If it is refutable...
If it can't be verified...
If is is not relevant to the big picture...
Then it is just distracting rhetoric.

Last resort of the incompetent: attack the person who's assertions you can't refute.


The Voice of Reason
Where did all of your ‘scientific’ facts come from?…National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration…Part and Parcel of the same fucks that told us fossil fuels will be depleted soon…you gonna trust a government entity to give it to you straight?

If you'd bother investigating instead of assuming, you'd see multiple lines of evidence well documented by sources which are unrelated that all point to the same conclusion. All of the scientific facts do not only come from NOAA.

Fossil Fuels WILL be depleted soon... you should study up on that one too... The easy to access oil is dwindling... That's why the oil companies are resorting to unsafe untested equipment in hard to get to and work in locations... duh.

Wake up... gather all of the pertinent data and use your critical thinking skills.
Stop falling energy industry propaganda.


The Voice of Reason
The truth is not your strong suit, obviously... But you're good at baseless insults.
I'll reply this ONCE...

An idiot savant...it's the ONLY thing that can explain your ability to instantly find the exact quote/study to support whatever outlandish idea the other part of the descriptor has come up with.

Judge Whopner is coming on Raymond...go watch TV...

Good day...
Verifiable common knowledge is easy to find... Truth is not difficult in the least to support... Especially when your education has prepared you and you already know what to look for.

That's why I'm never the one at a loss for pertinent commentary, reduced to straw grasping and insults unrelated to anything real.

el dub

My critical thinking skills tell me that the world has gone through countless periods of both warming and cooling since the beginning of time. I also believe there were substantial periods of time in the last thousand years when the earth was warmer than it is currently.

ps: The graph on ocean temps is interesting. However, even if accurate, I find it difficult to make conclusions with the information other than that the ocean temps have risen in the last 60 years. Any idea on what ocean temps were 2 million years ago, 200,000 years ago, two thousand years ago or even 200 years ago?



The Voice of Reason
Some of you guys must stay confused all the way through every murder mystery up to the last page... and a couple are probably still confused, thinking the book must have gotten it wrong.


Imagine that

Imagine that

Nice edit once again there, HEAD <---Perfect name :laughing:

I don't think ANYONE is refuting GW exists,however I do see people peeing in your sandbox because of your 'holyier than thou" approach to blaming mankind solely, or thinking that we alone can rectify it.

We both know you're an asshole, admitting it would be the first step in your case. :tiphat:

We also both know what you wrote in that post, then edited....you could take your name out of the equation and insert any <other asshole> with the same approach as you and get the same result...You give yourself way too much credit, friend, yet again.

I'd also like to retract a statement I made in another thread about not running any of your beans...sorta.

I have a cut of that CJ on the way :wave:

Merry Christmas :comfort:


The Voice of Reason
My critical thinking skills tell me that the world has gone through countless periods of both warming and cooling since the beginning of time. I also believe there were substantial periods of time in the last thousand years when the earth was warmer than it is currently.

ps: The graph on ocean temps is interesting. However, even if accurate, I find it difficult to make conclusions with the information other than that the ocean temps have risen in the last 60 years. Any idea on what ocean temps were 2 million years ago, 200,000 years ago, two thousand years ago or even 200 years ago?


There is tons more information for you to look at... as long as you're not feigning interest like the other's who've asked.


More than enough information and discussion by both sides to remove the doubt of most every skilled critical thinker.

I've explained before why the temps 200,000 years ago are irrelevant.

Mankind and/or CO2 is not the only factor capable of driving the climate. Past fluctuations demonstrate that the climate is very sensitive to energy imbalances. Mankind and CO2 are verifiably causing this particular energy imbalance.

Ben Tokin

This whole argument seems a little fishy to me. :wave:

Bering Sea Chill Yields Fatter Plankton, Pollock Diet Changes

ScienceDaily (Dec. 9, 2010)

Despite a 30-year warming trend, the last three years in the Bering Sea have been the coldest on record. A University of Alaska Fairbanks scientist says that the cold temperatures have helped produce larger zooplankton in the Bering Sea, which may be changing the way Walleye pollock are feeding.

Alexei Pinchuk, research professional at the UAF Seward Marine Center, has spent the last three years gathering zooplankton samples in the Bering Sea. He and his colleagues have been looking at how changes in temperature in the Bering Sea affect resident zooplankton, and in turn how those zooplankton shifts may affect the diet of Walleye pollock.

During colder years, like the last three, pollock tend to eat the larger zooplankton, like copepods and krill, which flourish in chillier temperatures. Pinchuk has also found that the recent cold temperatures have brought an arctic "sand-flea," the amphipod Themisto libellula, south into Bering Sea waters.Young salmon and pollock seem to prefer to eat these amphipods over other, smaller zooplankton.

In warmer years, which include the record-setting high temperatures of 2001 to 2005, smaller zooplankton tend to thrive. According to Pinchuk and his colleagues, younger pollock tend to eat the smaller plankton, while larger pollock favor the larger plankton found in colder waters. This causes younger pollock to start out doing well in warmer temperatures, but as the pollock grow bigger, they may not be able to find the larger zooplankton prey they need to produce enough fat for overwintering.

"The larger pollock may then eat their smaller cousins instead," said Pinchuk.

Pinchuk conducted his research on board the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy, R/V Knorr and R/V Thomas G. Thompson. He collected his zooplankton samples using multiple collecting nets.

Although the last few years have been cold, scientists predict that the warming trend in the Bering Sea will continue.

Pinchuk's findings were recently featured in the Nov. 4 issue of the journal Nature. His work is part of the broad Bering Sea Project, a six-year, $52 million integrated ecosystem study of the Bering Sea. The Bering Sea Project" is funded by both the National Science Foundation and the North Pacific Research Board


The Voice of Reason
Nice edit once again there, HEAD <---Perfect name :laughing:

I don't think ANYONE is refuting GW exists,however I do see people peeing in your sandbox because of your 'holyier than thou" approach to blaming mankind solely, or thinking that we alone can rectify it.

We both know you're an asshole, admitting it would be the first step in your case. :tiphat:

We also both know what you wrote in that post, then edited....you could take your name out of the equation and insert any <other asshole> with the same approach as you and get the same result...You give yourself way too much credit, friend, yet again.

I'd also like to retract a statement I made in another thread about not running any of your beans...sorta.

I have a cut of that CJ on the way :wave:

Merry Christmas :comfort:
Head is a good name... deadhead... pothead... head of the class... smokin' headies. :wink:

Nothing about my approach is 'holier than thou'... That's just another in a long line of mischaracterizations in an attempt to demonize me... pathetic, really... it is always an obvious fail. lol@ baseless insults.

I am only trying to get people to expose themselves to the complete information before forming a stubborn opinion.

I have no idea what you're talking about with the edit.
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