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Is cell phone "texting" making us stupid?


Feeling good is good enough.

All I need is the air that I breath and to...

Be let the hell alone!

I barely tolerate a cell phone. I feel like having an umbilical cord attached to the system.

This new generation is scared shitless of being alone.

What happen to SPACE? I love solitude!

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
(Owl Mirror) "You talking, ... way back ?"

My step monster had a bag phone when I was little, but I was refering to around 1998', just before texting took off.
Hey Owl Mirror, do you remember when having one of these meant you were rich??


(old school car phone!)


I agree wit WhiteRabbit how u have to in a sense try harder to understand so u do put more effort n thinkin into a conversation

The only thing i see thats bad thats come out of texting is that my typing and spelling are very different than they were before i started texting

As u can see i'm trying to type out all words full words and i'm still using "u" hah

The thing about texting with me is that i hate talkin on the phone it gives me a headache n it doesn't really seem that much more personal than texting, since i do text alot though i tend to shorten my words alot and people have been anoyed by this but it jus makes things shorter n to the point

But i do not believe texting is the result in our new generations stupidity i do believe that the world around us is changing and even the definition of stupid is changing

to me bein unintelligent n stupid are to different things

You can b unintelligent n still kno common sense n not b stupid

I don't mind that people don't want to all b scientist but those people who jus choose to plain not think they are aloud to b called stupid

I text all the time n i dont see myself as anything close to stupid , mayb strange but not stupid;)

My bad for the rambling, wen i have something to say i have to say it



Yes! Just Look At The Spelling & Sentence Structure On ICM! If You Don't Think So Ask Them To Spell & See How Close They Are!

Theres Even A Spelling Checker! Stupid.

Thank You


I despise the following :

u - it is two more damn letters to be appropriate
ur - is that supposed to be 'you are' or 'you're?' - people will soon forget how to use punctuation.
idk - this make me think it means 'I Idiot K'
K - what is wrong with o.k.?
?4U - ask the damn question already!!!
LWOS - this is the last one I got...I had to ask what it meant. 'laughing without smiling'
Wh@, TH@ - one of the most rediculous IMO.

...REALLY???? Of course there are tons more, but this is worse than when people would text with pagers and you would have to decode that shit...ie 143 = I love you,
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Take A Deep Breath
I used to work in cellular comms back in '85. We had customers pay £1500 /$2200 for a brick phone that did nothing. Not even a memory to store numbers. Paying installments for 5 years for the phone.

Within 4 years, they were pretty much the size they are now, and we gave them away free if you signed a 2-year airtime contract. Some people were still shelling out big bucks every month to buy that POS they threw away two years previously.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
its in kids interest to communicate in a way that adults find hard to understand

stupid? no, think how much more complicated life is now. just learning how to use all the electronic gadgets in the house requires more brainpower from children than most adults had to use 50 years ago. dont worry about your kids getting stupid, worry about them getting obese from the sedetary lifstyles we lead and the sh1ite that most people allow their kids to eat.

we are all just getting old. we dont understand the motivations of the young generation and we arent supposed to. i mean - whats the attraction of wearing your trousers halfway down your arse? beats me, but that is one fashion that i'm glad not to have lived through in my younger years



(I should have phrased it "is texting ruining the English language" sorry guys)

We all know for whatever political reasons, they love to keep us dumb and in the dark, and we always see politicians "FIGHTING" for more education in schools, while more and more schools keep shutting down and teachers getting laid off. And for the money that does get allowed for funding, we still see desks from 1986 in classrooms and teachers salaries never going up.

So aside from school education, you can see everywhere that texting is the new craze. It's deeper than a 'LOL' here and there a 'ROFL', 'LMAO', 'BTW', or 'IMO'. We can read those and understand those well.

But wat hapinz wen we try 2 tok 2 sum1 in tex?

You can see the younger generation texting while driving (it's illegal in most areas now) and texting for like 50 minutes back and forth when you could have had a 2 minute phone call (I am a victim every once in a while) but it's not the text I'm raggin on. It's the quality of English from the abbreviation of words were using.

Go to Google right now and type in "is texting ruining the English language?" and you wouldn't even be able to type out the whole sentence before Google finishes it for you (that means alot of people have typed that in) or type in "is texting making us stupid?" and you'll find all kinds of links from Professors explaining what texting can do over long term use.

Are we going to continue on a cycle of abbreviation and short spellings until we go back to the caveman era of just grunting and hoping the other person understands? Or "cyber grunting" since technology is so rampant?

Is texting ruining our vocabulary? Or do we just not care about how things are pronounced or spelled anymore?

R'member, dis culd B yur kid sumday. Jus sumthin 2 cunsider......

There was a study on it on the news about a year back. It found they were smarter because they had to be familiar with the original spelling in order to abbreviate it. They say writing and reading are two of the things that increase someone's smartness most.

Amstel Light

Personally, I don't understand why people sit around and text one another, when they can talk on the phone?

yea it's like having a 60 inch plasma and using it to listen to AM radio WTF?:xmasnut:


Active member
Yes! Just Look At The Spelling & Sentence Structure On ICM! If You Don't Think So Ask Them To Spell & See How Close They Are!

Theres Even A Spelling Checker! Stupid.

Thank You

Along the same lines... capitalizing and bolding every word of your posts makes them really difficult to read, maybe it's just me but it hurts my eyes and just seems wrong from a grammatical point of view. Sorry man, wouldn't normally say but... :santa1:


I have never texted if thats a word,what is the big attraction that I'm missing?Except for privacy reasons I dont see why anyone would rather text than talk.Isn't it a lot of work typing in everything when you can just say it?


I think it makes them stupid as far as learning the voice and certain sounds someone makes when you are trying to observe them and learn about the person you're dealing with.

For quick answers that aren't serious then yeah it isn't bad but if you use it for a conversation I think it will hinder your ability to communicate and understand body language which means you will not be able to have a good relationship with people because you won't be able to read what they really mean. You will be like a robot and think what they say is what they mean. In other words you will be a SUCKER.


You know, I think this is just a small part of a bigger problem. Texting allows one to "multitask", such as communicating to more than one person at a time with texts. With a phonecall, youd only be able to speak to one person at a time. Their attention span shifts from one person to another, and I guess kids nowadays like to have that ability. Theyd have several active "IMs" (instant messages) going on with a couple people, while browsing their facebooks or myspaces. I wouldnt be surprised if texting is connected to the increase of ADHD among young people.


Using any proxy for communication is going to make you less socially viable over time. Look at me; I've been on Internet forums since I was like ten years old. Sure I can hold a coherent conversation with a select few intellectuals, but ask me to go strike up a completely supurfluous conversation? In your dreams holmes, I wouldn't know where to start.

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